
by Dick Strawbridge and James Strawbridge

Published 26 March 2012

A new series for living the good life!

Made At Home

This exciting series comes from the father-and-son team Dick and James Strawbridge, who live "the good life" on their small acreage. In Made At Home they share the knowledge and experience gained over years of producing an abundance of good things to eat and drink: organic fruits and vegetables eaten, juiced, fermented and preserved; pigs smoked for ham, sausages, salamis and bacon; a mixed flock of birds used for eggs and eating; and bees for honey, to name a few. It's an enviable lifestyle driven by a desire to eat well every day.

It is also a lifestyle that does not require a lot of space. Made At Home contains numerous adaptations to urban and suburban life. Plants are grown in small lots and pots, chickens are kept in backyard pens, and meat items, such as sausages, are smoked in the backyard. Proof positive that anyone can live the good life.

How to enjoy seasonal produce all year long, with 63 recipes.

This Made At Home title is a comprehensive guide to preserving foods. It covers the wide variety of methods, such as dried, preserved, pickled and frozen. Detailed instructions show how to make dried herbs, wines, ciders, vinegars, oils, cordials, jams, jellies, pickles, marmalades, relishes, chutneys, sauces, sorbets, ice cream, vegetables and fruits, and much more. Easy and delicious recipes featuring the preserved item are found throughout the book.

Chapters are organized according to method:

Storing Fresh Produce -- Refrigeration, clamping, root cellars, store roomsDrying -- Flavor, equipment, air drying, solar drying, oven dryingJars and Bottles -- Sterilization, pickling, hot pickling, fermentingFreezing -- Times and temperatures, blanching vegetables, cooked foods.

The book also has 63 recipes for such delicious dishes as Seafood Kebabs with Chili and Herb Rub, Chili Chocolate Brownies with Orange Sorbet, Piccalilli, Salmon Baked with Cucumber and Dill Relish, Strawberry and Champagne Trifle and Lemon Curd Cake.

Preserving is aimed directly at an audience who dream of or are actually enjoying the authors' made-at-home lifestyle. It is a beautiful and practical addition to the cookbook shelf.

Eggs & Poultry

by Dick Strawbridge and James Strawbridge

Published 26 March 2012

A new series for living the good life!

Made At Home

This exciting series comes from the father-and-son team Dick and James Strawbridge, who live "the good life" on their small acreage. In Made At Home they share the knowledge and experience gained over years of producing an abundance of good things to eat and drink: organic fruits and vegetables eaten, juiced, fermented and preserved; pigs smoked for ham, sausages, salamis and bacon; a mixed flock of birds used for eggs and eating; and bees for honey, to name a few. It's an enviable lifestyle driven by a desire to eat well every day.

It is also a lifestyle that does not require a lot of space. Made At Home contains numerous adaptations to urban and suburban life. Plants are grown in small lots and pots, chickens are kept in backyard pens, and meat items, such as sausages, are smoked in the backyard. Proof positive that anyone can live the good life.

A guide to raising chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys, with 27 recipes.

Backyard poultry have gained popularity in recent years as some municipalities loosen regulations to allow homeowners to keep coops. Raising poultry is a sustainable activity, which in relatively little space produces fresh eggs and meat.

Eggs and Poultry is organized in five sections. The first four cover everything needed to successfully keep the most popular types of poultry: chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. It discusses the pros and cons of each and provides all the information needed to start out, including building a shelter, planning runs and ponds, dealing with pests and problems, laying and breeding, incubating and hatching, slaughter, and plucking and drawing. Butcher skills are also illustrated.

The 80-page recipe section explains the essentials of cooking with eggs and poultry: butcher skills, such as deboning a chicken; cooking methods, such as coddling eggs; and features 27 delicious dishes. They include Eggs Benedict, Smoked Eggs with Halloumi, Turkey Pie, Crispy Duck with Pancakes, Southwestern Fried Chicken, Confit Duck with Caramelized Orange and Fennel Salad, Lemon Pepper Chicken Nuggets, The Ultimate Turkey Burger and Goose Livers with Cider.

Eggs and Poultry is aimed directly at an audience who dream of, or are actually enjoying, the authors' made-at-home lifestyle. It is a beautiful and practical addition to the cookbook shelf.

Bees & Honey

by Dick Strawbridge and James Strawbridge

Published 31 December 2020


by Dick Strawbridge and James Strawbridge

Published 7 May 2012
Vegetables proves just how productive you can be all year round, whether you have a tiny urban patch, a dedicated allotment or plenty of space in your own garden. Growing your own vegetables is one of the easiest ways to transform the way you eat. You'll have fresh ingredients at your disposal and,with this book, the knowledge to cook with them to create delicious dishes every time. With the step-by-step guides to growing, and dozens of ideas for cooking your home produce, you'll soon enjoy everything from pea and mint risotto to kohlrabi coleslaw and baked sweet potato and goat's cheese pie.

Curing and smoking are two of the best ways to preserve and enjoy meat, fish and even dairy products. From salami and ham to bresaola and smoked salmon, cured meat and fish can be expensive to buy and cook with; and often the quality is questionable. So take control and do it yourself. Nothing could be better than sitting down to dine on luxury, made at home grub. With very little effort, you can create your own cures, hot and cold smoke with wood chippings and even smoke delicate meats and seafood on your stovetop with scented teas and rice. Whether you're an urbanite or country lover, it's easy to have a go at the Good Life. With a how-to guide on every technique featuring step-by-step, practical instruction, tips and advice, and dozens of delicious recipes to inspire you, you'll be making your own salt beef, dry-cured hams, salamis, smoked cheeses, gravadlax and smoked oysters in no time.


by Dick Strawbridge and James Strawbridge

Published 7 October 2013

Made at Home Breads is your guide to making flavorsome sourdough, yeast, quick and unleavened loaves to enjoy on every occasion. With simple instruction on choosing the best ingredients, and methods for kneading, proving, baking and storing at your fingertips, plus dozens of fantastic recipes to enjoy, all the inspiration you need is here.

Cheese & Dairy shows you how to make fresh butters, yogurts and cheeses - from fresh, soft and hard to flavoured and blue - with plenty of recipes for milk and cream too. Dick and James Strawbridge show you how to transform fresh produce into delicious handcrafted food and drink for enjoying and sharing any time of year. With clear demonstrations of key methods and fantastic recipes to taste, everything you need is here.