Appraisal is increasingly becoming a feature of teachers' professional lives. The purpose of this book is to assist all those involved in appraisal in developing and running the process. The authors provide advice based on a review of the appraisal literature, on their findings as members of the team evaluating the School Teacher Appraisal Pilot Study of 1987/9 and on their work with teachers in developing schemes for appraisal. Each chapter of the book is devoted to an aspect of the appraisal process, and contains a survey of experience from the literature and the pilot study, from which key principles of guidance and advice are derived.

This text presents a new approach to school improvement, written in the context of increased government control over education policy. Based on the experience of the Improving the Quality of Education for All (IQEA) project, which involves 26 schools, it discusses the kind of school infrastructure which can best cope with, and implement, effective change.

What constitutes quality schooling and what are its implications for educational practice and school administration? This book looks at these questions and examines international reform initiatives in the 1980s - with particular emphasis on the USA, the UK and Australia. The authors argue that these examples illustrate the dilemmas of both centralized, managerial educational control and school-based and decentralized educational governance. They claim that the challenge now facing educational leaders is to find a balance.

Empowered School

by David H Hargreaves and David Hopkins

Published 1 September 1991
Presents the latest knowledge in the field of school improvement and school development.

A volume which argues that, in order to give children the positive, successful and enthusiastic start in life that is necessary as a basis for the ideal of "lifelong learning", schools must be prepared to engage the community actively, while undertaking radical self-appraisal and renewal.

The book evaluates the impact of changes in educational policy upon the processes and outcomes of education using a sample of nations as case studies. It describes policy changes, analyses their causes and discusses their effects, and will inform educational policies for the late 1990s.