Pump Up Your Workout

by Steve Shipside

Published 2 January 2008

Samuel Smiles's Self-Help

by Steve Shipside

Published 30 November 2008
An immediate bestseller in 1859, Self-help propelled its author to fame and rapidly became one of Victorian Britain's most important statements on the allied virtues of hard work, thrift and perseverance. Smiles' most celebrated book sold 20,000 copies in its first year, became known as the 'bible of mid-Victorian liberalism' and is the prototype of today's motivational and self-help blockbusters. Steve Shipside's brilliant interpretation of Smiles' Self-help enables twenty-first century readers to put into practice the insights of one of the world's most famous self-improvement books. Discover:
* Why being true to yourself will help you avoid debt;
* That learning to sod the Joneses is the key to happiness;
* How to get back on the horse and learn from failure;
* Why every moment counts when it comes to self-improvement;
* That learning to visualise victory can help you achieve your goals.
This interpretation of Samuel Smiles's Self-help is not a substitute for the original. Its purpose is simply to illustrate the timeless nature of Smiles's insights by bringing them to life in a contemporary context. Samuel Smiles' Self-help is an enlightening, entertaining accompaniment to one of the most famous and inspiring books ever written.

Getting Away with It

by Steve Shipside

Published 1 January 2005
"Just look around you. There are people getting away with it all the time! How exactly does your best mate get away with having international headquarters in Monaco, Cape Town and Acapulco when you know for a fact that he lives in a two-bedder in Otley? And what about her? The one who's dumped fifteen lovers in the last six months and yet they all still adore her and shower her with exotic gifts! Some people have the inside track on everything. They look ten years younger than they are, they wangle cheap flights all over the world and still get upgraded, they talk their way out of parking tickets and get glamorous jobs they're not really up to. Well, now it's your turn. We've collected the best-kept secrets for you in "Getting Away With It." From now on it's you on the catwalk baby." Steve Shipside.


by Steve Shipside

Published 21 December 2005
"It's the hottest thing in the media, it's tomorrow's broadcasting today, and it's easy, fun, and free. Podcasting revolutionises radio by allowing you to listen to what you want, when you want, where you want. With software set up on your MP3 player, iPod, PC, or phone you can automatically download the latest programmes, then enjoy them at the time and place that suits you - even it that happens to be underground, or in the pool. Better yet, the fact that creating podcasts is open to pretty much anyone with a computer and a microphone means the range of programmes on offer are limitless." Steve Shipside.

Power-Up Pilates

by Steve Shipside

Published 20 June 2004
Steve shows how you get the most out of your hard work by putting into practice the inside secrets of top Pilates practitioners. Here you'll discover how to: park your pelvis; breathe like a yogi - out with the bad air, in with the good air; enjoy a mat work masterclass - craft a cathedral, don't knock up a shed; find your psoas (and know what to do with it when you have); work a small ball- because sometimes the best things come in small packages; body roll the Yamuna way - a peek into the more exotic methods lurking on the fringes of Pilates; and, heighten body awareness. In "Perfect Pilates", fitness specialist Steve Shipside shows you how to get the most out of your Pilates without hugging trees or spending too much time at the scrum machine.

Adventure Sports

by Steve Shipside

Published 28 February 2006
"Remember when marathons were something only a few extraordinary athletes did? Now your neighbour's done one. In a rhino costume. The same is happening across the board of sport as people of all ages realise that paragliding, white water rafting, abseiling, ultra running, wakeboarding and the rest are all entirely possible (and enormous fun) for us mere mortals. Increasingly fringe sports are being sought out not just by thrill seekers, but by those who may have never felt comfortable in traditional sports. Or just those who have never felt comfortable being stereotyped. There is almost no limit to the variety on offer or the different degrees of thrills and risks. This book takes a look at the vast range of adventure sports now on offer and how you can master them while turning up the adrenaline volume in the process." Steve Shipside.
This is a book for anyone who: may have tried bungy jumping - but never SCAD dived; loves scuba but has never Nitroxed; likes white water rafting, but doesn't know about wildwater racing; thinks kite surfing looks cool, but doesn't know where to start; knows that sandboarding, kloofing, and windsurfing are available on holidays but would like to know more about what's involved; is curious to hear more about Zorbing, rap jumping, BASE jumping, sky surfing ...and wife carrying. With the "52 Brilliant Ideas" series readers can enhance their existing skills with negligible investment of time or money and will substantially improve their performance over the course of a year. Each of the 52 chapters tackles a single aspect of the subject in an entertaining and lively way. At the end of each chapter is a "how did it go?" feature which allows readers to reflect on the lesson in a classical experiential learning pattern. The tone of each book is personal and informal; readers will feel as thought they are having a one-to-one with their favourite coach.

Win at the Gym

by Steve Shipside

Published 25 June 2004
"I was so out of shape and overweight that my doctor told me I was well on my way to chronic back pain. I would have answered back but I was fully engaged in sucking my belly in at the time. I'm no superman and was never a natural gym bunny yet now I'm a triathlete and marathon runner. I'm fitter than I ever dreamt I could be. I just had an idea that I could do it and then worked out how. Then I did it. Now I have developed a unique programme to help others get more out of what they do in the gym. That's my story. This is yours. It starts here..." - Steve Shipside. "Win in the Gym" will show you how to: get thinking; get the idea; challenge your routine; feel inspired; take it easy; improve performance; master new techniques; and, get it right first time.

Get Fit!

by Steve Shipside

Published 1 January 2007
"I was so out of shape and overweight that my doctor told me I was well on my way to chronic back pain. I would have answered back but I was fully engaged in sucking my belly in at the time. I'm no superman and was never a natural gym bunny yet now I'm a triathlete and marathon runner. I'm fitter than I ever dreamt I could be. I just had an idea that I could do it and then worked out how. Then I did it. Now I have developed a unique programme to help others get more out of what they do in the gym. That's my story. This is yours. It starts here..." - Steve Shipside. "Get fit" will show you how to: get thinking; get the idea; challenge your routine; feel inspired; take it easy; improve performance; master new techniques; and, get it right first time.