Book 1

Book 1

Twelve-year-old Wally - "the walking disaster area" - is forced to stand up to Camp Wahkah Wahkah's number one, all-American bad guy. One hilarious mishap follows another until, fighting together for their very lives, Wally learns the need to love even his worst enemy.

Book 1

Book 2

Classic stories from the Wally McDoogle series now with new designs and spot illustrations throughout.

“Hollyweird” comes to Middletown! Wally’s a superstar! A movie company has chosen our hero to be eaten by their mechanical “Mutant from Mars!” It’s a close race as to which will consume Wally first – the disaster-plagued special-effects “monster” or his own out-of-control pride … until he learns the cost of true friendship and of God’s command for humility.

My Life as Alien Monster Bait keep young readers laughing while learning about who it really is who deserves “star treatment.”

Book 2

Book 3

Classic stories from the Wally McDoogle series now with new designs and spot illustrations throughout.

A hot air balloon race! What could be more fun? Then again, we're talking about Wally McDoogle, the world-renowned "Human Catastrophe."

My Life as a Broken Bungee Cord keeps readers on the edge of their seats as one calamity builds upon another until, with his life on the line. Wally learns what it means to FULLY put his trust in God.

Book 4

Classic stories from the Wally McDoogle series now with new designs and spot illustrations throughout.

Chased by thieves through roaring rapids, over a killer waterfall, and into the hands of jungle natives!

This isn't exactly what Dad had in mind when he took his son on a mission trip to the South American rain forest. But he should have known better. After all, we are talking about Wally-If-Anything-Can-Go-Wrong-It-Will McDoogle.

My Life as Crocodile Junk Food keeps readers laughing as Wally stumbles into a whole new set of impossible (and man-eating) predicaments ... until he finally understands the need and joy of sharing Jesus Christ with others.

Book 5

Classic stories from the Wally McDoogle series now with new designs and spot illustrations throughout.

It was just a little lie. But mishap follows mishap until Wally is chased by bungling terrorist, a SWAT team, the TV news, and the National Guard. It isn't until he risks his life to save his country (and has a little chat with the President along the way) that the madcap misunderstanding finally end. . . And Wally learns that honesty really is the best policy.


Book 6

Twelve-year-old Wally learns an important lesson about greed and the source of true greatness after a mishap-filled adventure involving sea creatures, pirates, a sunken submarine, and a misguided torpedo.

Book 7

My Life as a Human Hockey Puck

by Bill Myers

Published 26 October 1994
Wally McDoogle as team mascot for the Middletown Super Chickens is calamity enough until he is also thrown in to play goalie.

Book 8

When accident-prone Wally McDoogle finds himself a part of a space shuttle mission, he learns a lesson about the importance of obeying the rules.

Book 9

My Life as Reindeer Road Kill

by Bill Myers

Published 28 September 1995

Book 10

What could be more hilarious than one Wally McDoogle

How about two? Or Six? Or a dozen?!

Wally travels back from the future to warn himself of an upcoming accident. But it takes more than one visit to get the message across. Before he knew it, there are more Wally's running around than even Wally can handle.

Catastrophes reach an all-time high as Wally tries to out think God and rewrite history.

Book 11

My Life as Polluted Pond Scum

by Bill Myers

Published 30 August 1996

Take one monster lurking in the depths of a mysterious lake. Add one glowing figure with powers to summon the creature to the shore. Stir in one Wally McDoogle, who reluctantly stumbles upon the truth:

And you have the recipe for another. . .

Laugh-filled McDoogle disaster.

Being a hero is the last thing on Wally's mind, but the fate of his entire town is at stake. Now he must race against the clock, his own fears, and his world renown klutziness - and learn to trust God - before he has any chance of saving the day,

Book 12

My Life as a Bigfoot Breath Mint

by Bill Myers

Published 31 January 1997
Wally's visit to the Fantasmo World amusement park, where his Uncle Max works as a stuntman, turns into a disaster involving computer errors, runaway rides, and other outrageous mistakes.

Book 13

My Life as a Blundering Ballerina

by Bill Myers

Published 30 September 1997
At the suggestion of their speech teacher, Wally and his good friend Wall Street agree to switch places for three days to prove whether boys or girls are better.

Book 14

When Wally becomes involved in international espionage, rocket-powered toilet paper, and exploding dental floss, he ends up having to become a skydiver to save his life and the entire free world.

Book 15

My Life as a Human Hairball

by Bill Myers

Published 1 November 1998

Just when you're sure Wally has bungled through every misadventure imaginable, this nerdy kid stumbles, staggers, and k-splats his way smack dab into a brand new frontier - the human body. When he and Wall Street, his best friend (even if she is a girl), visit a local laboratory, they are accidentally miniaturized and swallowed by some unknown stranger. It is a race against the clock (let alone Wally's own klutzoidness) as they fly through various parts of the body - from the stomach to the blood system to the brain to the eye - in a desperate search for a way out while all the time learning how "fearfully and wonderfully we are made."

Book 16

World class klutzoid,, Wally McDoogle, and his buddies, Opera and Wall Street win the Gazillion Dollar Lotto! Everything is great!!! . . .for a total of 1.3 seconds. That's how long before their greed kicks in. Add some bungling bad guys, a break-in to the local zoo (where Wally has lost the ticket), the accidental release of all the animals, a SWAT team or two. . . And you have the usual McDoogle mayhem as our boy blunder leers the dangers of both greed and materialism.

Book 17

My Life as a Computer Cockroach

by Bill Myers

Published 3 October 1999


Through a bizarre disaster (nothing unusual for our boy blunder), Wally accidentally fries the circuits of Ol' Betsy, his laptop computer.

Suddenly, whatever he types turns into reality. . . Including Wally becoming the city's Chief of Police, and finally the Governor of the state. It's 11:59, New Year's Eve, when our hero tries retyping the truth into his computer - a commendable effort which, unfortunately, manages to short out every computer in the world! By midnight, the entire universe has credited Wally's mishap to the MILLENNIUM BUG! Panic, chaos and hilarity start the new century, thanks to our beloved Wally.