Book 17

Book 18

Slicko-Ricko's Advertising Agency claims they can make the dorkiest human in the world the most famous. And of course, no one qualifies like our boy blunder. Soon he starts in his own "A Day in the Life" TV series, and he's endorsing everything from denture cleaners to lingerie. Every cool person in the world is dyeing their hair and wearing glasses just like Wally McDoogle, but it isn't until he becomes the star player for his junior high school basketball team that things get really out of hand, and our hero finally learns that being famous isn't all it's cut out to be.

Book 18

Book 19

When Wally and his two best friends spend the summer at a dude ranch, he discovers that writing superhero stories will not help him deal with the cantankerous ranch owner, a deceitful camper, and a dangerous bull named Satan Breath.

Book 20

My Life As Invisible Intestines (with Intense Indigestion) is book # 20 in the The Incredible Worlds of Wally McDoogle series. When Wally first becomes invisible (thanks to the handy-dandy OOPS Machine) it's great fun. Now he can do whatever he wants, like defending Opera by humiliating a bully, or helping the local football team come back from a 0-54 score. Then, of course, there's always giving Wall Street a hand in making her first million. . . . But the fun and games are short lived when everybody from a crazy ghost buster, to the FBI, to the 59 ½ Minutes TV show, to the neighbor's new dog (a cross between a grizzly bear and a Tyrannosaurs Rex) begin pursuing him. Soon Wally is stumbling and staggering through his greatest misadventure ever . . . until he finally learns that cheating and taking short cuts in life are not all they're cracked up to be. Until he learns that honesty really is the best policy.

Book 20

Book 21

Book 21

Sky Surfing Skateboarder

by Bill Myers

Published 5 May 2002

Through a series of incredible mis-adventures (so what else is new), our boy blunder finds himself participating in the Skateboard Championship of the Universe. (It would be "of the World" except for the one kid who claims to be from Jupiter-a likely story, in spite of his two heads and seven arms.) It's a tough crowd where anything goes as long as you win. Amidst the incredible chaotic chaos by incurably corrupt competitors (say that five times fast), Wally learns there is more to life (or in his case, near-death) than winning.

Book 22

Rather than facing the consequences of breaking his mother's incredibly expensive new vase, disaster-prone Wally McDoogle becomes involved with Junior Whiz Kid's zany experiments and must face a giant flying snail and a tarantula the size of a small house.

Book 23

Book 24

When Wally teases or judges someone unfairly, from his school's janitor to a quarterback playing in the Super Bowl, he suddenly becomes that person, and soon realizes the importance of trying to see others through the eyes of God.

Book 25

When Wally, suffering his usual misadventures, accompanies his family on an aid project to Africa, he meets a boy who shows him what really counts and inspires him to give rather than take.

Book 26

Book 27

Having made a bet on whether or not ghosts are real, Wall Street and Wally, aided by Opera and Madame Mystic, investigate a house on the edge of town that might be haunted, although Wally has learned why the Bible says to avoid the occult.

Book 28

At last, Wally can have the superpowers he has always dreamed of and written about! Thanks to the newest invention of Junior Whiz Kid, Wally now has . .

  • Laser-Blaster Eye Beams-handy for catching those bad guys . . . and reheating your hot chocolate.
  • Inviso Shield-a flip of the switch and your invisible . . . except for you're underwear.
  • Extendo Arms-great for back scratching those hard to reach spots . . . particularly if they're a thousand miles away.

 These and a dozen other superpowers allow him to try to make the world a better place . . . until he realizes that the biggest differences are not made by flashy superheroes, but by everyday people doing everyday acts of kindness.

Join our boy blunder as he learns the true meaning of helping and caring for others.