A Guide to Alternative Therapies

by Mark Evans

Published 31 December 2002
Covering a variety of subjects including health from plants, naturopathy, stress management, bodywork and Eastern approaches, this text explores the natural techniques and methods we can use to counteract the strains of our busy, stressful lives and to strengthen our minds and bodies. All the main therapies are discussed and explained in simple, easy-to-understand terms. This is a chance to explore and expand your knowledge of natural medicine and to acquire a basic understanding on which to build. Whichever therapy you feel you can relate to, this book is designed to help you explore and utilize its benefits and become a healthier, more balanced individual with focused energies and a resilient constitution.

A Guide to Massage Therapies

by Mark Evans

Published 30 January 2004
We all need ways to relax with today's busy lives, and massage is a valuable tool. In this guide, step-by-step photographs show you how to do it, from preparation to specific methods like the headache and tension reliever. Learn how to overcome stress, with aromatherapy - uplift you mood with bergamot or enhance sleep with Lavender oil. Shiatsu, the Japanese word for finger pressure, offers exercises for enhancing breathing and the circulatory system. Pressure points on the hands and feet relate to all parts of the body to enable practitioners to holistically treat common aliments like backache. Whichever therapy you choose, or whether you combine aspects of them all, this guide should enable you to give professional treatments to yourself, family and friends.

Body Movement for Inner Harmony

by Mark Evans

Published 31 December 2002
This accessible guide gathers together ancient and modern techniques including Alexander Technique and meditation among others. More and more people are now seeking natural ways of bringing harmony into their lives, and this illustrated book shows how to reduce physical stress and regain calmness of mind with simple-to-use programmes. The text is easy to follow and guides you through all the necessary exercises.