Where Land Meets Sea

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 1997
Examines different kinds of seashores, sandy, marshy, and rocky, and discusses how they can change over time.

It's Best to Leave a Snake Alone

by Allan Fowler

Published 12 December 1992
A simple description of the physical characteristics and behavior of snakes.

The Biggest Animal Ever

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 January 1992
Briefly describes the physical characteristics and behavior of whales.

Friendly Dolphins

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1997
Briefly describes the physical characteristics and behavior of dolphins and several related marine mammals, killer whales and porpoises.

How Do You Know It's Spring?

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1991
A simple description of the characteristics of spring.

How Do You Know It's Fall?

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 1992
Presents the many signs of fall, including geese flying south, squirrels hiding acorns, and people playing football.

How Do You Know It's Winter?

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1991
A simple description of the characteristics of winter.

What's Your Favorite Flower?

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 October 1992
Illustrations and simple text describe various kinds of flowers and how they grow.

Animals in the Zoo

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 2000

Hot and Cold

by Allan Fowler

Published 12 December 1931

Solid, Liquid, or Gas?

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1995
Discusses the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, the three forms in which matter exists.

Save the Rain Forests

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1996
Discusses the need to conserve the rain forests because of their wealth of plant and animal life, effect on weather, and importance to people throughout the world.

Recycle That!

by Allan Fowler

Published 12 December 1931

It Could Still Be a Dog

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1993
Describes the various sizes and shapes of different types of dogs and some of the jobs they do.

Quack and Honk

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 1993
Briefly describes the physical characteristics and habits of ducks and geese.