It Could Still Be a Robot

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 1998
A simple introduction to smart machines, most of which currently do not take human form, performing tasks too dangerous, too boring, or too difficult for people to do.

It Could Still Be a Tree

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1990
Identifies the characteristics of trees and provides specific examples, including the maple, evergreen, magnolia, and redwood.

Shellfish Aren't Fish

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1998
Provides information about oysters, clams, scallops, and mussels--sea animals that live in shells.

It Could Still Be a Mammal

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1990
Identifies the characteristics of mammals and provides specific examples, including the whale, bat, kangaroo, and puppy.

Hard-To-See Animals

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 1998
Illustrations and brief text describe how different animals use their coloring to blend into their surroundings.

How Animals See Things

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1998
Briefly explains how different animals see.

Examines the sun in the context of other, more distant stars and discusses the night sky and movement of the earth.

The Sun's Family of Planets

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1992
Provides brief information about each of the nine planets that makes up our solar system.

Describes the location, climate, and animal life of the cold regions at either end of the earth.

It Could Still Be a Desert

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1997
Describes the characteristics of deserts, the animals and plants that live in them, and their constantly changing nature.

From Seed to Plant

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 2001

What's the Weather Today?

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1991
A simple explanation of weather and climate.

Lands of Grass

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 2000

Icebergs, Ice Caps, and Glaciers

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1997
Describes the characteristics, size, and movement of icebergs, ice caps, and glaciers. Describes the characteristics, size, and movement of icebergs, ice caps, and glaciers. Large type and color illustrations are used to introduce these ice formation, with material on haw glaciers move and how pieces of ice caps become icebergs.

Telling Tails

by Allan Fowler and Dana Meachen Rau

Published 1 March 1998
Describes different kinds of tails and their purposes, examining both animals and objects such as airplanes and kites.

Maple Trees

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 2001

It Could Still Be a Lake

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 September 1996
Simple text and illustrations describe the characteristics, origin, and pollution of lakes.

Wonder of a Waterfall

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 1999
Simply describes waterfalls and describes such notable examples as Niagara Falls and Angel Falls.

It Could Still Be a Fish

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 October 1990
Identifies the characteristics of fish and provides specific examples, including the ray, guppy, eel, and seahorse.

Biggest Animal on Land

by Allan Fowler

Published 1 March 1996
An introduction to the elephant, the biggest animal in the zoo.