Book 1

All too often, simple acts of human kindness are often overlooked and under utilized by people in leadership roles. Advising mutual respect and recognition of accomplishments, Encouraging the Heart shows us how true leaders encourage and motivate those they work with by helping them find their voice and making them feel like heroes. Recognized experts in the field of leadership, authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner show us that, through love, leaders can encourage, and indeed allow those around them to be their very best. Both practical and inspirational, Encouraging the Heart gives readers a thoughtful approach to motivating individuals within an organizational structure. Read Chapter 3 or Chapter 12, or see The Encouragement Index.

Book 9

Book 60

Includes one copy each of
The Student Leadership Challenge Student Workbook and Personal Leadership Journal, Facilitation and Activity Guide, Student LPI Scoring Software, and
Student LPI Self Inventory, and three copies of the
Student LPI Observer Inventory.

Book 74

THE STUDENT LEADERSHIP PRACTICES INVENTORY (Student LPI) is the only leadership tool designed specifically for students and young people. Developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, the second edition of this celebrated instrument package approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. This 360- leadership assessment tool helps students and young people measure their leadership competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying Kouzes and Posner's acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary Student Leadership(r) model to real-life challenges.

Book 83

Book 96

Based on Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner's classic book "The Leadership Challenge", this Workbook will be your hands-on guide for improving your ability to put into action the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership[registered] model and become a leader who models the way, inspires a shared vision, challenges the process, enables others to act, and encourages the heart. The Workbook's easy-to-use worksheets make efficient planning simple and practical and supports your success in three ways: Reflection: think about your approach to leadership and become more conscious about how well you engage in each of the Practices; application: apply the Practices and commitments to all your projects; and, implications: record what you've learned about yourself, your team, your organization, and your project. Develop your leadership potential with "The Leadership Challenge Workbook"!

Book 103

Buy the set and save! Includes one copy each of The Student Leadership Challenge book, Student Workbook and Personal Leadership Journal, Facilitation and Activity Guide, Student LPI Scoring Software, and Student LPI Self Inventory, and three copies of the Student LPI Observer Inventory. No other discounts apply.

Book 109

Book 110

Book 112

Book 113

Book 114

Book 115

Book 118

LPI Spanish Self

by James M. Kouzes

Published 12 July 2004

Book 119

LPI Spanish Observer

by James M. Kouzes

Published 12 July 2004

Book 131

Written by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner two of the foremost experts on the topic of leadership, "The Jossey Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Exemplary Leadership" clearly shows how anyone can develop the key leadership skills needed "to get extraordinary things done" on their campuses. This important resource outlines the principles and practices that are solidly based in more than two decades of quantitative and qualitative research. "The Jossey Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Exemplary Leadership": describes the proven Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership; explains the fundamental principles that support the key leadership practices; provides actual case examples of real people on college and university campuses who demonstrate each practice; offers specific recommendations on what to do to own these practices; and shows how to continue to develop as a leader.

Book 134

Getting things done in today's workplace is hard work. Employees become exhausted, frustrated, and sometimes entirely disenchanted-and often, they are tempted to simply give up. But the research conducted by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner over the last two decades clearly shows that successful leaders find ways to combat these negative feelings by encouraging the hearts of their team members. This workbook, based on the model presented in the bestselling book Encouraging the Heart, guides readers through seven essentials of encouraging the heart: set clear standards, expect the best, pay attention, personalize recognition, tell the story, celebrate together, and set the example. The authors also provide a 21-question self-assessment to help leaders determine how they are doing and where they should focus their development efforts.

Book 135

A Leader's Legacy

by James M. Kouzes

Published 1 January 2006
In what is their most personal work to date, Kouzes and Posner zero in on the core challenges leaders face and offer up a thoughtful and reassuring perspective any leader, or aspiring leader, will learn from and enjoy. Over a span of nearly four hours of audio, they explore the thorny and often ambiguous issues of today's leaders through a series of 22 short essays, grouped into four parts (significance, relationships, aspirations, and courage.) The topics discussed include: Commitment: people don't commit to plans, they commit to causes; Vision: it's not the leader's vision, it's the shared vision; Solutions: there is no silver bullet; Leadership: being a leader changes who you are; and, Legacy: the legacy you leave is the life you lead. Its length is 3 hours, 53 minutes.

Book 142

Leadership is Everyone's Business Are you ready to seize the opportunities that lead to extraordinary results? Are you ready to inspire others to dream, to encourage their active participation, and to stand beside them when the going gets tough? Are you ready to lead? More than ever our families, our organizations, our communities, our nations, our world is in need of leaders who are willing to take on difficult challenges. The Leadership Challenge(r) Workshop will prepare you to do just that - to take the initiative, to seize opportunities, to make a difference. Backed by over 25 years of original research, The Leadership Challenge(r) Workshop is a unique andintense discovery process created by bestselling authors, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner. The workshop demystifies the concept of leadership and approaches it as learnable set of behaviors. In other words, forget about job titles, forget about position or rank or work experience. Leadership is about what you do. This revised Participant Workbook has been updated for today's in-demand leader.
Grounded in Kouzes and Posner's evidence-based leadership model, the colorful, interactive pages help you to uncover the deeper meanings of: As you make your way through this workbook, you will soon discover The Leadership Challenge(r) Workshop experience goes beyond the typical training session. It might even change your life.

Book 150