Book 236

Book 239

This 16-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices(r) model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the article contains two Leadership Challenge case studies, a short description of the Five Practices(r), a section on "Learning to Lead", and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). In addition, available under separate ISBNs, there are now versions of this article available for specific markets, including: Financial Services, Government, Healthcare - General, Healthcare - Nurses, and Non-profit.

Book 244


by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

Published 17 August 1993
This inspiring guide explores the importance of credibility in building personal and organizational success. It reveals the six key disciplines and related practices that strengthen a leader's capacity for developing and sustaining this critical attribute.

Book 254

Lead ordinary people in accomplishing the extraordinary!

How do you get others to follow you to places they've never been before? How do you get others, by free will and through free choice, to move forward together on a common purpose? Just how do you get others to want to do things that matter and make a difference?

In "The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership," Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of "The Leadership Challenge" and "Credibility," uncover the fundamental practices that have enabled leaders to get extraordinary things done by studying the times when leaders performed at their personal best.

"The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership" are: Challenging the Process Inspiring a Shared Vision Enabling Others to Act Modeling the Way Encouraging the Heart

Learn how Kouzes and Posner have translated these five practices into behavioral statements so that managers and non-managers in public and private organizations can assess their skills and use the feedback of others to improve their own leadership abilities. Also includes the "Ten Commandments of Leadership."

Book 295

Book 298

La fuente más confiable sobre cómo convertirse en un mejor líder

"El liderazgo no es la reserva privada de unos pocos afortunados. Es un conjunto de habilidades y capacidades que se pueden observar y aprender y que pueden aplicarse en todos los niveles".
Jim Kouzes y Barry Posner

El Inventario de Prácticas de Liderazgo (IPL) es la herramienta de liderazgo más confiable de su generación y una de las más vendidas. Desarrollada por Jim Kouzes y Barry Posner, la tercera edición de este célebre paquete de instrumentos presenta al liderazgo como un conjunto de comportamientos medibles que se pueden aprender y enseñar. Esta herramienta de evaluación del liderazgo de 360? ayuda a los individuos y a las organizaciones a medir las competencias de liderazgo, mientras los guía en el proceso de aplicación del aclamado modelo de las Cinco prácticas de liderazgo ejemplar® de Kouzes y Posner a los desafíos organizacionales de la vida real.

El Libro de tareas del participante lo ayudará a aprovechar al máximo su Informe de comentarios y sugerencias del IPL, a apreciar cómo los demás ven su comportamiento de liderazgo y a comprendercómo utilizar esa información para convertirse en el mejor líder posible. La utilización del Libro de tareas del participante lo ayudará a:

  • Evaluar sus primeras impresiones
  • Concentrar sus esfuerzos de desarrollo

  • Analizar la consistencia

  • Imaginar su Autoevaluación futura ideal

  • Buscar patrones y escuchar los mensajes

  • Superar las barreras y los problemas

  • Buscar clarificación

  • Planificar los pasos siguientes

El IPL recientemente revisado ofrece resultados profundos y precisos. Obtendrá valiosos comentarios y sugerencias de gerentes, de usted mismo, de subordinados directos, compañeros de trabajo, pares y colegas de afuera de su organización. Los comentarios y sugerencias que brindan información válida y útil le ayudarán a mejorar sus habilidades de liderazgo en Las cinco prácticas® para que usted pueda:

  • Modelar el camino
  • Inspirar una visión compartida

  • Desafiar el proceso

  • Habilitar a los demás para que actúen

  • Alentar el corazón

¡Desarrolle su potencial de liderazgo con el IPL!

What do you call something that has endured through nearly 30 years of practice and the scrutiny of research?

The Truth!

Ken Blanchard, best-selling author of The One-Minute Manager

From academia to government, healthcare to technology, faith-based to community advocacy organizations, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership (R) have stood the test of time as the world s most trusted source for becoming a better leader. Through decades of research, hundreds of personal interviews, analysis of thousands of case studies and millions of survey responses, authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner have discovered what over two million worldwide readers of their modern classic, The Leadership Challenge, know as well: The Five Practices provide a proven, evidence-based model for bringing out the leadership potential in anyone, at any level, in any organization, who accepts the leadership challenge.

This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in Asia. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices(R) model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from Asian nationals, a short description of the Five Practices(R), a section on "Learning to Lead," and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).

EL LIDERAZGO ES UN ASUNTO DE TODOS ?Esta listo para aprovechar las oportunidades que llevan a obtener resultados extraordinarios? ?Esta listo para inspirar a los demas a so?ar, alentar su participacion activa y estar a su lado cuando las cosas se tornen dificiles? ?Esta listo para liderar? Mas que nunca, nuestras familias, nuestras organizaciones, nuestras naciones y nuestro mundo necesitan personas que esten dispuestas a aceptar este duro desafio. El Taller The Leadership Challenge? (El desafio del liderazgo) le brinda la posibilidad de hacerlo--de tomar la iniciativa, aprovechar las oportunidades y marcar la diferencia. Respaldado por mas de 20 a?os de investigacion original, el Taller The Leadership Challenge? es un proceso de descubrimiento unico e intenso creado por los autores de exitos de ventas, Jim Kouzes y Barry Posner. El Taller desmitifica el concepto de liderazgo y lo aborda como un conjunto de comportamientos que pueden aprenderse. En otras palabras, olvidese de los cargos, los puestos, la jerarquia o la experiencia laboral. El liderazgo esta relacionado con lo que usted hace. Este Libro de tareas del participante esta dise?ado para acompa?arlo en un viaje apasionante para el descubrimiento de uno mismo. Basadas en el celebre modelo Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership? (Las cinco practicas de liderazgo ejemplar) de Kouzes y Posner, las paginas interactivas lo ayudan a descubrir el significado mas profundo de: A medida que avance en este Libro de tareas, pronto descubrira que la experiencia del Taller The Leadership Challenge? es mas que una tipica sesion de capacitacion. Incluso, podria cambiar su vida. LOS AUTORES James M. Kouzes y Barry Z. Posner se encuentran entre los especialistas y educadores mas buscados en la materia del liderazgo y el desarrollo del liderazgo. Han estado trabajando, escribiendo y ense?ando en esta area valiosa por mas de treinta a?os.

The Leadership Practices Inventory is the best-selling and most
trusted leadership tool of its generation. This celebrated
instrument packages approaches leadership as a measurable,
learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. The 360-degree toll
helps individuals and organizations measure their leadership
competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying
Kouzes and Posner's acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary
Leadership® model to real-life organizational challenges.

With The Leadership Challenge, 5th Edition leading
the way, it is time to update the Leadership Practices
Inventory materials. In this 4th edition, customers will

* A fresh, modern look to the
materials, including the feedback reports

* A group comparison report

* A shorter workbook
specifically designed for debriefing and understanding the Feedback

* The latest data on the model

* An updated facilitator's guide that
focuses on LPI administration, debrief, and how a facilitator can
develop one's leaders from there.Anyone can learn to be an
effective leader if they are given the right feedback and tools.
Help others to discover their leadership potential with the LPI!
This Deluxe set includes a copy of The Leadership Challenge, 5th

This unique leadership development program is for the young adult who aspires to be an exemplary leader. From the college classroom to the local youth club, the Student Leadership Practices Inventory has helped thousands of young people assess their leadership potential and improve their skills. Drawing from years of impeccable research and real-world experience, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner have developed four practical resources that can be used alone or in a workshop setting: the Self, the Observer, the Student Workbook, and the Facilitator's Guide. Both the Self and Observer are questionnaires for the student leader and the person who has observed the student in action. Each survey features thirty statements based on five important leadership practices: Challenging the Process, Inspiring a Shared Vision, Enabling Others to Act, Modeling the Way, and Encouraging the Heart. To score their results, participants will find in the Student Workbook grids for recording scores, charts for interpreting scores, and worksheets for summarizing and planning action steps. For those who need guidance in designing and conducting a student leadership program, there is the Facilitator's Guide.
In addition to detailed instructions and examples, workshop leaders will find masters for overhead transparencies and handouts, checklists for meeting the leadership challenge, normative data on different types of student leaders, and instructions for obtaining computerized scoring software.

The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) is the best-selling and most trusted leadership tool of its generation. Developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, the third edition of this celebrated instrument package approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. This 360A- leadership assessment tool helps individuals and organizations measure their leadership competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying Kouzes and Posner's acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary LeadershipA(r) Model to their real-life organizational challenges. The Participant's Workbook will help you make the most of your LPI Feedback Report, appreciate how others see your leadership behavior, and understand how to use that information to become the most effective leader possible. This short, 10-step workbook guides participants through the process of understanding their LPI Feedback Report. Readers are provided instructions, information, questions, and forms to record their observations and interpretations while analyzing their feedback and developing their immediate personal action plans.
Using The Participant's Workbook will help you: * Examine Your First Impressions * Explore Consistency * Find Patterns and Listen for Messages * Seek Clarification * Focus Your Developmental Efforts * Imagine Your Ideal Future Self * Overcome Barriers and Concerns * Plan Next Steps The newly revised LPI offers in-depth, precise results. You will get valuable feedback from managers, yourself, direct reports, co-workers, peers, and colleagues from outside your organization. Feedback that provides valid and useful information that will help you improve your leadership skills in The Five Practices so you can: * Model the Way * Inspire a Shared vision * Challenge the Process * Enable Others to Act * Encourage the Heart Discover your leadership potential with the LPI!

EL LIDERAZGO ES UN ASUNTO DE TODOS ?Esta listo para aprovechar las oportunidades que llevan a obtener resultados extraordinarios? ?Esta listo para inspirar a los demas a so?ar, alentar su participacion activa y estar a su lado cuando las cosas se tornen dificiles? ?Esta listo para liderar? Mas que nunca, nuestras familias, nuestras organizaciones, nuestras naciones y nuestro mundo necesitan personas que esten dispuestas a aceptar este duro desafio. El Taller The Leadership Challenge? (El desafio del liderazgo) le brinda la posibilidad de hacerlo--de tomar la iniciativa, aprovechar las oportunidades y marcar la diferencia. Respaldado por mas de 20 a?os de investigacion original, el Taller The Leadership Challenge? es un proceso de descubrimiento unico e intenso creado por los autores de exitos de ventas, Jim Kouzes y Barry Posner. El Taller desmitifica el concepto de liderazgo y lo aborda como un conjunto de comportamientos que pueden aprenderse. En otras palabras, olvidese de los cargos, los puestos, la jerarquia o la experiencia laboral. El liderazgo esta relacionado con lo que usted hace. Este Libro de tareas del participante esta dise?ado para acompa?arlo en un viaje apasionante para el descubrimiento de uno mismo.
Basadas en el celebre modelo Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership? (Las cinco practicas de liderazgo ejemplar) de Kouzes y Posner, las paginas interactivas lo ayudan a descubrir el significado mas profundo de: A medida que avance en este Libro de tareas, pronto descubrira que la experiencia del Taller The Leadership Challenge? es mas que una tipica sesion de capacitacion. Incluso, podria cambiar su vida. LOS AUTORES James M. Kouzes y Barry Z. Posner se encuentran entre los especialistas y educadores mas buscados en la materia del liderazgo y el desarrollo del liderazgo. Han estado trabajando, escribiendo y ense?ando en esta area valiosa por mas de treinta a?os.

This Facilitator's Guide covers the administration and debriefing of The Encouragement Index, Jim Kouzes' and Barry Posner's new survey for measuring and developing encouraging behavior in leaders. The Facilitator's Guide helps talent management, employee retention, and leadership development trainers administer a 21-item survey that measures how frequently a leader engages in encouraging behavior and give leaders an idea of their strengths and opportunities for improvement in the practice of Encouraging the Heart. The Facilitator's Guide also offers tips and techniques for incorporating The Encouragement Index book and workbook into a short workshop based on the Index.

Explore and refine the techniques taught in The Leadership Challenge in Spanish The Leadership Challenge Workshop, 5th Edition, Participant Workbook in Spanish offers readers a practical and accessible Spanish-language toolkit to work through the insights, techniques, and strategies contained in the fifth edition of the The Leadership Challenge. Filled with templates, checklists, and other resources designed to bring out your inner leader, this Workbook follows the structure of the helps you to clarify your leadership values, inspire a shared vision amongst your followers, experiment with new ideas, enable others to realize their full potential, and more.

Practice Makes Perfect...or at Least Better

In their bestselling book, The Leadership Challenge, authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner present a practical, accessible, and evidence–based leadership model with a simple, yet profound, principle at its core: leadership is a measurable and learnable set of behaviors. Embodied in the book′s foundation model, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, is the notion that leadership is not an event, but a process that requires ongoing and deliberate practice. This new leadership development tool, The Leadership Challenge Practice Book, serves as a practical daily support resource for leaders looking to extend their Leadership Challenge journey.

Incorporating the 30 behaviors from the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), The Leadership Challenge Practice Book presents daily practice routines and activities to help leaders become more effective by increasing the frequency with which they exhibit The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. It is intended to be used as a daily, ongoing practice guide. The book′s five sections follow a Monday through Friday format, with each day offering a different LPI behavior focus and supporting practice activities. Monthly and quarterly practice activities are offered at the end of each section along with a quick progress checklist called Make It a Daily Habit.

The Leadership Challenge Practice Book includes everything you need to reinforce a powerful learning experience and enables you to put your leadership skills into action, advancing the projects and people that matter most to you and your work.

A double-sided 4" x 6" card for individual student use that outlines and helps remind leaders of The Five Practices and Ten Commitments of Exemplary Leadership.

Side A:The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership (R)

Includes icons for: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, Encourage the Heart.

Side B: The Ten Commitments of Leadership

Model the Way

  • Clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared values
  • Set the example by aligning actions with shared values

Inspire a Shared Vision

  • Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities
  • Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations

Challenge the Process

  • Search for opportunities by seizing the initiative and looking outward for innovative ways to improve
  • Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from experience

Enable Others to Act

  • Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships
  • Strengthen others by increasing self determination and developing competence

Encourage the Heart

  • Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence
  • Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community