The Modern Losing Trick Count

by Ron Klinger

Published 26 February 1987

Played around the world - according to one famous player, if you play bridge, you will make friends wherever you go.

If you want to bid accurately and achieve greatly improved results at the bridge table, you have to master the Losing Trick Count. It is a tried and tested method of hand evaluation which has stood the test of time. Ron Klinger, famous international player, author and teacher who has more books to his credit than many players have had good hands, has brought the LTC up to date by relating it to modern systems and conventions.

Now in its fifteenth impression since original publication, this remarkable book is set to hold its place as the standard text on the Losing Trick Count.

Bridge is played around the world, with passionate fans advocating its use as the most entertaining way to keep your memory in good shape.

This Fast Fact Finder provides memory-aids for use in bidding and play. It also gives the key numerical rules which guide players in specific bidding and play situations, an example being the Rule of Eleven used in card play after an opening lead.

This Flipper has a very wide appeal and should have a considerable continuing sale to bridge players.

Guide to Better Card Play

by Ron Klinger

Published September 1990
The aim of this book is to do for the play of cards what Ron Klinger's "Guide to Better Acol Bridge" did for bidding - to turn an average or indifferent card player into a respected or even feared opponent. It covers declarer play and defensive technique for players who are beyond the basics, with two sections on declarer play and two on defence. The aspects included are opening leads, signalling, discarding and other defensive manoeuvres, as well as declarer's card combinations, inferences, card-reading, deceptive strategies and many others. The guide not only provides rules and guidelines, but illustrates the logic of when to depart from the rules. It emphasizes the need to distinguish between bad play and bad luck, and that a recognition that the occasional failure is due to the lie of the cards and not to mismanagement can increase a player's confidence and faith in his own ability. 160 complete deals which can be set up and replayed with reference to the text are provided for practice, together with over 500 exercises, quizzes, play hands and revision exercises

Basic Acol Bridge Flipper

by Ron Klinger

Published 9 October 1986

This Fast Fact Finder is a guide and summary to the basics of bridge for the beginner and novice player, enabling players to check quickly important points in bidding and play. It is designed to be used in conjunction with Basic Bridge and Acol Bridge Made Easy, both by Ron Klinger.

Other Fast Fact Finders: Acol Bridge Flipper, Duplicate Bridge Flipper, Memory-Aids and Useful Rules Flipper, Modern Losing Trick Count Flipper and Opening Leads Flipper.

If you are keen to master one of the key areas of modern bridge bidding, this exciting book is for you. Bridge Conventions for You explains the logic behind the most popular conventions so players understand their functions and can decide which suit their style of play. The latest popular conventions have been incorporated in this new, enlarged edition.

Better Bridge with a Better Memory 'goes beyond ... wide-ranging advice ... and investigates one specific technique in detail. The method demonstrated is mnemonics, and the author shows how that approach, already widely in use in naming agreements and providing clues to their details, can be applied to every phase of the game. As is often the case in Klinger productions, many examples used to demonstrate the case at hand have unrelated interesting points, and the discussions thus provide a welcome variety of topics.' - The Bridge World.

Playing to Win at Bridge

by Ron Klinger

Published 26 July 1976
Bridge World, leading Bridge magazine, said of the first edition: ' as good a quiz book as has ever appeared ...Instead of examples of well-known ideas, the author presents truly practical situations ...the questions emphasise those aspects of bridge play that are truly important at the table. Our quibbles with the analysis are minor, and we recommend the book as outstanding of its kind.'

When to Bid, When to Pass

by Ron Klinger

Published 11 July 2002
From the opening bid to much later rounds of bidding, from uncontested sequences to highly competitive auctions, this book will provide the groundwork so that you will know when silence can be golden. Each chapter covers the principles that indicate when bidding is the right course, and then which call to choose, and when passing is the winning action.

100 Winning Duplicate Tips

by Ron Klinger

Published 14 August 2003

Many competent players are frustrated by an apparent inability to score well at duplicate pairs. No matter how hard they try, the secret of success seems to lie forever beyond reach. The truth is that playing good bridge is not enough to win at pairs. The regular winners are those who have learned to adapt their strategy to take account of the vagaries of match-point scoring. A small shift in emphasis can make a big difference to results.

In this book Australian expert Ron Klinger shows you how to do it. There are five sections covering constructive bidding, competitive bidding, opening leads, declarer play and defence, and they are full of well-chosen example hands and sound advice. Put these tips into practice and your results are sure to improve.

The Power Of Shape

by Ron Klinger

Published 13 June 2002
Average players tend to focus on point count for their bidding decisions, but the expert recognises that the shape of the hand also plays a vital role. Knowing the implications of shape will help you find the best contract more often, and will also strengthen your play and defence by revealing the pattern of the opponents' hands. Make use of this valuable information by following the recommendations in this exciting and original book and your partnership will be in great shape!

Famous Bridge Records

by David Bird and Nikos Sarantakos

Published 11 April 2002

Records have a perennial fascination and the authors have brought together a riveting collection of record-breaking deals from the history of bridge. What is the fewest high-card points on which someone has made 3NT, 4 Spades, 5 Clubs, 6 Diamonds, 6NT or 7NT? What is the biggest penalty ever suffered or the worst adverse swing? How about the longest auction ever, the most costly opening lead, the greatest number of redoubled overtricks or the greatest number of redoubled undertricks? The answers are all here.

As ever with David Bird's books, you will be greatly entertained and painlessly instructed at the same time.

Aimed at all players keen to improve their bidding skills
A brilliant and original contribution to bridge writing from two outstandingly successful writers, players and teachers

This is the sixth title in a series about the bridge-playing monks of St Titus.

Heavenly Contracts

by David Bird

Published 16 August 2007
In HEAVENLY CONTRACTS we meet again the pompous and self-important Abbot who is hosting the annual St Francis of Assisi Swiss teams for monastic establishments. Hilarious encounters ensue against a team of monks from Southern Germany and some equally incomprehensible friars from Scotland. The show-down comes in a final match against their old rivals, the nuns of St Hilda's. Regular followers of David Bird's work will know what to expect - a first-rate mixture of excellent bridge, entertaining characters and sparkling dialogue.

Practical Slam Bidding

by Ron Klinger

Published 19 March 1998
A guide to slam bidding in bridge, this book offers 120 deals for readers to test themselves and their partners. It provides many helpful tips, and all the deals are from games played at the highest level, enabling players to dramatically improve their play.

'...a highly instructive and entertaining book which will appeal to players of all levels. It comprises a collection of sixty famous deals where the reader is invited to select the best bid from a number of possibilities. You can then compare your choice with that made by the player at the table. You will often find a better answer than they did.' Bridge Magazine

Five Card Majors

by Ron Klinger

Published 23 April 1992
This "Fast Fact Finder" is designed for reference and for quick checks at the bridge table. Five-Card Majors is a particularly accurate system of bidding which leads to a greater understanding between partners - this is why it is used by so many top players at the highest competitive levels.