Kosher Bridge

by David Lyster Bird and Ron Klinger

Published 9 April 1992
A second collection of hilarious bridge stories with a Jewish flavour, featuring a kindly and considerate rabbi. Once again the authors' intention is to provide readers with both instruction and entertainment.

This is a definitive Acol textbook, equally valuable to rubber or duplicate bridge players. Set out as a course which can be used in conjunction with bridge classes or as a self-teacher, the book covers all the basic principles of bidding and play and is packed with exercises and...Read more

Enlarged and revised for this newedition, this guide includes information on takeout doubles, deals with the "Law of Total Tricks," and provides a new structure for no-trump rebids. It is designed to help all Acol players and their partners improve their bidding skills."

A Guide Better Card Play

by Ron Klinger

Published 12 April 2001
The world's oldest, and leading, bridge magazine, The Bridge World, said of this book; 'Guide to Better Card Play is an elementary-through-intermediate textbook on declarer play and defence. Appropriately, the two phases of the book receive equal attention. The book can be used either as a self-teacher or as...Read more

The Losing Trick Count is a way of measuring the trick-taking potential of a trump contract without the need to count points. The LTC enables you to calculate the playing-strength, the tricks, in your own hand and to estimate accurately the useful tricks in partner's hand. Put these two...Read more

Rixi Markus, one of the all-time great names in bridge said of this book: 'I found myself agreeing with almost everything in this useful reference book; anyone who learns all the rules set out here will have the makings of an ideal bridge partner.' Ron Klinger has brought the...Read more

If you want to win more often at bridge you will need to deepen your understanding of the game and to learn where not to follow conventions slavishly in bidding, defence and dummy play. Both Terence Reese and Roger Trezel were brilliant players and Reese possessed a legendary skill...Read more

Card Play Made Easy

by Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites

Published 24 April 1997

Few of the millions of rubber bridge players ever play duplicate, but it is rare to find anyone who has played the game who has not become addicted to it. This book explains clearly the tactics employed in good duplicate pairs - why the bidding is highly competitive and...Read more

The opening lead can be the most difficult lead in the whole game - and the most critical. When you are choosing your opening lead, you have only thirteen cards to contemplate and the auction to guide you, whereas for every other lead more than twice as many cards...

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Ron Klinger's Master Class

by Ron Klinger

Published 1 July 2004
When the English Bridge Union invited Ron Klinger to give these lectures it could not have foreseen the extent of the response from bridge players. Ron Klinger has the enviable ability to make even the most complex bridge matters seem readily understandable, which is why he has a devoted...Read more

Better Balanced Bidding

by David Jackson and Ron Klinger

Published 11 February 2010

Whether you play in person, or online, this is a must for bridge lovers around the world

This is an important, and in some ways revolutionary, book. The point count method of hand evaluation was first proposed in 1914 and popularized in 1934 by Milton Work. The Banzai Method advanced...

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Right Through The Pack Again

by Ron Klinger

Published 11 September 2008

For everyone who plays - or is interested in the international phenomenon that is the world of bridge

In RIGHT THROUGH THE PACK AGAIN, joint winner of the INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE PRESS ASSOCIATIONS'S 2009 BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD, each card tells the story of its importance in a particular deal...

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For those needing to grasp the fundamentals of sound bidding and play, Ron Klinger's BASIC BRIDGE is the answer. GUIDE TO BETTER ACOL BRIDGE is intended for the large majority who are ready to advance beyond the basics.

While GUIDE TO BETTER ACOL BRIDGE emphasises better bidding, each chapter contains...

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Bridge for the Connoisseur

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 21 March 1991
BRIDGE FOR THE CONNOISSEUR is a book with a special appeal for those who appreciate the finer points of the game. The text comprises 58 deals remarkable not only for their artistic value but also because they allow Hugh Kelsey to enhance them with instructive points on bidding, play...Read more

Following the successful IMPROVE YOUR PLAY AT NO-TRUMPS, Ron Klinger shows you how to make the most of your assets in trump contracts. When is it right to draw trumps, when to delay, when to cross-ruff and many more topics are covered to make you a better declarer and...Read more

More Killing Defence at Bridge

by Hugh Kelsey

Published 6 November 1972
How many times have you found yourself defending and wriggling with anguish at having to discard apparently certain winners? Hugh Kelsey's target here is to help you avoid such pain - and other agonies that a competent declarer may inflict. Sound defence is the hallmark of the accomplished bridge...Read more

Understanding Slam Bidding

by Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites

Published 13 November 2003

To bid in a controlled auction to a successful slam is one of the great pleasures of bridge. Understanding Slam Bidding teaches you the important modern conventions, but more importantly, it shows you how to think so that you can tell whether a card in your hand is just...

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This book gives a full account of modern Acol and of the whole range of defensive and competitive bidding. It is suitable for players up to a high standard but will readily be understood by less experienced players as each topic starts with the fundamentals.

The play of the cards...

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DEADLY DEFENCE covers every important aspect in bridge to make good bridge players into excellent defenders. It deals with opening leads (how to convey maximum information), defensive play when playing second hand, third hand and also when you are first to play to a trick, how to use signals...Read more