The First Reader helps students in Grade 1 make the transitionfrom controlled decodable text to the authentic literature in theStudent Readers.

Open Court Reading ©2002 ensures that every child receives the best reading instruction available. This structured program teaches children through a systematic and explicit scaffolding of skills that build upon each other. By taking into account the individual needs of students and providing them with practice and engaging reading...Read more

Each Teachers Edition focuses on a specific theme anddepending upon the grade level, contains explicit, systematicinstruction in phonemic awareness, print and book awareness,alphabetic knowledge, phonics, fluency, word structure,vocabulary, comprehension, spelling and writing, appropriateto the specific grade level.

Engaging web-based activities for each Unit.? A themed project for students to complete individuallyor in small groups, resulting in a presentation to theclass.? Students use pre-screened web sites to gather data andrecord answers to questions within a journal supplied.? Rubrics supplied.

Phonemic awareness and phonics instruction and review play acrucial role in Imagine It!, especially in the primary grades.Components include alphabet and sound/spelling cards, gamemats, write-on/wipe-off boards with magnetic uppercase andlowercase letters, and other items to support instruction.

Depending upon the grade level, students practice thefollowing skills:? Alphabet Knowledge? Phonemic Awareness? Inquiry? Phonics? Comprehension? Spelling? Vocabulary? Writing? Grammar, Mechanics, and UsageTwo Skills Workbooks are available at each grade level, onefor each half of the year. Each workbook has all the skillsheets conveniently organized by lesson. These skill...Read more

Student's foundational skills are assess both formally and informally. Formal assessments are given at the end of each lesson and unit and are indicated in the Teacher's Guide. Lesson and Unit Assessments measure student understanding of material that was recently taught. These assessments, found in the Assessment Book for...Read more

Depending upon the grade level, students practice thefollowing skills:? Alphabet Knowledge? Phonemic Awareness? Inquiry? Phonics? Comprehension? Spelling? Vocabulary? Writing? Grammar, Mechanics, and UsageTwo Skills Workbooks are available at each grade level, onefor each half of the year. Each workbook has all the skillsheets conveniently organized by lesson. These skill...Read more

Each engagingSound/Spelling Card story is presented to help studentsremember the sound/spelling, and an audio read of the jingles for each sound card.

Depending upon the grade level, students practice thefollowing skills:? Alphabet Knowledge? Phonemic Awareness? Inquiry? Phonics? Comprehension? Spelling? Vocabulary? Writing? Grammar, Mechanics, and UsageTwo Skills Workbooks are available at each grade level, onefor each half of the year. Each workbook has all the skillsheets conveniently organized by lesson. These skill...Read more

Each Skills Workbook is available in three formatsWorkbook, Blackline Master (BLM), and Annotated TeachersEdition (ATE).

Each lesson in the grade level program has a correspondingReteach activity for those students needing extra practice andsupport.

Student's foundational skills are assess both formally and informally. Formal assessments are given at the end of each lesson and unit and are indicated in the Teacher's Guide. Lesson and Unit Assessments measure student understanding of material that was recently taught. These assessments, found in the Assessment Book for...Read more