State Estimation and Control for Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
by Chingiz Hajiyev, Halil Ersin Soken, and Sitki Yenal Vural
This book discusses state estimation and control procedures for a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The authors consider the use of robust adaptive Kalman filter algorithms and demonstrate their advantages over the optimal Kalman filter in the context of the difficult and varied environments in which UAVs may be employed. Fault detection and isolation (FDI) and data fusion for UAV air-data systems are also investigated, and control algorithms, including the classical, optimal, and fuzzy co...
Inbetriebnahme Verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen (VDI-Buch)
by Klaus H Weber
Die Kosten der Inbetriebnahme von Neuanlagen sind erheblich, die letzte Phase der Auftragsabwicklung enthdlt gravierende Einsparpotentiale. Dieses Buch systematisiert und erldutert die Aufgaben in Vorbereitung und Durchf]hrung der Inbetriebnahme schon wdhrend der Entwicklung, Planung und Montage. Mit Hilfe zahlreicher Checklisten und Praxisbeispiele werden Erfahrungen und entscheidende Hinweise weitergegeben, die in der praktischen Arbeit direkt umsetzbar sind. Der Autor hat das bewdhrte Werk gr...
Modern Control Engineering:International Version plus MATLAB & Simulink Student Version 2011a
by Katsuhiko Ogata
Active and Passive Vibration Control of Structures (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, #558)
Active and Passive Vibration Control of Structures form an issue of very actual interest in many different fields of engineering, for example in the automotive and aerospace industry, in precision engineering (e.g. in large telescopes), and also in civil engineering. The papers in this volume bring together engineers of different background, and it fill gaps between structural mechanics, vibrations and modern control theory. Also links between the different applications in structural control are...
Optimierung Technischer Produkte Und Prozesse
by Horst Ahlers, B Schwartz, and Jurgen Waldmann
Mit diesem Buch sollen Unterlagen bereitgestellt werden, die der Praktiker benotigt, um Op- timierungen fUr seine EntwUrfe unter Hinzuziehung von Experimenten durchzufUhren. Dazu sind experimentell Informationen von dem zu optimierenden Entwurf nach bestimmten PUmen zu gewinnen, die von Rechenmaschinen ausgewertet werden. Diese experimente-und rechnergestutzte Entwurfsoptimierung ist fUr viele technische Fachrichtungen anwendbar. Ihre StUtzung auf Experimente macht sie praxisnah. Die der Optimie...
Intelligent Mobile Robot Navigation (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, #16)
by Federico Cuesta and An Bal Ollero
Intelligent Mobile Robot Navigation builds upon the application of fuzzy logic to the area of intelligent control of mobile robots. Reactive, planned, and teleoperated techniques are considered, leading to the development of novel fuzzy control systems for perception and navigation of nonholonomic autonomous vehicles. The unique feature of this monograph lies in its comprehensive treatment of the problem, from the theoretical development of the various schemes down to the real-time implementatio...
Positive Polynomials in Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, #312)
Positive Polynomials in Control originates from an invited session presented at the IEEE CDC 2003 and gives a comprehensive overview of existing results in this quickly emerging area. This carefully edited book collects important contributions from several fields of control, optimization, and mathematics, in order to show different views and approaches of polynomial positivity. The book is organized in three parts, reflecting the current trends in the area: 1. applications of positive polynomial...
Advanced Electrical Drives (Power Systems)
by Rik W. De Doncker, Duco W.J. Pulle, and Andre Veltman
This book provides a unique approach to derive model-based torque controllers for all types of Lorentz force machines, i.e. DC, synchronous and induction machines. The rotating transformer model forms the basis for the generalized modeling approach of rotating field machines, which leads to the development of universal field-oriented control algorithms. Contrary to this, direct torque control algorithms, using observer-based methods, are developed for switched reluctance machines. Tutorials are...
Offsite Production and Manufacturing for Innovative Construction
The offsite and modular market is continuing to grow. This book builds on the success of a number of initiatives, including formative findings from literature, research and development and practice-based evidence (success stories). It presents new thinking and direction from leading experts in the fields of: design, process, construction, engineering, manufacturing, logistics, robotics, delivery platforms, business and transformational strategies, change management, legislation, organisational l...
With the advent of digital video cameras, anyone can shoot and produce a video for very little money. What "anyone" can't do is create a high quality, professional looking video that will generate clients and open doors. No Budget Video Production will show the undercapitalized video producer how every step in production - preproduction, writing, storyboarding, lighting, locations, on-camera talent, editing and post-production - can be cost minimized, yet still result in a sterling, professional...
Very Large Scale Integration Systems for Digital Signal Processing and Control (Woodhead Publishing Special Reports)
by R. Woods, John McCanny, and George Irwin
Dialogentwicklung Fur Objektorientierte, Graphische Benutzungsschnittstellen (IPA-Iao - Forschung Und Praxis, #227)
by Christian Janssen
Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, #248)
PES College of Engineering is organizing an International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT-12) in Mandya and merging the event with Golden Jubilee of the Institute. The Proceedings of the Conference presents high quality, peer reviewed articles from the field of Electronics, Computer Science and Technology. The book is a compilation of research papers from the cutting-edge technologies and it is targeted towards the scientific community act...
Introduction to Digital Control of Linear Time Invariant Systems
by Ayachi Errachdi
This easy-to-follow guide provides students, teachers and industrial engineers with the necessary steps in discretizing continuous systems. It covers fundamental concepts in sampling and reconstruction of signal, and details the inspection method, the direct division method, the partial-fraction expansion method, the recurrence inversion method and the contour integration method. The book also introduces the transfer function and the stability condition of discrete-time systems in the closed loo...
These disks represent an upgrade of the first version of the software and are now for Windows. C/NL2 is a powerful circuit analysis and optimization program for use on a PC. It now runs under Windows to give a modern graphical user interface, sophisticated graphs and input/output and mouse interface. The C/NL2 allows the user to analyze and optimize gain, return loss, noise performance and nonlinear distortion of a wide range of linear RF and microwave circuits. It is a full-up linear microwave/...
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the development and present state of the theory of sensitivity of dynamic systems. It is intended as a textbook and reference for researchers and scientists in electrical engineering, control and information theory as well as for mathematicians. The extensive and structured bibliography provides an overview of the literature in the field and points out directions for further research.
Smes and New Technologies
by Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka and Kaushalesh Lal
Jurgen Mihm builds a mathematical model of a complex distributed design project demonstrating how complexity inevitably arises from the interaction of simple components. He characterizes the dynamic behavior of the system analytically and with the aid of simulations, and he derives classes of managerial actions to improve performance dynamics.
The mBot robotics platform is a hugely popular kit because of the quality of components and price. With hundreds of thousands of these kits out there in homes, schools and makerspaces, there is much untapped potential. Getting Started with mBots is for non-technical parents, kids and teachers who want to start with a robust robotics platform and then take it to the next level. The heart of the mBot, the mCore is a powerful Arduino based microcontroller that can do many things without soldering o...
Arduino (Arduino 101, Arduino Sketches, Complete Beginners Guide, Programming, Raspberry Pi 3, XML, C++, Ruby)
by Steve Gold