Quantum Effects, Heavy Doping, And The Effective Mass (Series on the Foundations of Natural Science and Technology, #8)
by Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak
The importance of the effective mass (EM) is already well known since the inception of solid-state physics and this first-of-its-kind monograph solely deals with the quantum effects in EM of heavily doped (HD) nanostructures. The materials considered are HD quantum confined nonlinear optical, III-V, II-VI, IV-VI, GaP, Ge, PtSb2, stressed materials, GaSb, Te, II-V, Bi2Te3, lead germanium telluride, zinc and cadmium diphosphides, and quantum confined III-V, II-VI, IV-VI, and HgTe/CdTe super-latti...
In Zyklen der Zeit entwirft Roger Penrose eine voellig neue Betrachtungsweise der Kosmologie - mit uberraschenden Antworten auf die oft gestellte Frage: Was war vor dem Urknall? Der Schlussel zu dieser neuen Penrose-Kosmologie sind der beruhmte Zweite Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik - dem zufolge die Unordnung der Welt insgesamt standig zunimmt - und die Lichtkegel-Geometrie der Raumzeit - die die Grenzen der beobachtbaren Vergangenheit und Zukunft bestimmt. Penrose verknupft in diesem Buch beide p...
This volume of the Enrico Fermi Summer School proceedings is concerned with the chemical physics of atomic and molecular clusters of medium and large size which are defined as clusters too large to yield rotationally resolved spectra. In practice this means from trimers and tetramers up. By limiting the field a separation is made between the study of systems of well-known structures (for which the position of each of their fragments is well known) from systems that, because of their dynamical or...
World Market for Girdles, Corsets, Braces, Suspenders, Garters, and Similar Articles, The: A 2007 Global Trade Perspective
by Philip M. Parker
Optical Supercomputing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #5882) (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, #5172)
OCS, the International Workshop on Optical SuperComputing, is a new annual forum for research presentations on all facets of optical computing for solving hard computation tasks. Optical computing devices have the potential to build the very next computing infrastructure. Given the frequency limitations and cross-talk phenomena, as well as the soft-errors, of electronic devices on one hand, and the natural parallelism of optical computing devices, as well as the advances in ?ber optics and optic...
In this book the author carefully analyses the role of the concept of causality in Quantum Electrodynamics. This approach makes it possible for the first time to publish a textbook on QED which not only includes full proofs and detailed calculations but is also mathematically rigorous. The book begins with Dirac's theory in part one, followed in part two by the quantum theory of free fields including a new approach to the concept of exterior fields. The third part is devoted to the study of the...
World Market for Built-In Jacking Systems Used in Garages for Raising Vehicles, The: A 2007 Global Trade Perspective
by Philip M. Parker
A Theory of Spin Vortices in a Physical Vacuum Consisting of Quantum Oscillators
by Liudmila Borisovna Boldyreva
This book will be of interest not only to physics scholars who are studying the theoretical aspects of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, superconductivity and superfluidity, but also to the more general reader. It explores the action of biologically active substances and low-intensity physical factors in ultra-low doses on biological systems, particularly the action of medicinal remedies in ultra-low doses (homeopathy), influence of the color and form of ambient bodies, and the so-called Twin...
Quantum mechanical problems capable of exact solution are traditionally solved in a few instances only (such as the harmonic oscillator and angular momentum) by operator methods, but mainly by means of Schrodinger's wave mechanics. The present volume shows that a large range of one- and three- dimensional problems, including certain relativistic ones, are solvable by algebraic, representation-independent methods using commutation relations, shift operators, the virial, hypervirial, and Hellman-...
Advances in Quantum Chemistry Vol 18 (Advances in Quantum Chemistry)
by Lowden
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics merges two long-running serials--Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics and Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy. This series features extended articles on the physics of electron devices (especially semiconductor devices), particle optics at high and low energies, microlithography, image science and digital image processing, electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the computing methods used in all these domains.
Prespacetime Journal Volume 10 Issue 4 (Prespacetime Journal, #10)
by Quantum Dream Inc
Quantum f-Divergences in von Neumann Algebras (Mathematical Physics Studies)
by Fumio Hiai
Relative entropy has played a significant role in various fields of mathematics and physics as the quantum version of the Kullback-Leibler divergence in classical theory. Many variations of relative entropy have been introduced so far with applications to quantum information and related subjects. Typical examples are three different classes, called the standard, the maximal, and the measured f-divergences, all of which are defined in terms of (operator) convex functions f on (0, ) and have respe...
Advances in Quantum Chemistry Vol 11 (Advances in Quantum Chemistry)
by Per-Olov Lowden
Advances in Quantum Chemistry (Advances in Quantum Chemistry)
by Per Oliv Lowdin
Advances in Quantum Chemistry publishes surveys of current developments in the rapidly developing field of quantum chemistry--a field that falls between the historically established areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. With invited reviews written by leading international researchers, each presenting new results, this quality serial provides a single vehicle for following progress in this interdisciplinary area.