Development of a Sol-Gel-Based Thin-Layer Chromatography Stationary Phase for In-Situ Infrared Analysis.
by Linda Kay Jones
The updated edition of Barron's SAT Subject Test Chemistry includes: A full-length diagnostic test with explained answers Four practice tests that reflect the actual SAT Subject Test Chemistry All questions answered and explained Detailed reviews covering all test topics Appendixes covering the Periodic Table, important equations, and more Both teachers and test-taking students have praised earlier editions of this manual for its wealth of well-organized detail.
New Organic Transformation by Introducing Allyltrifluoroborates for Direct Aroylation
by Kwei-Yu Liu
The Future of the Chemical Industry by 2050
by Rafael Cayuela Valencia
Discussing the technological supremacy of the chemical industry and how it will adopt a leading position to solve some of the largest global challenges humans have even seen, this book details how the industry will address climate change, aging populations, resource scarcity, globality, networks speed, pandemics, and massive growth and demand. Following a detailed introduction to some of the megatrends shaping our world over the forthcoming decades, the book goes on to provide several scenarios...
Science of Ceramics
Cream Quantitative Structure -- Activity or Property Relationships (QSAR/QSPR) to explain the observed activities or properties of compounds then predict them for new compounds. SciQSAR makes this job easy with its use of 2D and 3D molecular descriptors and fast statistical routines. It's a timesaving software tool for researchers working in materials or life sciences.
Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry (Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, #2)
by K Brenauer
Antarctic Tunicates and Endophytic Fungi: Chemical Investigation and Synthesis
by Matthew D Lebar
Failure Analysis (De Gruyter STEM)
by Daniel J. D. Sullivan and Eric J. Carleton
The book presents a unique view of failure analysis of high technology devices. It describes capabilities and limitations of many analytical techniques and testing paths and decisions best followed in example failure analysis studies.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Complete Chemistry
by Janet Renshaw, Ted Lister, Samuel Mao Hua Lee, Ellen Wong, Muhammad Talha, and Nicholas Taylor
Ensure students achieve top exam marks, and can confidently progress to further study, with an academically rigorous yet accessible approach from Cambridge examiners. With full syllabus match, extensive practice and exam guidance this new edition embeds a comprehensive understanding of scientific concepts and develops advanced skills for strong assessment potential. Be confident of full syllabus support with a comprehensive syllabus matching grid and learning objectives drawn directly from the...
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Peptides and Proteins
by Colin T. Mant and Robert S. Hodges
Containing articles by internationally renowned scientists, this book covers the use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques for a range of applications. The authors present practical approaches along with clear principles that are easily accessible to the method developer as well as the scientist. They discuss major HPLC analytical modes including size exclusion, ion-exchange, reverse-phase, hydrophobic interactions, immunoaffinity, and more. Highlights of the second edition...
Aline Leon In the last years, public attention was increasingly shifted by the media and world governmentsto the conceptsof saving energy,reducingpollution,protectingthe - vironment, and developing long-term energy supply solutions. In parallel, research funding relating to alternative fuels and energy carriers is increasing on both - tional and international levels. Why has future energy supply become such a matter of concern? The reasons are the problems created by the world's current energy...
Laser Probes for Combustion Chemistry (ACS Symposium, No 134)
Das Wissensgebiet der Physikalischen Chemie hat sich so stark ausgeweitet und vertieft, daB man berechtigterweise die Frage stellen kann, ob man heute ein Buch vom Umfang des hier vorliegenden iiberhaupt noch schreiben diirfe. leh habe diese Frage mit meinem Mitarbeiter Herm Dr. Gerhard Greiner, dem an dieser Stelle flir seine kritische Unterstiitzung herzlich gedankt sei, lange diskutiert mit dem Ergebnis, daB man der Physikalischen Chemie wissen- schaftlich nur beschrankt gerecht werden k6nne,...
Some Rhodium and Platinum Complexes Containing Phosphorus Ligands
by Khozema Mohsinbhai Gabuji
Bergamot Orange
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
Food and beverage labels often specify a product's geographical origin, species, variety and method of production. These claims can significantly influence an item's economic value, but their verification is not always straightforward. New analytical approaches for verifying the origin of food reviews new analytical methods in this area together with applications to key commodities. Part one introduces the concept of food origin and provides supporting information on labelling legislation and s...