Religiosity and Work in the Lives of Mortuary College Students
by Charles Lynn Gibson
How can people believe that the supernatural end of the world lies just around the corner when, so far, every such prediction has been proved wrong? Some scholars argue that millenarians are psychologically disturbed; others maintain that their dreams of paradise on earth reflect a nascent political awareness. In this book Damian Thompson looks at the members of one religious group with a strong apocalyptic tradition--Kensington Temple, a large Pentecostal church in London--and attempts to under...
Religion is a racialized category, even when race is not explicitly mentioned. In Modern Religion, Modern Race Theodore Vial argues that because the categories of religion and race are rooted in the post-Enlightenment project of reimagining what it means to be human, we cannot simply will ourselves to stop using them. Only by acknowledging that religion is already racialized can we begin to understand how the two concepts are intertwined and how they operate in our modern world. It has become co...
Quaker Quicks - In Search of Stillness - Using a simple meditation to find inner peace
by Joanna Godfrey Wood
How can we find inner stillness in our lives today? What is it for and how can we use it? Inspired by the fiery writings of early Quakers, such as George Fox and Margaret Fell, this book calls on their advice to go within and wait, adapting it to create a modern, relatable method for finding stillness and peace. This meditation is for us to use however we most need it, whether to explore and heal the self and others or to help us be more effective in the wider world.
Vom Heil Der Seele (Erfahrung Und Theologie, #4)
by Hans-Gunter Heimbrock
Die innere Komplementaritat von Spinozas Religionstheorie lasst sich unter Beachtung der psychologischen Dimension neu aufrollen: Spinoza reduziert einerseits biblische Religion auf Imagination frommer Inner- lichkeit, entwirft dazu im Gegenzug eine psychologische Heilslehre, welche Gott im Horizont des Selbst ansiedelt. Damit aber steht sein Denken in grosster sachlicher Nahe zur gegenwartigen theologischen Debatte um den Status religionspsychologischer Konzepte."
Salvation and Suicide (Religion in North America) (A Midland Book, #690)
by David Chidester
Discusses Jim Jones' techniques, describes the world view of his followers, and offers a religious perspective on the mass suicide incident.
A Contemplative Approach to Understanding World Religions
by Blake W Burleson
Anger in the Old Testament (American University Studies, Series 7: Theology & Religion, #99)
by Bruce Edward Baloian
The Real Stories behind Honour Killing
Honour killing, as it is widely understood, is the cold-blooded murder of a woman or a man involved with her, by the male members of her household in order to cleanse the reputation of the family, clan, community or tribe. This violent tradition in the name of religion, custom and culture continues to be carried out in a significantly large part of the world. The majority of people still believe that honour killings happen for reasons such as marriage from choice or a love affair of a kinswoman,...
Few things are more likely to cause heartache to devout parents than seeing their child leave the faith. And it seems, from media portrayals, that this is happening more and more frequently. But is religious change between generations common? How does religion get passed down from one generation to the next? Why do some families maintain one faith while others do not? What factors are likely to push people away from their childhood faith? What role does the particular faith play? The family? The...
In recent years, a movement stressing a causal relationship between spirituality and good health has captured the public imagination. Told that research demonstrates that people of strong faith are healthier, physicians and clergy alike urge us to become more religious. The religion and health movement, as it has become known, has attracted its fair share of sceptics. While most root their criticism in science or secularism, the authors of Heal Thyself, one a theological ethicist, the other a p...
Wegen der immer grosser werdenden Distanz junger Menschen zu den Kirchen, zeigt der Autor am Beispiel der Salesianer Don Boscos, dass eine grundlegende Uberdenkung des eigenen Standortes, des benutzten padagogischen Konzeptes, des eigenen Welt- und Menschenbildes, eine Chance auftut, im Wandel der Zeit viele jungen Menschen doch noch fur Kirche, Evangelium und Jesus Christus zu interessieren, ohne dem Zeitgeist das Wort zu reden, um dauerhaft in irgendeiner verlasslichen Form mit ihr verbunden z...
Auf Der Suche Nach Wirklichkeit (Religion in Der Oeffentlichkeit, #1)
by Jurgen Heumann, Wolfgang Erich Muller, and Jeurgen Heumann
Immer noch unterstellen theologische Interpretationen Kunstwerken religiose Aussagen, ohne sie wirklich analysiert zu haben. Ein solcher Ansatz, mit dem in der Moderne die Autonomie des Betrachters nicht wahrgenommen wird, ist der asthetischen Konzeption des offenen Kunstwerkes keineswegs angemessen. Eine zeitgemasse theologische Interpretation der Kunst sollte sich von jedem wahrheitsasthetisch gepragten Ansatz verabschieden und sich stattdessen zeichentheoretisch orientieren. Gerade dieser Ans...
A Philosophical Essay on Credulity and Superstition; And Also on Animal Fascination, or Charming
by Rufus Blakeman