In these essays, Walter Brueggemann addresses the necessity for thinking about the shape and structure of Old Testament theology-and for the impact such thinking can have on the larger issues of contemporary life. Brueggemann draws on the work of persons from all disciplines and incorporates them in a seminal way in his theology. The work of persons in theology, psychology, the social sciences, politics, and the like often provides heuristic possibilities and even basic models for talking about...
Church Dogmatics Study Edition 26 (Church Dogmatics, #26)
by Karl Barth
Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics is one of the major theological works of the 20th century. The Swiss-German theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) was the most original and significant Reformed theologian of the twentieth century. Barth began the Church Dogmatics in 1932 and continued working on its thirteen volumes until the end of his life. Barth's writings continue to guide and instruct the preaching and teaching of pastors and academics worldwide. The English translation was prepared by a team of...
Autorschaft als Kondeszendenz (Theologische Bibliothek Topelmann)
by Christina Reuter
Hamanns Autorschaft ist stark auf die Rezipienten ausgerichtet. Seine ausgepragte Dialogizitat wird in Untersuchungen zur Intertextualitat, zu Briefgesprachen, Metaphorizitat und Rhetorizitat exemplarisch an drei Werken (Versuch einer Sibylle uber die Ehe, Konxompax und Schurze von Feigenblattern) nachgewiesen. Dabei ist Hamann zentral durch den Kondeszendenzgedanken beeinflusst: So wie sich Gott in Natur, Geschichte und Schrift offenbart, um eine Beziehung zum Menschen zu ermoeglichen, will auc...
Die Unvergaengliche Geschichtsdauer Der Kirche in Ihrer Ekklesiologischen Entfaltung (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #670) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #670)
by Reinhard Knittel
Im wesentlichen unzerstoerbar und unveranderlich versteht sich die katholische Kirche in ihrer geschichtlichen Existenzweise. Diese kann also nie ganzlich und endgultig zu der sie unbedingt verpflichtenden Wesensvorgabe in der Offenbarung in Widerspruch treten, etwa durch aussere Zerstoerung oder durch inneren Abfall. Wahre Geschichtlichkeit der Kirche und bleibende Wesensidentitat verbinden sich im Begriff der indefektiblen Geschichtsdauer der Kirche. In einem breit angelegten, positiv-analytis...
Four Views on the Apostle Paul (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
An introduction to ongoing debates on the apostle Paul's life and teaching and his letters' ramifications for the Church of today. The apostle Paul was a vital force in the development of Christianity. Paul's historical and religious context affects the theological interpretation of Paul's writings, no small issue in the whole of Christian theology. Recent years have seen much controversy about the apostle Paul, his religious and social context, and its effects on his theology. In the helpful...
Christopher Ben Simpson tells the story of modern Christian theology against the backdrop of the history of modernity itself. The book examines the many ways that theology became modern while seeing how modernity arose in no small part from theology. These intertwined stories progress through four parts. In Part I, Emerging Modernity, Simpson discusses the period from the beginnings of modernity in the late Middle Ages through the Protestant Reformation and Renaissance Humanism to the creative t...
Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God
Thirty years ago, Alvin Plantinga gave a lecture called "Two Dozen (or so) Theistic Arguments," which served as an underground inspiration for two generations of scholars and students. In it, he proposed a number of novel and creative arguments for the existence of God which have yet to receive the attention they deserve. In Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God, each of Plantinga's original suggestions, many of which he only briefly sketched, is developed in detail by a wide variety of accomplish...
We all struggle at times to hold together the holiness and the love of God, and can fall into problems such as liberalism and universalism on the one hand, or legalism and moralism on the other. However, what David Wells calls God's 'holy-love' is right at the heart of the incarnation and cross of Jesus - and understanding how God's holiness is inextricably bound to his love is what sets apart Christian spirituality from other spiritualities, what characterizes authentic Christian worship, and w...
Geist Und Buchstabe (Theologische Bibliothek T Pelmann, #164) (Theologische Bibliothek Topelmann)
by Dirk Schmid and Michael Pietsch
This is the most important theological work of the 20th century in a new edition - now available in individual volumes. Karl Barth's "Church Dogmatics" is one of the major theological works of the 20th century. The Swiss-German theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) was the most original and significant Reformed theologian of the twentieth century. Barth began the "Church Dogmatics" in 1932 and continued working on its thirteen volumes until the end of his life. Barth's writings continue to guide and...
When Luis de Molina died in Madrid in 1600, he had every reason to believe he was about to be anathametized by Pope Clement VIII. The Protestant Reformation was splitting Europe, tribunals of the Inquisition met regularly in a dozen Spanish cities, and the Pope had launched a commission two years earlier to investigate Molina's writings. Molina was eventually vindicated, though the decision came seven years after his death. In the centuries that followed Molina was relegated to relatively minor...
Cuaderno de Trabajo de la Teología Sistemática
by Wayne A. Grudem, Brianna Smith, and Erik Thoennes
Religion Und Politik (Beitrage Zur Rationalen Theologie, #22) (Beitraege Zur Rationalen Theologie, #22)
Religion und Politik bilden seit jeher ein spannungsvolles Geflecht wechselseitiger Begrundungs- und Abgrenzungsprozesse. Die in diesem Band versammelten Autoren beleuchten historische und aktuelle Konstellationen dieser Prozesse durch die Verschrankung von systematischen und historischen Perspektiven. So reicht die Spannweite der Beitrage von der Fruhzeit des Christentums uber die Reformation bis hin zu Schelling, Schleiermacher, Troeltsch und Barth, wahrend gleichzeitig aktuelle Debatten u.a....
Church Dogmatics Study Edition 16 (Church Dogmatics, #16)
by Karl Barth
Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics is one of the major theological works of the 20th century. The Swiss-German theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) was the most original and significant Reformed theologian of the twentieth century. Barth began the Church Dogmatics in 1932 and continued working on its thirteen volumes until the end of his life. Barth's writings continue to guide and instruct the preaching and teaching of pastors and academics worldwide. The English translation was prepared by a team of s...
Theologie des Lesens: das ist eine Folge von ineinandergreifenden Asymmetrien, in der soweit moeglich die Behauptung erprobt wird, Lesen fuhre unausbleiblich zur Theologie.In diesem Buch durchlauft Gunter Bader den Weg von der Gewinnung des Themas bis zur Etablierung aktueller Lesekunst. In einer ersten Sequenz aus Buchstabe, Schrift und Text und einer zweiten aus Literatur, Buch und Heiliger Schrift schreitet er vom Elementaren zum immer Komplexeren. Streng konzentriert auf Phanomene des Schrif...
Body and Hope (Dogmatik in der Moderne, #5)
by Johanne Stubbe Teglbjaerg Kristensen
In this book, Johanne Stubbe Teglbjaerg Kristensen analyses the relationship between body and hope. She critically investigates the eschatologies of Paul Tillich, Jurgen Moltmann and Wolfhart Pannenberg from the perspective of the phenomenology of the body represented by Maurice Merleau-Ponty. By focusing on the eschatological challenge of the body through a thematization of the issue of continuity, the author constructively interprets the classic eschatological themes of death, resurrection, ju...
Vielstimmige Rede vom Unsagbaren (Kierkegaard Studies. Monograph, #14)
by Jochen Schmidt
Since the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series (KSMS) was first published in 1997, it has served as the authoritative book series in the field. Starting from 2011 the Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series will intensify the peer-review process with a new editorial and advisory board. KSMS is published on behalf of the Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen. KSMS publishes outstanding monographs in all fields of Kierkegaard research. This includes Ph.D. dissertations,...
Doing Theology When God is Forgotten (Issues in Systematic Theology, #14)
by Dr Philip G. Ziegler
A variety of views and nuances of covenant theology exist within the Reformed church and the broader evangelical world. This book seeks to explain covenant theology as presented in the Westminster Confession of Faith as a starting point for discussions of covenant theology and as a foundation to evaluate other views. Some variations of covenant theology are minor and do not impact the system of doctrine of Reformed theology, but other variations are major and impact important doctrines associa...