The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology
by Charles Porterfield Krauth
Preaching, according to Bonhoeffer, is like offering an apple to a child. The gospel is proclaimed, but for it to be received as gift depends on whether or not the hearer is in a position to do so. Offered here are thirty-one of Pastor Bonhoeffer's sermons, in new English translations, which he preached at various times of the year and in a variety of different settings. Each is introduced by Bonhoeffer translator Isabel Best who also provides a brief biography of Bonhoeffer. The foreword is by...
After a review of scholarly work on the speeches in Acts, particularly Paul's Pisidian Antioch speech, Morgan-Wynne sets Paul's speech in the context of the first missionary journey and the rest of Luke-Acts. In this book he analyzes the structure of the speech, asks whether Luke used sources for the speech, and examines the main theological themes, including the characterization of God and Jesus, the use of the OT, the place of Israel, and the portrait of Paul that emerges. Finally, the author...
A Melanchthon Reader (American University Studies, #41)
by Philipp Melanchthon and Phillip Melanchthon
For nearly thirty years, James M. Kittelson's Luther the Reformer has been the standard biography of Martin Luther. Like Roland Bainton's biography of the generation before, Kittelson's volume is the one known by thousands of students, pastors, and interested readers as the biography that gave them the details of this dramatic man and his history. The accolades were well deserved. Fair, insightful, and detailed without being overwhelming, Kittelson was able to negotiate a "middle way" between th...
The questions of Christianity are perennial. For example: How are Judaism and Christianity related? Are Jesus and the Holy Spirit God? Is the end of the world imminent? How should we relate faith and reason? In this innovative work, Derek Cooper tells the story of Christian history by presenting the twenty questions (one for each century!) that shaped the Christian church throughout the world. The result is a book that narrates the exciting history of Christianity from a global perspective by me...
Journale AA * BB * CC * DD
Der erste Band der DSKE enthalt Kierkegaards Journale und Aufzeichnungen der Jahre 1835-1839 und beruht auf der historisch-kritischen danischen Neuausgabe. Die Texte der von Kierkegaard mit AA, BB, CC und DD gekennzeichneten Journale zeigen die Vielfalt der Interessen und Studien, die Kierkegaard in jenen Jahren, also zu Beginn seiner formativen Periode, verfolgt. Die von autobiographischen Notizen, literarisch-asthetischen Studien und Entwurfen bis hin zu philosophischen und theologischen Eroer...
Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church (Evangelical Ressourcement)
by Ronald E. Heine
The contemporary church dismisses Christianity's foundational Scriptures at its own peril. However, the teachings of the Old Testament are less and less at the center of congregational preaching and conversation. The early church fathers--visionaries such as Augustine, Origen, and Tertullian--embraced the Hebrew Scriptures, allowing the Old Testament to play a central role in the formation of their beliefs. As today's Christians struggle to relate to concepts such as the Jewish law and the proph...
"Christian Theology: An Introduction" is internationally acknowledged to be among the leading textbooks in Christian theology. This new edition retains all of the highly acclaimed features of the first two editions, whilst incorporating important new material. Using clear and accessible language, the text assumes no prior knowledge of Christian theology, introducing the key ideas, debates, personalities, and schools of thought, clearly and accurately. The third edition has been developed in resp...
The Rise of the Missionary Spirit in America, 1790-1815
by Oliver Wendell Elsbree
The Captivation of the Will (Lutheran Quarterly Books)
by Gerhard O. Forde
The Captivation of the Will provocatively revisits a perennial topic of controversy: human free will. Highly esteemed Lutheran thinker Gerhard O. Forde cuts to the heart of the subject by reexamining the famous debate on the will between Luther and Erasmus. Following a substantial introduction by James A. Nestingen that brings to life the historical background of the debate, Forde thoroughly explores Luther's "Bondage of the Will" and the dispute between Erasmus and Luther that it reflects. In t...
Augustine of Hippo is history's best-known Christian convert. The very concept of conversio owes its dissemination to Augustine's Confessions, and yet, as Jason BeDuhn notes, conversion in Augustine is not the sudden, dramatic, and complete transformation of self we likely remember it to be. Rather, in the Confessions Augustine depicts conversion as a lifelong process, a series of self-discoveries and self-departures. The tale of Augustine is one of conversion, apostasy, and conversion again. In...
On the basis of the Thomist and Pietist tradition, Christian August Crusius (1715-1775) elaborated a philosophically challenging and influential alternative to the philosophy of Christian Wolff. For the first time, this edited collection offers a rigorous overview of the work of the Leipzig-based philosopher and theologian.
Act and Being (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, #2)
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The fresh, critical translation of the volume is now available in paper. Act and Being, written in 1929-1930 as Bonhoeffer's second dissertation, deals with the questions of consciousness and conscience in theology from the perspective of the Reformation insight about the origin of human sinfulness in the "heart turned in upon itself and thus open neither to the revelation of God nor to the encounter with the neighbor." Here, therefore, we find Bonhoeffer's thoughts about power, revelation, othe...