The History of the Origins of Christianity - Book I
by Joseph Ernest Renan
La Ultima Cruzada del Papa (the Pope's Last Crusade - Spanish Edition) Audio Libro CD MP3
by Peter Elsner
Persecution and Pluralism (Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism, #2)
This book contains the text in English of the most important laws that discipline the relationship between States and religious groups in the Post-Communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It is completed by a comparative analysis of these laws, that highlights the principal topics they deal with (registration and financing of religious communities, religious freedom, teaching of religion in schools, etc.)
Membralite Ecologique Des Etres Dans La Theologie Chretienne Et Dans La Pensee Bantoue (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #908) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #908)
by Paulin Monga Wa Matanga
La problematique ecologique mondiale defie l'homme et son action. La destruction de l'environnement qui s'accentue laisse poser une question de fond, celle de savoir comment l'homme peut s'y prendre pour garantir sa vie presente et future, car les consequences nefastes qui decoulent de cette destruction se repercutent sur l'homme lui-meme et hypothequent son avenir. L'auteur propose a ce que l'homme se comprenne a nouveau, comme essentiellement un etre-membre, qui vit en interaction avec d'autre...
Legal scholars and authorities generally agree that the law should be obeyed and should apply equally to all those subject to it, without favour or discrimination. Yet it is possible to see that in any legal system there will be situations when strict application of the law will produce undesirable results, such as injustice or other consequences not intended by the law as framed. In such circumstances the law may be changed but there may be broad policy reasons not to do so. The allied concepts...
Death by Despair (American University Studies, #245)
by Ramon Martinez De Pison
Anger in the Old Testament (American University Studies, Series 7: Theology & Religion, #99)
by Bruce Edward Baloian
A complete and authorized version of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church as revised by the General Convention of 2009. This handbook provides an indispensable reference for the denomination between now and the 2012 General Convention.
Lectures on the History of the Papal Chancery Down to the Time of Innocent III
Value, Meaning and the Social Structure of Human Work (European University Studies, v. 282)
by Obiora F. Ike
Not many cardinals get to be declared saints, and even rarer is one who is known for his controversial ideas and interpretation of doctrinal faith both within and outside the church. John Henry Newman (1801-1890), however, beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in September 2010, was no ordinary churchman. Raised an Anglican and a leading member of the Oxford Movement in his younger days, he converted to Catholicism and, through prolific writing and polemics, established an intellectual and spiritual in...
Wissensordnungen des Rechts im Wandel (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia - Series 1/Studia, #47)
by Stephan Dusil
Islamic Education in Secular Societies (Wiener Islamstudien, #4)
Through history, Islam was the dominant religion and source of legitimation for ruling entities in diverse contexts where cultures and religions thrived in harmony. Today, the presence of Muslims as citizens in secular societies poses challenges, either by belonging to minorities in Western countries with long secular traditions or by comprising minority or majority populations in post-communist East European and Central Asian societies, where secular values are being revised. As Muslims reconce...
Die katholische Kirche hat auf individual- und kollektivrechtlicher Ebene ein weitgehend eigenstandiges Arbeitsrecht entwickelt, den "Dritten Weg". Ziel der Arbeit ist es Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Flexibilisierung der Arbeitsbedingungen der katholischen Kirche aufzuzeigen. Eine solche Flexibilisierung erscheint auf zwei Wegen sinnvoll. Zum einen sollte den von den Arbeitsrechtlichen Kommissionen beschlossenen Arbeitsvertragswerken Rechtsnormqualitat zuerkannt werden. Zum anderen sollten die...