The Essential Handbook of Memory Disorders for Clinicians
This concise version of the Handbook of Memory Disorders is a selection of chapters from the original volume that have been chosen with the busy practitioner in mind. The Essential Handbook provides individual clinicians and students with those parts the editors consider most relevant and useful on a day-to-day basis, as a portable adjunct to the more comprehensive Handbook. (Handbook of Memory Disorders - 047 149819X)
Concurrent Treatment of Ptsd and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (Cope)
Popular myths about happiness directly contribute to our epidemic of stress, anxiety and depression - and sojme popular remedies are making it even worse! In his original bestselling self-help book, Dr Russ Harris revealed how millions of people are unwittingly caught in 'The Happiness Trap'. He then provided an effective means to escape: ACT (or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) based on the principles of mindfulness.Now, in The Happiness Trap Pocketbook, Dr Harris joins forces with acclaimed...
Wie Pippa Wieder Lachen Lernte
by K Pal-Handl, R Lackner, and B Lueger-Schuster
Jedes Kind kann von einem traumatischen Ereignis betroffen werden, sei es durch den ploetzlichen oder unerwarteten Tod eines Familienangehoerigen, durch einen schweren Verkehrsunfall oder durch das Erleben einer Naturkatastrophe.Viele Kinder wirken nach aussen hin unauffallig, doch qualen sie sich innerlich mit Phantasien, wie etwa, dass sie durch "schlimm sein" schuld am Ereignis sind. Pippa und Leo-Rix - ein traumatisiertes Madchen und sein Hilfstier, der Loewe Leo-Rix - bieten dem betroffenen...
Exzessives Schreien Bei Saeuglingen Und Intrafamiliale Kommunikationsmuster (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #699) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #699)
by Angelika Gregor
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der fruhen Regulationsentwicklung und ist im Bereich der Klinischen Entwicklungspsychologie angesiedelt. In neueren Theorien wird die sozialemotionale Entwicklung des Menschen als Konsequenz seiner fruhen Interaktionsmuster mit der Mutter diskutiert, als Basis seiner neurophysiologischen Regulationsentwicklung. Durch eine Felduntersuchung mit prospektivem Langsschnittdesign wurden 40 Familien in ihrer hauslichen Umgebung untersucht und verglichen: Familien, in denen n...
The New World of Self
by Professor Emeritus Charles B Strozier, Psychoanalyst Konstantine Pinteris, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Kathleen Kelley, and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Deborah Cher
There are two foundational thinkers in the history of psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud and Heinz Kohut. Though Kohut is much less well known, he revolutionized psychoanalytic theory and the practice of psychotherapy. In a burst of creativity from the mid-1960s until his death in 1981, he reimagined the field in a way that made it open, mutual, relational, and inclusive. His conceptualization of a holistic self that is in an ongoing relationship with others represented a paradigm shift from the pure...
During the past several decades, the field of mental health care has expanded greatly. This expansion has been based on greater recognition of the prevalence and treatability of mental disorders, as well as the availability of a variety of forms of effective treatment. Indeed, throughout this period, our field has witnessed the introduction and the wide spread application of specific pharmacological treatments, as well as the development, refinement, and more broadly based availability of behav...
The Compassionate Mind (Compassion Focused Therapy)
by Prof Paul Gilbert
Throughout history people have sought to cope with a life that is often stressful and hard. We have actually known for some time that developing compassion for oneself and others can help us face up to and win through the hardship and find a sense of inner peace. However in modern societies we rarely focus on this key process that underpins successful coping and happiness and can be quick to dismiss the impact of modern living on our minds and well-being. Instead we concentrate on 'doing, achiev...
Comprension del Duelo En El Siglo XXI (Spanish Edition)
by Rosa Maria Brea Franco
Based on more than ten years of research, Motivational Interviewing With Couples provides a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical foundations, processes, and strategies unique to Motivational Interviewing (MI) with couples. Drawing on Interdependence Theory, this approach to MI positions the couple as the client. Relationship functioning—the extent to which partners are satisfied with, invested in, and committed to the relationship—is viewed as a mechanism to achieve change. MI-based int...
Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating ADHD in Children and Adolescents
Konstitutionelle Verstimmung Und Manisch-Depressives Irresein
by Eduard Reiss
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Human Adaptation to Extreme Stress (Springer Series on Stress and Coping)
This book is one additional indication that a new field of study is emerging within the social sciences, if it has not emerged already. Here is a sampling of the fruit of a field whose roots can be traced to the earliest medical writings in Kahun Papyrus in 1900 B.C. In this document, according to Ilza Veith, the earliest medical scholars described what was later identified as hysteria. This description was long before the 1870s and 1880s when Char cot speculated on the etiology of hysteria and...
Mentalization-Based Treatment for Children
by Nick Midgley, Karin Ensink, Karin Lindqvist, Norka Malberg, and Nicole Muller
Mentalization--based treatment promotes clients’ ability to interpret the meaning of others’ behavior by considering their underlying mental states and intentions, as well as clients’ capacity to understand the impact of their own behaviors on others. This book is the first comprehensive clinical introduction to using this approach with children, 5--12 years old, who experience emotional and behavioral problems including anxiety and depression. Chapters examine problem assessment and case form...
Clinical Psychology Reflections Volume 3 (Clinical Psychology Reflections, #3)
by Connor Whiteley
An Introduction to Coping with Grief (An Introduction to Coping)
by Sue Morris
Grief is a natural reaction to loss but in some cases it can be devastating, preventing you from moving on in your life and affecting your relationships and work. This self-help guide offers an examination and explanation of the grieving process and offers strategies, based on CBT, to help you adjust to life without a loved one. This practical bookl is also an ideal resource for health professionals and carers.- What to expect when you are grieving- Physical and psychological reactions to grief-...
Brief Intervention for School Problems, Second Edition (The Guilford School Practitioner)
by Barry L. Duncan
Psychological Therapies for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Prospective Memory in Clinical Populations
Prospective memory has emerged as an important aspect of episodic memory. Prospective memory involves remembering to complete a previously formed intention. Successful prospective memory performance is important in daily life tasks such as taking medications or paying bills and has been related to compliance with treatment. Prospective memory has now been studied in many clinical populations as well as across the lifespan. Although prospective memory is recognized as an important aspect of dail...
This book addresses diversity counseling in an unique format that combines four non-ethnic groups: women, gays, the elderly, and people with disabilities. It is a companion to "Counseling American Minorities", which focuses on counseling ethnic and racial minorities. The concept of shared experiences of oppression is explained and clarified by identifying characteristics unique to each group. Another crucial topic is psychology's treatment of each group: how psychology as a field has ignored the...