Climatic Cataclysm
Global climate change poses not only environmental hazards but profound risks to planetary peace and stability as well. Climatic Cataclysm gathers experts on climate science, oceanography, history, political science, foreign policy, and national security to take the measure of these risks. The contributors have developed three scenarios of what the future may hold. The expected scenario relies on current scientific models to project the effects of climate change over the next 30 years. The sever...
The topic of proxy war is currently subject to intense debate with reference to US, British and Israeli accusations that Iran is sponsoring subversive and insurgent movements from Lebanon to Afghanistan; contemporary academic and media controversies over the effect of international assistance to the Afghan mujahidin in the subsequent destabilisation of the country; and the contentious circumstances surrounding the Russo-Georgian war of 2008, and the 'independence' of South Ossetia and Abkhazia....
The author has carried out a searching review of the principles promulgated by the British and American Defence Forces, in order to assess their continuing validity and relevance to warfare in the late 1990s and the 21st century. Recognising that principles will be applied by commanders to meet specific situations in the field he extends this study to embrace leadership and training for leadership and command. In the final chapter he addresses the moral responsibilities of those exercising comma...
The Definitive Handbook on Terrorist Threats to Commercial Airline and Airport Security Considered the definitive handbook on the terrorist threat to commercial airline and airport security, USAF Lieutenant Colonel Kathleen Sweet's seminal resource is now updated to include an analysis of modern day risks. She covers the history of aviation security and compares current in-flight security practices with those of other countries. Covering Transportation Security Administration changes in securi...
The United States and British Commonwealth in Korea, 1950-53
by U S Army Command and General Staff Coll
Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies
The Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies provides a comprehensive collection of essays on contemporary defence studies by leading international scholars. Defence studies is a multi-disciplinary study of how agents, predominantly states, prepare for and go to war. Whereas security studies has been broadened and stretched to cover at times the near totality of international and domestic affairs, and war studies has come to mean not just operations and tactics but also experiences and outcomes, d...
Auch nach dem Ende des Kalten Kriegs haben Nuklearwaffen kaum an Bedeutung eingebusst. DeryInternationale Gerichtshof (IGH), das Hauptjustizorgan der Vereinten Nationen, erstellte 1996 ein Gutachten uber die Vereinbarkeit eines Atomwaffeneinsatzes mit dem Voelkerrecht. Thema war weiterhin die Vereinbarkeit der Androhung eines Kernwaffeneinsatzes mit dem Voelkerrecht, somit die juristische Bewertung der Abschreckungspolitik. Die Arbeit stellt dar, wie es 50 Jahre nach den bislang einzigen Nukle...
The Nuclear North (The C.D. Howe Series in Canadian Political History)
Since the first atomic weapon was detonated in 1945, Canadians have debated not only the role of nuclear power in their uranium-rich land but also their country's role in a nuclear world. Should Canada belong to international alliances that depend on the threat of nuclear weapons for their own security? Should Canadian-produced nuclear technologies be exported? What about the impact of atomic research on local communities and the environment? This incisive nuclear history engages with much large...
Freedom in the World 2007 (Freedom in the World)
Freedom in the World, the Freedom House flagship survey whose findings have been published annually since 1972, is the standard-setting comparative assessment of global political rights and civil liberties. The survey ratings and narrative reports on 193 countries and a group of select territories are used by policy makers, the media, international corporations, and civic activists and human rights defenders to monitor trends in democracy and track improvements and setbacks in freedom worldwide....
Before We Go to War with China and North Korea
by Senior Lecturer in Physics David Williams
Natural Security
Arms races among invertebrates, intelligence gathering by the immune system and alarm calls by marmots are but a few of nature's security strategies that have been tested and modified over billions of years. This provocative book applies lessons from nature to our own toughest security problems - from global terrorism to the rise of infectious disease to natural disasters. Written by a truly multidisciplinary group including paleobiologists, anthropologists, psychologists, ecologists, and nation...
Beyond Paradise and Power
"Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus," wrote foreign policy guru Robert Kagan famously in his book Of Paradise and Power, which became an instant NewYork Times bestseller last year. Taking Kagan one step further, prominent foreign policy specialists - such as Walter Russell Mead, Timothy Garton Ash, and Francis Fukuyama - here provide multiple perspectives on the state of the transatlantic relationship after the war.
China and the People's Liberation Army defines "great powers" and "developing states" and suggests that the purposes of their militaries are fundamentally different. Solomon Karmel works to debunk frequently unquestioned myths about China s status as a great power. He employs extensive research of Chinese and foreign sources, secret and public, to understand shortcomings in the strategic, military, and industrial overhaul of China s military-industrial complex. His thematic framework and case-st...
Shares plain-spoken opinions about the current state of American politics, discussing how the nation reached its present circumstances and what the author believes can be done to correct specific moral and economic problems.
According to the Department of Defense's 2004 Base Structure Report, the United States officially maintains 860 overseas military installations and another 115 on noncontinental U.S. territories. Over the last fifteen years the Department of Defense has been moving from a few large-footprint bases to smaller and much more numerous bases across the globe. This so-called lily-pad strategy, designed to allow high-speed reactions to military emergencies anywhere in the world, has provoked significan...
Do countries fight wars for oil? Given the resource's exceptional military and economic importance, most people assume that states will do anything to obtain it. Challenging this conventional wisdom, The Oil Wars Myth reveals that countries do not launch major conflicts to acquire petroleum resources. Emily Meierding argues that the costs of foreign invasion, territorial occupation, international retaliation, and damage to oil company relations deter even the most powerful countries from initiat...
Coalition Warfare
It is unquestionable that the warfare of various post-Cold War 'coalitions-of-the-willing' has drawn much attention over recent years. However, we may also notice that associations of nations fighting, or preparing to fight, for common causes are no novelty.Multi-national co-operation in fields as costly and as fateful as war depends on considerations and caveats concerning political purpose, risks, mutual trust, national wealth and pride, compatibility of military forces and a glut of intangibl...
Ukraine's Nuclear History (Contributions to International Relations)
This book presents a comprehensive overview of Ukraine's nuclear history, beginning from its experiences within the Russian Empire in the early 20th century, through the Soviet period, to the emergence of Ukraine as an independent state that inherited the world's third-largest nuclear arsenal. The book discusses the development of the nuclear infrastructure on Ukrainian soil and offers a rich and nuanced background of how Ukraine became an important and integrated part of the Soviet nuclear inf...