401 books • 23 series
When Elephants Clash
Wartime Press Censorship by the U.S. Armed Forces
The Future Role of the Department of Defense in Protecting and Defending America's Economy in Cyberspace
George Washington and the Establishment of Civil-Military Operations in Relation to the Declaration of Independence
Facing Uncertainty
Mikhail Frunze and the Unified Military Doctrine
The Role of Union Cavalry During the Chickamauga Campaign (American Civil War)
Anti-Terrorism Doctrine Today
The Search for a Cold War Grand Strategy
Military Dissent
The Effects of U.S. National Security Strategy on Force Structure and the National Industrial Base
A Study of the Leadership Displayed by Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan Jackson During the American Civil War
The Confederate Army, a Regiment
Stalingrad and the Turning Point on the Soviet-German Front, 1941-1943
The China Theater, 1944-1945
Winfield Scott's Mexico City Operation
Ranald S. MacKenzie's Cross-Border Raid on the Kickapoo Indians Near Remolino, Coahuila (Mexico), 17-21 May 1873
A Prelude to Revolution
Brigadier General Marsena Patrick, Provost Marshal General for the Army of the Potomac
The North Africa Campaign (World War II)
The Adaptation of the Vessels of the Western Gunboat Flotilla to the Circumstances of Riverine Warfare During the American Civil War (American Civil War)
Military Operation Other Than War (Defense)
The Battle of Tippecanoe
The Effect of New Technology on the Operational and Strategic Levels of War (Defense)