Folgore da San Gimignano and his Followers: The Complete Poems (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, #541)
This translation brings the complete works of three minor but important Italian poets - Dante's contemporaries at the turn of the 14th century - to English speakers for the very first time. Taken together, the three authors sketch an idealized portrait of courtly life juxtaposed to the gritty, politically fractured world of northern Italy's mercantile urban centers in which they lived. One poet, Folgore di San Gimignano, idealizes court life during the period; the second, Cenne da la Chitarra, l...
I Primi Due Secoli della Letteratura Italiana, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
by Adolfo Bartoli
Del Primo Canto della Divina Commedia di Dante: Comenti (Classic Reprint)
by Giuseppe Zacheroni
Dante Studies
Esortazione Allo Studio della Divina Commedia Fatta Nel 1459 al Duca Borso di Ferrara (Classic Reprint)
by Unknown Author
The New Life is the masterpiece of Dante’s youth, an account of his love for Beatrice, the girl who was to become his lifelong muse, and of her tragic early death. An allegory of the soul’s crisis and growth, combining prose and poetry, narrative and meditation, dreams and songs and prayers, The New Life is a work of crystalline beauty and fascinating complexity that has long taken its place as one of the supreme revelations in the literature of love. The New Life is published here in the bea...
Woman Earthly and Divine in the Comedy of Dante (Studies in Romance Languages)
by Marianne Shapiro
This study examines all the characterizations of the female personality in the Divine Comedy, including representations of things traditionally categorized as feminine. Marianne Shapiro treats different traditional feminine roles such as wife, lover, and mother, and places Beatrice in the latter group. The problem of woman is studied within the general context of medieval literature. Shapiro's conclusions center largely upon Dante's adherence to a generally misogynistic tradition. While in his...
Ten Steps (Italian Modernities, #23)
This book is a ten-step journey around the thought and poetry of the most sensitive Italian visionary of modernity, Giacomo Leopardi, whose contribution to Western thought has been acclaimed by admirers from Schopenhauer to Nietzsche to Benjamin. A variety of readings, moving between different disciplines and approaches - including film studies, psychoanalysis, and queer theory - shed new light on Leopardi's fascinating and at the same time epistemologically radical compound of poetic imaginatio...
Textual History and the Divine Comedy . Scripta Humanistica, Volume 52. (Scripta Humanistica)
by John Guzzardo
Women and Feminine Images in Giacomo Leopardi, 1798-1837 (Studies in Italian Literature, v. 7)
by Lynne Press and Pamela Williams
Studi Danteschi, Vol. 1: Inferno (Classic Reprint)
by Agostino Bartolini
Cecco Angiolieri, the enfant terrible of Italian literature, loved women, gambling, food and wine. It is said that he found comfort for his bad luck with the dice and Becchina, his unreciprocating lover, only by pouring venomous scorn upon his miserly parents. Cecco's outbursts of rage against his fate and his earthly view of the world - diametrically opposed to the Stil Novo of Cavalcanti and Dante, the target of some of his fiercest sonnets - are perfectly encapsulated in his poetry, which is...
Orlando Innamorato Di Matteo M. Bojardo, Volume 5...
by Matteo Maria Boiardo and Francesco Berni