Ex Machina (2014) impressed critics and audiences alike with its bold ideas and all-too-realistic depiction of the unexpected consequences of constructing a sentient being. In his feature directorial debut, Alex Garland uses efficient storytelling, a compelling narrative, and heady concepts to create a modern science fiction masterpiece that explores gender, scientific advancement, and the very concept of humanity, all in a compelling, suspenseful film. Artificial intelligence has long been a sc...
Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. After watching depressing and cynical movies throughout the early 1970s, audiences enthusiastically embraced the positive energy of the Star Wars galaxy as they followed moisture farmer Luke Skywalker on his journey through a galaxy far, far away, meeting extraordinary characters like mysterious hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, space pirates Han Solo and Chewbacca, loyal droids C-3PO and R2-D2, bold Princess Lei...
For many years, conspiracy theories have been among the most popular story elements in Hollywood films. According to the "conspiracy culture," Government, Big Business, the Church, even aliens--all of which, bundled together, comprise the ubiquitous "Them"--are concealing some of the biggest secrets in American and world history. From The Manchurian Candidate (1962) to JFK (1991), The Matrix (1999) to The Da Vinci Code (2006), this decade-by-decade history explores our fascination with parano...
Discover the secrets behind the Skiving Snackbox, Repeating Rabbits, Bang Bang Boggart Bangers, and other props seen in the films with this exclusive collection of over a dozen authentic prop facsimiles, artifacts, stickers, and stationery inspired by Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Filled with facts and photos, fans will learn about the comedic side of the Wizarding World, relive moments from the films, and delve into the behind-the-scenes magic that brought Harry Potter to life on the big screen. 1...
In 2011, the cinematic release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 marked the end of the narrative journey of the orphan boy wizard Harry Potter. Since the end of the phenomenally successful books and films, however, the Harry Potter franchise has continued to expand, generating new texts such as the Fantastic Beasts film series and the stageplay sequel Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – alongside other opportunities to revisit the magical universe such as the ‘Wizarding World of Ha...
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle at Night Lock and Key Diary (Lock and Key)
Join HARRY POTTER™ and other first-year students on their inaugural trip across Black Lake to the Hogwarts™ Castle, with this glow-in-the-dark lock and key diary. Turn out the lights and watch the castle windows, torches, moon and more glow! Featuring delightful illustrations from the acclaimed book Harry Potter™: Exploring Hogwarts, illustrated by Studio Muti, this diary includes 192 pages and a lock and two keys to keep your thoughts secure.
The Rise of Skywalker The Official Collector's Edition Book
by Titan Magazines
An in-depth collector's edition featuring material from the long-awaited all-new Star Wars movie, The Rise of Skywalker, including interviews with the cast and crew and exclusive imagery. This book features a wealth of material from the hit movie - the final chaper in the Skyalker Saga - and includes interviews with the main cast, including Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac and Mark Hamill. Key creative figures, including director JJ Abrahams, screenwriter Chris Terrior and...
A new Star Wars Insider collection, featuring content previously printed in the Star Wars Insider magazine. A new Star Wars Insider collection, featuring content previously printed in the Star Wars Insider magazine.
Go behind-the-scenes to discover how the most iconic Star Wars' heroes were brought to the screen in this collection of incredible interviews and articles. The actors and creators behind 15 of Star Wars' most popular heroes discuss the process behind creating some of the most iconic characters in cinematic history. Includes Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), and George Lucas (the creator of Star Wars), Lawrence Kasdan (writer: The Empire Stri...
Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded
by Adam Bray and Cole Horton
Why does Kylo Ren talk to a helmet? What type of trooper guards a tropical beach? With brand new content, including a sneak peek of the Star Wars: The Last Jedi™, discover fun facts about Star Wars characters like Rey, BB-8, Jyn Erso, Admiral Thrawn, and Snoke, and feast your eyes on interesting trivia on locations such as Jedha, Maz Kanata's castle, and Starkiller Base. DK's best-selling title Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know has now been updated and expanded with all-new weir...
In celebration of the runaway hit Netflix series Stranger Things, Printed In Blood is proud to present the latest release in their ongoing series of artbooks. The more than 200 artists featured, drawing from the earthly dimensions of comics, illustration, fine art, videogames, and animation, have come together to bring us a unique vision of the world of Hawkins, Indiana. The 200-plus brand-new images have been created specifically for this volume, which also includes an all-new introduction. C...
Hufflepuff house is known for its loyalty, a tradition that hails from its founder, Helga Hufflepuff. This deluxe journal celebrates the iconic house with vibrant imagery and endpapers that display the beautiful art created for the films. The Hufflepuff Hardcover Ruled Journal is the perfect accessory to the beloved Harry Potter film series, inviting fans to record their own adventures.
Universal Terrors, 1951-1955
by Tom Weaver, David Schecter, Robert J Kiss, and Steve Kronenberg
Universal Studios created the first cinematic universe of monsters--Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy and others became household names during the 1930s and 1940s. During the 1950s, more modern monsters were created for the Atomic Age, including one-eyed globs from outer space, mutants from the planet Metaluna, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and the 100-foot high horror known as Tarantula. This over-the-top history is the definitive retrospective on Universal's horror and science fict...
In a dystopian future where cyborgs and robots are commonplace, Zalem, the last of the great sky cities, dumps its trash onto the world below. In the scrapyard on the outskirts of the terrestrial Iron City a cyborg doctor, Ido, scavenging for extra parts, finds the still-living remains of a female cyborg. Experience the world of Alita through the eyes of her adopted father, cybersurgeon and Hunter-Warrior Dr. Dyson Ido with this illustrated journal.
This 12-month undated planner features iconic imagery and beloved quotes from the Harry Potter films and is a perfect gift for Harry Potter fans. START PLANNING NOW: Fill in the months and dates in this undated planner to start a year of planning at any time 12 MONTHS: Plenty of room for all of your events, plans, and projects CONVENIENT SIZE: This undated 7 x 9–inch planner is perfect for a desk or easy to throw in a bag on the go PERFECT FOR STUDENTS AND ADULTS: Achieve Hermione GRANGE...
Featuring three unique designs, this colorful set of pocket notebooks celebrates the most cunning house in HOGWARTSTM with one ruled, one blank, and one grid-lined notebook—perfect for all your note-taking needs.
Supernatural Deluxe Note Card Set (With Keepsake Box) (Science Fiction Fantasy)
by Insight Editions
The CW’s hit show Supernatural tells the story of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who, along with help of their powerful ally, the fallen angel Castiel, embark on a lifelong quest to rid the world of demons, ghosts, monsters, and other supernatural threats. Now, fans can celebrate their love of Supernatural with this finely crafted deluxe note card set. Designed to look like an artifact from the show, this set includes: 20 blank note cards featuring classic quotes from the show 20 envelo...
The Wizard of Oz: Wicked Witch of the West Pocket Notebook Collection (Pocket Notebooks)
Inspired by the iconic villain from The Wizard of Oz, the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST and her terrifying WINGED MONKEYS, this colorful pocket notebook features three 64-page notebooks including one ruled, one blank, and one gird-lined notebook.
The world of the Harry Potter films is endlessly intriguing, filled with magic, mystery, complicated characters, captivating places, and countless curiosities. Now fans can further explore the immersive world of their favorite films with this one-of-a-kind deck featuring 125 “conversation cards” designed to provoke thoughtful and interesting discussions while also exploring the enchanting universe onscreen. Questions include: · If you had the ability to conjure a Patronus, what memory would you...
Inspired by the beloved HARRY POTTERTM films, this travel journal invites all witches, wizards, and MugglesTM to record their own magical journeys. Featuring your very own ticket for Platform Nine and Three-QuartersTM, this journal lies flat when open and includes 192 pages, a ribbon placeholder, an elastic band, and a back pocket for storing keepsakes and mementos.