Sport and Alcohol (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)
by Carwyn Jones
There is a clear sense in which sport has played, and continues to play an important role in the normalization and legitimization of routine, excessive and problem drinking; sport and alcohol have become inextricably linked. Alcohol companies provide funding in the form of sponsorship, fans consume alcohol when watching, and players celebrate, bond and relax with alcohol. Sport and Alcohol: an ethical perspective aims to critically examine the various ways in which sport and alcohol interact....
NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments (NSCA Science of Strength & Conditioning)
by Todd A. Miller
NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments offers strength and conditioning professionals a one-stop resource for the best research-supported fitness and performance measures available. Created by top experts in the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this comprehensive text offers extensive information on which factors matter and how to evaluate them as accurately and easily as possible. Editor Todd Miller and an authoritative team of cont...
" Many sport psychology texts focus on what to do -- relaxation, imagery, etc. This is the first text to focus directly on the how of doing sport psychology.Doing Sport Psychology involves much more than the standard techniques such as goal setting and positive self-talk. Counselors' personalities, the history of their relationships with athletes, the interaction of individual psychologists and athletes with entire teams--these factors are at least as important as the application of standard pro...
The purpose of this book is to educate and empower teachers of physical education by introducing them to all the variables that can be adapted to ensure appropriate inclusion in physical education. This book is organized to provide the reader with the most up to date and useful strategies to include children with disabilities. It should help teachers make placement decisions based on each child's unique needs and the unit of instruction. The reader should also learn how to develop and implement...
Willkurmotorik - Absteigende Kontrolle der Bewegung, Zentrale Neuronenpopulationen und ihre Funktionen
by Nicole Vogel
Identifikation der geeigneten Methodik zur Bestimmung der individuellen anaeroben Schwelle beim Walking
by Heiko Staller
Das Patellaspitzensyndrom als Resultat falschen Basketballtrainings und seine Vermeidung
by Colon Ross
Pravention von Sportverletzungen - was ist gesichert
by Philipp Schoene
Updated edition featuring a brand new afterword 'A terrific book. No one put their body on the line quite like Sam Warburton.' Brian O'Driscoll 'It was an absolute privilege to play against Sam. An inspiring leader with an equally inspiring story to tell.' Jonny Wilkinson Sam Warburton OBE was not only a titan of Welsh...
Dieser Ratgeber soll psychisch erkrankten Menschen helfen, von mehr Bewegung zu profitieren. Durch Burn-out, Depressionen oder AEngste entstehen oft Barrieren, die es fur die Betroffenen noch schwerer machen, sich fur mehr Aktivitat im Alltag zu motivieren. Die erfahrenen Autorinnen erklaren zunachst, warum Bewegung gerade fur psychisch erkrankte Menschen wichtig ist und geben Beispiele, wie diese trotz aller Barrieren aktiver werden koennen.
Sociocultural Examinations of Sports Concussions (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)
Sport’s "concussion crisis" has been characterized by controversial scientific discoveries, athlete suicides, and high-profile lawsuits involving professional sports leagues, while provoking widespread media coverage, changes to game rules, and debate about the future of many popular sports. Sociocultural Examinations of Sports Concussion is the first edited collection to bring together multiple sociocultural perspectives on sports concussion that interrogate the social, economic, political, and...
Ernahrungskonzept fur einen Wettkampfsportler mit individuell angepasstem Ernahrungsprogramm
by Dawid Niewiarowski
Psychology for Physical Educators
by Yves Vauden Avweele and Stuart Biddle
Provides physical educators with a body of knowledge and practical guidelines needed to facilitate the realization of physical education (PE) curriculum goals. Contains sections on the psychology of promoting physical activity, exercise and health in PE, psychological outcomes of PE, motor skill acq
Looking for ways to challenge participants, promote teamwork and initiate problem-solving? This text offers 15 activities to help primary students build self-confidence and improve interpersonal relationships. The activities encourage participants to interact verbally and physically, struggle, deal with failure, persevere and work together to master problems. In the process the student should learn valuable teamwork and appreciate individual differences, practice leadership skills and improve li...
A guide to combining movement and sensory experiences to help young children and children with disabilities develop language skills. It offers developmentally appropriate movement activities tailored for use with children aged three to nine years. Using an integrated curriculum approach, the resource should appeal to education professionals and physical education specialists. The text contains a detailed lesson plan organized around each letter of the alphabet. It features: 150 drawings that ill...
Ausgewahlte Themen Der Sportmotorik Fur Das Weiterfuhrende Studium (Band 2)
by Kerstin Witte
Nachdem im Bachelorstudium schon viele Bereiche der Sportmotorik besprochen wurden (siehe Band 1 dieser Lehrbuchreihe), moechten Sie als Sportwissenschaftler*in, Trainer*in, Sportingenieur*in, Gesundheitswissenschaftler*in oder Physiotherapeut*in noch mehr uber aktuelle Forschungsgebiete dieser Disziplin erfahren. Dieses Buch macht Lust, sich tiefer mit dem Phanomen der sportlichen Bewegung zu beschaftigen. Neben dem Studium der Fachliteratur zur Aneignung des entsprechenden Fachwissens gibt es...
Coaching Science and Coaching Studies courses are appearing in increasing numbers in many universities. The textbooks used in most of these courses are either theoretically based sports science texts or practically based coaching books. The former are generally lacking in application while the latter rarely have any scientific input. The reader is, therefore, left to make the links themselves. Coaching Science will bridge that gap covering both theory and practice and, most important, showing ho...