Visual Mathematics and Cyberlearning (Mathematics Education in the Digital Era, #1)
This first book in the series will describe the Net Generation as visual learners who thrive when surrounded with new technologies and whose needs can be met with the technological innovations. These new learners seek novel ways of studying, such as collaborating with peers, multitasking, as well as use of multimedia, the Internet, and other Information and Communication Technologies. Here we present mathematics as a contemporary subject that is engaging, exciting and enlightening in new ways. F...
Elements de Modelisation Pour l'Analyse d'Images (Mathematiques Et Applications, #33)
by Bernard Chalmond
Cet ouvrage decrit une methodologie et un savoir-faire pour la construction effective de modeles en analyse d'images. Les taches d'imagerie y sont le plus souvent formalisees comme des problemes inverses solutionnes dans un cadre Bayesien. Ce livre est organise en 3 parties. Les 2 premieres decrivent les bases necessaires aux modeles developpes dans la troisieme partie sous la forme d' energie. Ces bases sont les splines et les champs aleatoires. La plupart des modeles sont issus de projets indu...
Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data (Mathematics and Visualization)
This book contains papers presented at the Workshop on the Analysis of Large-scale, High-Dimensional, and Multi-Variate Data Using Topology and Statistics, held in Le Barp, France, June 2013. It features the work of some of the most prominent and recognized leaders in the field who examine challenges as well as detail solutions to the analysis of extreme scale data. The book presents new methods that leverage the mutual strengths of both topological and statistical techniques to support the man...
Coarse Geometry and Randomness (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #2100)
by Itai Benjamini
These lecture notes study the interplay between randomness and geometry of graphs. The first part of the notes reviews several basic geometric concepts, before moving on to examine the manifestation of the underlying geometry in the behavior of random processes, mostly percolation and random walk.The study of the geometry of infinite vertex transitive graphs, and of Cayley graphs in particular, is fairly well developed. One goal of these notes is to point to some random metric spaces modeled by...
Graphs, Codes and Designs (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note)
by P. J. Cameron and J. H. van Lint
This book is concerned with the relations between graphs, error-correcting codes and designs, in particular how techniques of graph theory and coding theory can give information about designs. A major revision and expansion of a previous volume in this series, this account includes many examples and new results as well as improved treatments of older material. So that non-specialists will find the treatment accessible the authors have included short introductions to the three main topics. This b...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2007, held in Dornburg, Germany, in June 2007. The 30 revised full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully selected from 99 submissions. The papers feature original results on all aspects of graph-theoretic concepts in Computer Science, including structural graph theory, graph-based modeling, and graph-drawing.
Principles of Harmonic Analysis (Universitext)
by Anton Deitmar and Siegfried Echterhoff
This book offers a complete and streamlined treatment of the central principles of abelian harmonic analysis: Pontryagin duality, the Plancherel theorem and the Poisson summation formula, as well as their respective generalizations to non-abelian groups, including the Selberg trace formula. The principles are then applied to spectral analysis of Heisenberg manifolds and Riemann surfaces. This new edition contains a new chapter on p-adic and adelic groups, as well as a complementary section on di...
Einfuhrung in die Graphentheorie (Essentials)
by Katja Moenius, Joern Steuding, and Pascal Stumpf
Dieses essential liefert eine Einfuhrung in die Graphentheorie; Vorkenntnisse werden dabei nicht benoetigt. Ein Graph ist ein Gebilde bestehend aus Ecken und verbindenden Kanten. Wir untersuchen Kreise in Graphen (die jede Kante bzw. jede Ecke besuchen sollen), fragen uns, welche Graphen sich uberschneidungsfrei zeichnen lassen, und schliesslich machen wir uns an die Farbung von Graphen (wobei keine benachbarten Ecken mit derselben Farbe versehen werden sollen). Diese klassischen Themen der Grap...
I Love You to the Barn and Back, Notebook, 5x5 Quad Rule Graph Paper
by Slo Treasures
Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs. Annals of Discrete Mathematics, Volume 57.
by M.C. Golumbic
Quadratic Forms (Algebra and Applications, #25)
by Michael Barot, Jesus Arturo Jimenez Gonzalez, and Jose Antonio De La Pena
This monograph presents combinatorial and numerical issues on integral quadratic forms as originally obtained in the context of representation theory of algebras and derived categories. Some of these beautiful results remain practically unknown to students and scholars, and are scattered in papers written between 1970 and the present day. Besides the many classical results, the book also encompasses a few new results and generalizations. The material presented will appeal to a wide group of r...
Graph Theory with Applications to Algorithms and Computer Science
An applications-orientated text detailing the latest research in graph theory and computer science. Leading contributors cover such important topics as: tiling problems and graph factors; partioning the nodes of a graph; diameter vulnerability in networks; edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles; the cochromatic number of graphs in a switching sequence; and more.
Algorithmic Graph Theory & Perfect Graphs (Computer Science and Applied Mathematics)
by Martin C Golumbic
This title presents new ideas on the visualization of differential equations with user-configurable tools. The authors use the widely-used computer algebra system, Mathematica, to provide an integrated environment for programming, visualizing graphics, and running commentary for learning and working with differential equations.
Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Get an In-Depth Understanding of Graph Drawing Techniques, Algorithms, Software, and ApplicationsThe Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization provides a broad, up-to-date survey of the field of graph drawing. It covers topological and geometric foundations, algorithms, software systems, and visualization applications in business, education, scie
Graph Theory and Applications (Annals of Discrete Mathematics)
by Akiyama
Pearls in Graph Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction
by Nora Hartsfield and Gerhard Ringel