This book highlights the centrality of the autobiographical enterprise to Italian women's writing through the twentieth century-a century that has frequently been referred to as the century of the self. Ursula Fanning addresses the thorny issue of essentialism potentially involved in underlining links between women's writing and autobiographical modes, and ultimately rejects it in favor of an argument based on the cultural, linguistic, and literary marginalization of women writers within the Ita...
Regarding Romantic Rome
Italienisch im Opernlibretto (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philologie)
by Anja Overbeck
The book series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, founded by Gustav Groeber in 1905, is among the most renowned publications in Romance Studies. It covers the entire field of Romance linguistics, including the national languages as well as the lesser studied Romance languages. The editors welcome submissions of high-quality monographs and collected volumes on all areas of linguistic research, on medieval literature and on textual criticism. The publication languages of the s...
Of all James' travel writings, this volume holds the most pleasure for the reader -- as a warm, careful introduction to a beloved country, as a happy experience shared, and as one of the world's great examples of expository writing.
Anna Maria Ortese (Toronto Italian Studies)
After years of obscurity, Anna Maria Ortese (1914-1998) is emerging as one of the most important Italian authors of the twentieth-century, taking her place alongside such luminaries as Italo Calvino, Primo Levi, and Elsa Morante. Anna Maria Ortese: Celestial Geographies features a selection of essays by established Ortese scholars that trace her remarkable creative trajectory. Bringing a wide range of critical perspectives to Ortese's work, the contributors to this collection map the author's c...
" Un Processus de Verbalisation Du Monde " (Franco-Italica, #2)
by Jean Nimis
Epistole Tardive Di Fracesco Petrarca (Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, v. 51)
by Gunilla Savborg
Woman Earthly and Divine in the Comedy of Dante (Studies in Romance Languages)
by Marianne Shapiro
This study examines all the characterizations of the female personality in the Divine Comedy, including representations of things traditionally categorized as feminine. Marianne Shapiro treats different traditional feminine roles such as wife, lover, and mother, and places Beatrice in the latter group. The problem of woman is studied within the general context of medieval literature. Shapiro's conclusions center largely upon Dante's adherence to a generally misogynistic tradition. While in his...
The Teaching of Gasparino Barzizza (Texts & Dissertations S., v. 10)
by R.G.G. Mercer
The Voices of Carlo Levi Le Voci Di Carlo Levi
In Playful Pictures, Chriscinda Henry explores the rise of private art collection in Renaissance Venice as a diporto, or pastime, practiced within a kaleidoscopic matrix of domestic leisure that encompassed the recitation of poetry and tales, games, music making, amateur theatrical activity, and the conversational arts. Between around 1490 and 1550, a new class of pictures emerged in Venice. These images-primarily paintings but also drawings, prints, book illustrations, and historiated architec...
Befriending the Commedia dell'Arte of Flaminio Scala (Toronto Italian Studies)
by Natalie Crohn Schmitt
The most important theatrical movement in sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Europe, the commedia dell'arte has inspired playwrights, artists, and musicians including Moliere, Dario Fo, Picasso, and Stravinsky. Because of its stock characters, improvised dialogue, and extravagant theatricalism, the commedia dell'arte is often assumed to be a superficial comic style. With Befriending the Commedia dell'Arte of Flaminio Scala, Natalie Crohn Schmitt demolishes that assumption. By reconstructi...
Lorenzo di Filippo Strozzi and Niccolo Machiavelli (Toronto Italian Studies)
by William J. Landon
By 1520, Niccolo Machiavelli's life in Florence was steadily improving: he had achieved a degree of literary fame, and, following his removal from the Florentine Chancery by the Medici family, he had managed to gain their respect and patronage. But there is one figure whose substantial contributions to Machiavelli's restoration has been hitherto neglected - Lorenzo di Filippo Strozzi (1482-1549), a younger and fabulously wealthy Florentine nobleman. As manuscript evidence suggests, Strozzi broug...
Francis of Assisi and His "Canticle of Brother Sun" Reassessed (New Middle Ages)
by Brian Moloney
Literary Imitation in the Italian Renaissance (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs)
by Martin L. McLaughlin
The concept of imitatio - the imitation of classical and vernacular texts - was the dominant critical and creative principle in Italian Renaissance literature. Linked to modern notions of intertextuality, imitation has been much discussed recently, but this is the first book to offer a comprehensive survey of Italian Renaissance ideas on imitation, covering both theory and practice, and both Latin and vernacular works. Martin McLaughlin charts the emergence of the idea, in vague terms in Dante...
I, Writer, I, Reader: the Concept of Self in the Fiction of Italo Calvino
by Stephen Chubb
La Corrispondenza Di Lodovico Antonio Muratori Col Mondo Germanofono (Italien in Geschichte Und Gegenwart, #31)
Si completa l'edizione delle lettere scambiate tra Muratori (1672-1750) e i suoi numerosi corrispondenti di area tedesca. I carteggi coi nomi piu noti (come Imhof, i Mencke, i Fabricius) erano stati curati dagli stessi autori in due pubblicazioni di questa collana (L. A. Muratori und Deutschland, 1997; Die Gluckseligkeit des gemeinen Wesens, 1999); vi si aggiunge qui, fra gli oltre 30 carteggi, quello inedito di ben 142 lettere (comprese due di Muratori, finora non attribuite) con Gottfried Phil...
L'"oulipo" E Italo Calvino (Liminaires - Passages Interculturels, #30)
by Michele Costagliola D'Abele
Il 24 novembre 1960, a Parigi, in un bistrot della rue du Bac, nasce, per volonta di R. Queneau e F. Le Lionnais, l'Ouvroir de Litterature Potentielle (Oulipo). Non un movimento letterario, ne un laboratorio scientifico ma un gruppo di scrittori e di matematici che si propongono, attraverso un approccio "sistematico" e "scientifico", di rinnovare l'idea di letteratura e apportare nuova linfa vitale a quel dibattito culturale che, in Francia, negli anni Sessanta, rimette in questione il mito surr...