Sicherheit, Risiko Und Opferschutz (Criminalia, #57)
by Benjamin Kertai
Wie kommen Stalking, Terrorcamps und Schulamoklaufe ins Strafgesetz? Welches Strafrecht entsteht dabei? Und wie kann wissenschaftliche Einflussnahme aussehen? Die Untersuchung der Gesetzgebung zeigt, dass die Weichen fruh gestellt werden. Das betrifft einerseits die Moeglichkeiten wissenschaftlicher Einflussnahme, andererseits entscheidet sich ebenso fruh, wie das Ergebnis des Gesetzgebungsprozesses aussehen wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschaftigt sich das Buch zunachst mit den Anlassen der Neu...
Contemporary Perspectives on the Detection, Investigation and Prosecution of Art Crime
by Duncan Chappell
This book presents the position that the online environment is a significant and relevant theater of activity in the fight against terror. It identifies the threats, the security needs, and the issues unique to this environment. The book examines whether the characteristics of this environment require new legal solutions, or whether existing solutions are sufficient. Three areas of online activity are identified that require reexamination: security, monitoring, and propaganda.
Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Caught in the Act offers an accessible, comprehensive and contemporary survey of the field. With a focus on the current state of the law and on contemporary problems that matter to students, all presented in way that piques curiosity and interest, this book will cover topics such as hate crime, free speech, human trafficking, firearms possession and use, self-defense, cybercrime, and Internet stalking.
No Rest In This Skin (No Rest in This Skin, #1)
by Takia Judah Refugee Parham
Guia de Justicia Para Victimas del Crimen (Crime Victim's Guide to Justice (Spanish Ed))
by Atty Mary L Boland
A Little Black Book (Little Black Book for Chemistry Teachers, #31) (Little Black Book for Disc Jockeys, #24)
by Graeme Jenkinson and "mae" Mary Jane West
Interpersonal Criminology
Based on peer-reviewed articles from the Second International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology, Interpersonal Criminology investigates the roots of crime and victimization, rather than dissecting criminal behavior after the fact. The book divides crime by type, covering crimes against women, crimes against children and youths, culture conflict and victimization of groups, and interpersonal cybercrimes. Perfect for criminal justice practitioners and advanced h...
Policing in Hong Kong (Palgrave Advances in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Asi)
by Kam C Wong, Professor
Diese Arbeit soll eine umfassende Betrachtung des Einsatzes der Narkoanalyse bieten. Dabei befindet sich das behandelte Thema an der Schnittstelle von Medizingeschichte, juristischer Zeitgeschichte, strafrechtlicher Dogmatik, Verfassungsrecht und Rechtspolitik. Der enge Bezug zur intensiv diskutierten Frage nach einer ausnahmsweisen Zulassigkeit der sogenannten "Rettungsfolter" war Anlass, der fast in Vergessenheit geratenen juristischen Kontroverse um die Narkoanalyse wieder Beachtung zu schenk...
Strategies and Responses to Crime (International Police Executive Symposium Co-Publications)
Every year, esteemed scholars and practitioners meet at the International Police Executive Symposium to discuss contemporary issues in policing and share ideas about effective strategies in their jurisdictions. Drawn from the proceedings at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting held in Turkey and updated with new developments since the conference, Strategic Responses to Crime: Thinking Locally, Acting Globally describes how local police agencies are addressing issues of crime that have global implicatio...
Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics, Second Edition
by Howard A. Harris and Henry C. Lee
This Second Edition of the best-selling Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics presents the practice of forensic science from a broad viewpoint. The book has been developed to serve as an introductory textbook for courses at the undergraduate level—for both majors and non-majors—to provide students with a working understanding of forensic science. The Second Edition is fully updated to cover the latest scientific methods of evidence collection, evidence analytic techniques, and the...
Fresh Perspectives on the 'War on Terror'
This book addresses the theoretical underpinnings of the field of transitional justice, something that has hitherto been lacking both in study and practice. With the common goal of clarifying some of the theoretical profiles of transitional justice strategies, the study is organized along crucial intersections evaluating aspects connected to the genealogy, the nature, the scope and the most appropriate methodology for the study of transitional justice. The chapters also take up normative and po...
Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring
This book presents a varied and critical picture of how the Arab Spring demands a re-examination and re-conceptualization of issues of transitional justice. It demonstrates how unique features of this wave of revolutions and popular protests that have swept the Arab world since December 2010 give rise to distinctive concerns and problems relative to transitional justice. The contributors explore how these issues in turn add fresh perspective and nuance to the field more generally. In so doing, i...
Sentencing is the process through which the legitimacy of punishment is declared and justified. However, it is increasingly portrayed as a social activity which should be more responsive to the pluralistic needs and values of individuals and communities in contemporary society. It will therefore have to adapt to an array of different perceptions of what justice is and how it should be delivered, as well as different sensitivities and emotional responses to sentencing processes and outcomes. At...
Mike Pressler walked into the bottomfloor meeting room of the Murray Building and, as he had done hundreds of times over a sixteen-year career at Duke University, prepared to address his men's lacrosse team. Forty-six players sat in theater-style chairs, all eyes riveted forward. It was 4:35 P.M. on Wednesday, April 5, 2006. The program's darkest hour had arrived in an unexpected and explosive announcement. Pressler, a three-time ACC Coach of the Year, informed his team that its season w...
Today's Police Sheriff Recruits
by Laura Werber Castaneda and Greg Ridgeway