Internet Legal Research on a Budget
by Carole A Levitt and Judy K Davis
The case of James Somerset, an escaped slave, in June of 1772 in London's Westminster Hall was a decisive turning point in human history. Steven Wise has uncovered fascinating new revelations in this case, which statesmen of the time threatened would bring the economy of the British Empire to a crashing halt. In a gripping, hour-by-hour narrative of the trial and the inflamed participants, Wise leads the reader to the extraordinary and unexpected decision by the great conservative judge, Lord Ma...
Get Shit Done Planner July 2018 - December 2022 (2018 - 2022 Five Year Calendar, #1)
by Joy M Port
2019 - 2023 Planner (Passion Planner 2019 - 2023, #2) (2019 - 2023 Five Years Planner, #8)
by Joy M Port
Global Private International Law
by Horatia Muir Watt, Lucia Bizikova, Agatha Brandao De Oliv, and Diego P. Fernandez Arroy
Global Private International Law is a groundbreaking casebook, combining the expertise of over sixty international and interdisciplinary contributors who analyze key legal proceedings in order to provide a comprehensive study of the impact of globalisation on the law. Providing a unique and clearly structured tool, this book presents an authoritative collection of carefully selected global case studies. Some of these are considered global due to their internationally relevant subject matter, wh...
'This book guides us expertly through the controversial area of originality, a concept which lies at the very foundation of copyright law, but which has never before been analysed in any depth as a topic in its own right. Originality has however now become a hot topic, given the controversial recent case law of the EU Court of Justice on it, and the manner in which some national courts in the EU are seeking to apply it, which makes this book especially timely.'- Trevor Cook, Bird & Bird LLP, UK...
Psychedelic Notebook Large Size 8.5 x 11 Ruled 150 Pages
by Wild Pages Press
La Transformaci<n De La Gesti<n P.Blica: Las Reformas En Los PA?Ses De La Ocde
Die 3. Auflage bringt die Kommentierung der Praambel und der Art. 1 bis 19 auf den aktuellen Stand von Judikatur und Literatur.Im Autorenkreis sind einige personelle Veranderungen zu verzeichnen: die Wissenschaftsfreiheit wird von Gabriele Britz, die Kunstfreiheit von Fabian Wittreck kommentiert, der auch die Art. 16, 16a und 18 ubernommen hat. Art. 6 und 7 liegen nunmehr in den Handen von Frauke Brosius-Gersdorf. Ferdinand Wollenschlager ist ebenfalls neu im Kreise der Autoren und kommentiert A...
European Competition Law - A Case Commentary, Second Edition
by Weijer Verloren Van Th and Berend Reuder
This fully updated second edition of European Competition Law: A Case Commentary explains EU competition law by presenting the relevant legal provisions together with carefully selected case extracts pertaining to those provisions. The selection is based on the interpretative value of the extracts and is limited to the essentials in order to clearly demonstrate how competition rules have been interpreted by the European Commission and the courts. The extracts originate primarily from the decisio...
Budgeting Planner (2020 January - December One Year Personal Financial Goal Workbook, #1)
by New Nomads Press
Global Private International Law
by Horatia Muir Watt, Lucia Bizikova, Agatha Brandao De Oliv, and Diego P. Fernandez Arroy
Global Private International Law is a groundbreaking casebook, combining the expertise of over sixty international and interdisciplinary contributors who analyze key legal proceedings in order to provide a comprehensive study of the impact of globalisation on the law. Providing a unique and clearly structured tool, this book presents an authoritative collection of carefully selected global case studies. Some of these are considered global due to their internationally relevant subject matter, wh...