Teaching resiliency is the next step in the character education movement. Author, Mary Humphrey presents recommendations for teaching this important skill based on lessons she has taught and perfected in her elementary school library.Featuring in depth lesson plans using picture books and intermediate novels for each of the five coping skills: Work on a Talent, Look Within, Find a Champion, Rescue Yourself, and Help Others, this book is immediately usable in the elementary classroom or school li...
This book provides a practical guide to key strategic, technical and economic aspects of New Product Development (NPD) systems and what determines success or failure in terms of reducing time to market. It is based on detailed analysis of New Product Development projects and the experience of leading organizations in the Silicon Valley, and how this can be applied elsewhere.This book integrates a methodology to understand techniques for managing effectively the knowledge obtained in the NPD proc...
Scholarly Communication in Science and Engineering Research in Higher Education
by Wei Wei
Stay on top with the latest developments in scientific and technical journal publications! In Scholarly Communication in Science and Engineering Research in Higher Education, experts in the academic community propose cost-effective alternatives to commercial publications in the face of increased journal prices and reduced budgets. This book discusses recent technological innovations that can maintain the needs of researchers who need to stay on the cutting edge of science and technology as we...
Indexing Multimedia and Creative Works
by Pauline Rafferty and Rob Hidderley
Indexing and information retrieval work properly only if language and interpretation are shared by creator and user. This is more complex for non-verbal media. The authors of Indexing Multimedia and Creative Works explore these challenges against a background of different theories of language and communication, particularly semiotics, questioning the possibility of ideal multimedia indexing. After surveying traditional approaches to information retrieval (IR) and organization in relation to iss...
Bulletin Boards and 3-D Showcases That Capture Them with Pizzazz, Volume 2 (Non-Series)
by Karen Hawthorne and Jane E Gibson
Need ideas to stimulate student interest in reading and library usage? Try one of the 98 bulletin board and showcase ideas featured in this eagerly awaited sequel to the best-selling first volume of this title, and you will be amazed how easy it can be to motivate readers to use the library! Each of the chapter provides detailed directions that allow for effortless reproduction of some of the most innovative and exciting bulletin boards and showcases you have ever seen.Following the same format...
"Der ganze Verlag ist einfach eine Bonbonniere" (Archiv fur Geschichte des Buchwesens - Studien, #10)
Nach grossen Erfolgen im Pressegeschaft profilierte sich der Ullstein Verlag ab 1903 in strategisch geschickter Mehrfachverwertung seiner Produkte auch mit einem facettenreichen literarischen Unterhaltungsprogramm und popularen Sachbuchern. Der Band betrachtet aus interdisziplinarer Perspektive die inhaltliche, programmatische und mediale Vielfalt des Verlags im Kontext kultureller, gesellschaftlicher und medialer Rahmenbedingungen der Zeit.
Guide to County Records in North Carolina State Archives
Museums and Well-being outlines the historical development of well-being within museums and offers a critical engagement with this field from a museum studies perspective. The essential thesis of the book is that well-being is a collective action. The book utilises the Five Ways to Well-being as a model: Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give, Take Notice. Each of these Ways are explored through a specific museum object illustrating the important role collections can play in museum well-being...
Emerging Standards for Enhanced Publications and Repository Technology (Surf/EU-Driver)
by Marjan Vernooy-Gerritsen
Emerging Standards for Enhanced Publications and Repository Technology serves as a technology watch on the rapidly evolving world of digital publication. It provides an up-to-date overview of technical issues, underlying the development of universally accessible publications, their elemental components and linked information. More specifically it deals with questions as how to bring together the communities of the Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and the Common European Research Infor...
Learn to allocate scarce library resources to meet learning, research, and service goals!How can you buy more books and journals with less money, while also installing the latest software and hardware, paying staff to train faculty and students in its use, offering the new round-the-clock information services users demand, and redefining the traditional collection-centered model of the library? It sounds impossible, but these are the conflicting imperatives every collections librarian faces at t...
Intercultural Memories (Critical Intercultural Communication Studies, #25)
Regionale Verbundsysteme in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Bibliotheks- Und Informationspraxis, #34)
by Traute Braun
Houghton Library at 75 (Houghton Library Publications (HUP)) (Houghton Library Publications)
by Heather Cole
Houghton Library-the primary repository for Harvard University's rare books, manuscripts, and much more-celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2017. Houghton's holdings span nearly the entire history of the written word, from papyrus to the laptop. This anniversary volume presents a snapshot of the unique items that fill the library's shelves.From miniature books composed by a teenage Charlotte Bronte to a massive medieval manuscript hymnbook; from the plays of Shakespeare to costume designs for Sta...
Social Networks in China (Chandos Publishing Social Media)
by Xianhui Che and Barry Ip
Social Networks in China provides an in-depth guide to Chinese social networks, covering behaviors, usage, key issues, and future developments. Chinese scholarship and cultural idiosyncrasies in technology remain a relatively under-researched area. While such issues may be sporadically reported in popular media, it is often difficult to obtain a true understanding of authentic Chinese behaviors and practices. One such study area delves into whether Chinese users utilize technology to socialize i...
This book looks at how Europe's refugee crisis has provoked different political and humanitarian responses, all similarly driven by technology. The author first explores the transformation of Europe into an increasingly militarised space, where technologies are mainly used to exercise surveillance and to distinguish between citizens and unwanted migrants. She then shifts the attention to refugees' practices of connectivity by looking at how technologies are used by refugees to communicate, perfo...
This book gathers new empirical findings fostering advances in the areas of digital and communication design, web, multimedia and motion design, graphic design, branding, and related ones. It includes original contributions by authoritative authors based on the best papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Digital Design and Communication, Digicom 2020, together with some invited chapters written by leading international researchers. They report on innovative design strategies sup...
Donna Jo Napoli (Studies in Young Adult Literature, #39) (Scarecrow Studies in Young Adult Literature)
by Hilary S Crew