Ana and her Magic Dogs It's Carnival Time (Ana and Her Magic Dogs, #1)
by Verena Boodoosingh
Hiding behind the old sofa, five-year-old Emma does not witness the murder of her mother, but she hears everything. And when the assassins finally leave, the young Tutsi girl somehow manages to stumble away from the scene, motivated only by the memory of her mother s last words: You must not die, Emma! Taken in by an old Hutu woman, Mukecuru, Emma is still haunted by nightmares long after the war ends. When the country establishes gacaca courts to allow victims to face their tormenters in their...
A gripping Roman adventure told by a young North African girl who sets out on a danger-filled journey to Britain.“The superb Voices series takes unsung heroes of the past and imagines them recounting the story of their remarkable lives' ” - The Times When, Camilla travels with her mother and father from Leptis Magna to Rome in 207 AD, she believes that she is going to the centre of the world. But just a few months later, the family is d...
Malo's Amazing Adventures! Aerial Geography
by Washington M Osiro and Malo O Pickett-Osiro
After his mother dies, Damon, a young medical student living in Alexandria, Egypt, in 45 B.C., makes a perilous journey to Spain to locate his father who is serving in the Roman army led by Julius Caesar.
In 1999, when rebel soldiers come to their village in southern Sudan, Stephen and his friends escape but hope to be able to return again.