Holi (A World of Festivals S.) (World of Holidays)
by Dilip Kadodwala
Moving Pictures (Start-Up Design and Technology S.)
by Claire Llewellyn and Richard Spilsbury
Spotlight on Shakespeare (Spotlight On)
by Sandy Brownjohn and Gareth Gwyn-Jones
Presents the life and times of William Shakespeare and provides guidelines on staging scenes from three of his plays.
Fans of Sarah Dessen and Gayle Forman's emotionally-charged novels will laugh and cry with Clancy Edwards as she learns about taking chances and letting go during one unforgettable summer at her family's skydiving drop zone. Sixteen-year-old Clancy Edwards has always been "the good girl." Ever since her beautiful, daring mother died in a skydiving accident, Clancy's father has watched her like a hawk. Between her dad's rules and her boyfriend's protectiveness, she's longing for an escape. The...
Perron Family Haunting (Real-Life Ghost Stories)
by Ebony Joy Wilkins
The Perron family received this advice from the previous homeowner of their Rhode Island farmhouse: "For the sake of your family, leave the lights on at night!" A ghostly witch named Bathsheba led the haunting of the Perron family, physically and psychologically tormenting them. This legendary ghost story eventually became the subject of the movie The Conjuring, and continued to haunt the Perron family for years to come.
Avoid Being a Tudor Actor in Shakespeare's Theatre! (The Danger Zone)
by Jacqueline Morley
With the plague still hanging loose in the air of 16th century London, the populace could do with cheering up. The man for the job is a new playwright on the scene, William Shakespeare. You start work at his theatre, but soon realise it won't be easy. It'll take an excellent memory, a penchant for wearing dresses and a keen eye for avoiding rotten vegetables. But against all odds, you could do well here...just watch where you're pointing that cannon! Humourous cartoon-style illustrations and spe...
."..uses colorful illustrations accompanied by step-by-step instructions to produce attractive and fun-to-use finished products....The fact that the materials needed to construct each puppet are readily available makes it even easier for a parent, teacher, or caregiver to sit down with a child and share some quality time together....A dragon puppet made from construction paper and popsicle sticks, a frog fashioned from an empty cereal box, and Humpty Dumpty made from a paper plate are a few exam...
This titles is part of a series of age-appropriate readers for pupil struggling at 11-14 years. It reinforces the idea that reading is fun and rewarding. It features stories, which are non-patronising and suitable for boys and girls.
Sink your teeth into Hollywood's hottest young actor As the intense, brooding Angel on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "David Boreanaz is a 243-year-old vampire struggling with the forces of good and evil within himself. But in real life, other than his arresting good looks and rugged sexiness, David has little in common with Angel. Unlike Angel, David is not afraid of daylight, prefers sporty duds to Angel's all-black wardrobe, and-oh, yeah-David happens to be a friendly, normal laid-back guy. Find...
Hollywood Monsters: Fiendishly Famous (Heroes & Villains)
by Kenny Abdo
This book explores the impact of Tudor theatres in London. Using detailed illustrations and an entertaining text, it looks at why the permanent theatres were built, how they were built, who put on the plays and who went to watch them. Exploring these topics, readers will build up a picture of life in Tudor times; of people's social activities, their choice of entertainment and their changing beliefs and customs.
This book which is part of a series that examines the creative arts is an introduction to the world of theatre from many different cultures all over the world and is intended to encourage young people to experience theatre for themselves. It traces the history of theatre from its origins, based on religious rituals of antiquity, to the present day. It looks at the different kinds of theatre, the wide range of entertainment it provides, the world backstage, the technology that creates the stage p...
Pb Summer Festivals (Seasonal Fest)
Reeling from her battle with Angel and the emotional repercussions of having to kill her true love, Buffy Summers flees to a big city where she attempts to get by anonymously. But as Buffy herself loves to remind people, trouble seems to follow the Slayer. And there's no escaping her identity as the Chosen One -- particularly when Faith, a Chosen Second arrives in Sunnydale! Follow along as Buffy returns to her hometown to the lukewarm welcome of the Scooby Gang, rekindling old bonds even as Fa...
The Best-ever Book of Ballet (Best-ever book of...)
by Kate Castle
Star Wars: The Galactic Empire: Ships of the Fleet - Pop Ups (Star Wars)
by Bill Smith