A Liberal Is Someone Who... a Conservative Is Someone Who ...
by E William Gravlin
2020 Weekly Planner Trump POTUS Plans Black White 134 Pages
by Political Humor Press
Jensi MC Kensey Privatnom & Slucaju Free to Play Puffs
by Z Z Rox Orpo
50 Flippen Brilliant South Africans
by Alexander Parker and Tim Richman
The Best Ever Guide to Demotivation for Dutch Citizens
by Mark Geoffrey Young
2020 Weekly Planner Trump Expose Fake News Plans Blue White 134 Pages
by Political Humor Press
The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Political Quotations
by Fred Metcalf
epub In this landmark series, literary quotations legend Fred Metcalf builds on the success of his bestselling series of quotations books for Penguin to produce classic, far-ranging volumes of humorous quotes on just about every subject you will ever need. This amazing new series is a musthave for every book shelf.
2020 Daily Planner Trump Collusion Plans Orange White 388 Pages
by Political Humor Press
FUNNY PAPERZ #3 - Bestest Editorial Cartoons of the Year - 2004
by Joe King
Brings together over 300 all-new cartoons from the WWII era, including over 100 by Seuss, 50 by The New Yorker's Saul Steinberg and works by Al Hirschfeld, Carl Rose and Mischa Richter. The cartoons and commentary cover the five years of the war and are divided into five chapters exploring the year leading up to the war, Hitler and Germany, Hitler's Allies, The Home Front and Germany's defeat.
Humorous and inspirational quotes from America's 43 Presidents ""The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" Ronald Reagan" ""Fighting battles is like courting girls: those who make the most pretensions and are boldest usually win." Rutherford B. Hayes" "The pay is good and I can walk to work." John F. Kennedy" The President of the United States of America is the most powerful person in the world, the leader of the world's foremost...
2020 Weekly Planner Trump Re-election Plans Text Black White 134 Pages
by Political Humor Press
Ammo Grrrll Is A Straight Shooter (A Humorist's Friday Columns For Powerline (Volume 5) (Ammo Grrrll, #5)
by Susan Vass
Yes, Minister (Vintage Beeb) (Mi-Vox Pre-loaded Audio Player)
by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn
Four episodes of machinations and manipulation from the classic BBC political satire. In 'The Compassionate Society', MP James Hacker visits the best-run hospital in the region. Who needs patients? 'The Greasy Pole' sees Hacker learning the difficulty of keeping one's hands clean while climbing the greasy pole. His problems begin when he must decide whether to approve metadioxin emissions. Toxic waste is such a tricky business! In 'The Skeleton in the Cupboard', the government is due to lose GBP...
Move over, Benedict Arnold . . . Oh to be sure, America's first traitor is one of the 101 bastards you will find in this one-of-a-kind account of bad guys in Washington. But compared to some of the gross misconduct in this frighteningly funny history book, well, let's just say he's in good company. This page-turner of a potboiler reveals all the dirtiest little secrets readers never learned in history class. From illegitimate children (we thought Grover Cleveland was too boring to have sex) and...
From Sam Jordison, author of the bestselling Crap Towns series, comes I-SPY for Grown-ups. The I-SPY concept is very simple: it's like the 'I spy with my little eye' game, only instead of all the tedious stuff about 'something beginning with', there are pictures and descriptions and genuine opportunities to use your sleuthing skills to discover interesting things. This can be alarming - but when turned into a sport, it's also fun. The United Kingdom of Wales, England, Scotlan...
I have no idea what my job is here. I just drink lots of coffee.
by Work Ridge Press