Yes, Minister

by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn

Published 10 September 1981
Four episodes of machinations and manipulation from the classic BBC political satire. In 'The Compassionate Society', MP James Hacker visits the best-run hospital in the region. Who needs patients? 'The Greasy Pole' sees Hacker learning the difficulty of keeping one's hands clean while climbing the greasy pole. His problems begin when he must decide whether to approve metadioxin emissions. Toxic waste is such a tricky business! In 'The Skeleton in the Cupboard', the government is due to lose GBP40 million due to a mistake made thirty years ago. Who could have made such a howler? And in 'A Question of Loyalty', allegations of excessive government waste send the office of MP James Hacker into a frenzy. Sir Humphrey has an answer for everything but, in a clever twist, Hacker decides it's time civil servants were both 'civil' and 'servants'. 2 CDs. 1 hr 49 mins.