Perspectives on the History of Global Development (Yearbook for the History of Global Development)
What is development, what has it been in the past, and what can historians learn from studying the history of development? How has the field of the history of development evolved over time, and where should it be going in the future?
Gedenkstaetten Fuer Die Opfer Des Nationalsozialismus in Polen Und Oesterreich
Diese Bestandsaufnahme der KZ-Gedenkstattenlandschaft in OEsterreich und Polen thematisiert die Geschichte, die gegenwartige Situation und die Zukunftsperspektiven dieser Orte. Hintergrund ist die Herausforderung, vor der diese Gedenkstatten heute stehen: Die Erfahrung des Zweiten Weltkriegs und des Nazi-Regimes ruckt zunehmend in die Ferne, die Generation der Zeitzeugen ist kaum noch prasent. Fur die Vermittlung der Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus gewinnen daher die Orte, die Zeugnis davon a...
American Foundations in Europe (Euroclio Etudes et Documents/Studies and Documents, #28)
Henry E. Sigerist (1891-1957) gilt als der bedeutendste Medizinhistoriker seiner Zeit und war ein Gelehrter von ausserordentlicher Vielseitigkeit. 50 Jahre nach seinem Tod ist er noch immer Gegenstand zahlreicher Arbeiten. Wahrend seiner Lebensphasen in Zurich, Leipzig, Baltimore und wieder in der Schweiz hat er mit etwa 300 Korrespondenten Briefwechsel gefuhrt. Der groesste Teil der Briefe an Sigerist und die Kopien seiner eigenen Briefe sind in Archiven erhalten. Dieser Band enthalt die vier B...
2020 Daily Planner Ben Franklin Quote Man Word Deeds Vintage Style 388 Pages
by Distinctive Journals
Doing History bridges the gap between the way history is studied in school or as represented in the media and the way it is studied at university level. History as an academic discipline has dramatically changed in recent decades and has been enhanced by ideas from other disciplines, the influence of postmodernism and historians’ incorporation of their own reflections into their work. Doing History presents the ideas and debates that shape how we ‘do’ history today, covering arguments about the...
Russia Under Tsarism and Communism 1881-1953 Second Edition (SHP Advanced History Core Texts)
by Terry Fiehn and Chris Corin
Depend on SHP's comprehensive and best-selling core texts to enrich your understanding of A Level History.SHP Advanced History Core Texts are the Schools History Project's acclaimed books for A level History. They offer:- clear and penetrating narrative - comprehensively explaining the content required for examination success- thought provoking and relevant activities that explore the content and help students think analytically about the subject- thorough exam preparation through carefully desi...
Schulstrukturen ALS Historisch Gewachsenes Produkt Bildungspolitischer Vorstellungen (Explorationen,)
by Carlo Jenzer
Dieses Buch kam mit Hilfe des Kulturengagements des Lotterie-Fonds des Kantons Solothurn zustande. Schulstrukturen werden als selbstverstandlich vorausgesetzt. Erst in Phasen der Schulreform erlangen sie Aufmerksamkeit. Historisch gesehen sind in den letzten 200 Jahren mehrere solcher Reformphasen auszumachen, die das moderne Bildungssystem erst konstituierten und von denen die Volksschule, die Gymnasien und die Berufsbildung in je unterschiedlicher Weise betroffen waren. Die historische Studie...
The excavation of the shipwreck La Belle grabbed public attention in Texas, across the nation, and overseas. Especially enthralled with the discoveries from the ship were schoolchildren. Pam Wheat-Stranahan, named by the Texas Historical Commission to head the educational efforts associated with the excavation's traveling exhibit, continued her work on this project after leaving the THC. Now, her teacher's guide, which includes a DVD of acclaimed documentary director Alan Govenar's films ""The S...
To write history successfully, it is essential to understand the nuts and bolts of technique as well as the basic underlying principles which are too rarely made explicit, but which govern the whole process. I. W. Mabbett carefully analyses these principles, and takes us step-by-step through the stages of the process. He shows how history differs from other disciplines, outlines the methods of historical research and writing, and clearly illustrates their application to writing assignments, es...
This exceptional chronicle takes readers on a visual tour of the glittering ""white city"" that emerged along the swampy south shore of Lake Michigan as a symbol of Chicago's rebirth and pride twenty-two years after the Great Fire
Glasgow's Great Exhibitions, 1888, 1901, 1911, 1938, 1988
by Perilla Kinchin, Juliet Kinchin, and Neil Baxter
Living History ALS Gegenstand Historischen Lernens (Geschichte Und Public History)
by Stefanie Samida and Miriam Senecheau
Le Citoyen A L'Ecole (Publications Universitaires Europeennes. Serie, #789)
by Despina Karakatsani
Ce livre essaie de retracer l'itineraire suivi par l'education civique jusqu'a son emergence comme discipline dans l'enseignement grec (1834-1957) et de confronter ses caracteristiques aux particularites de la societe grecque et de la theorie pedagogique. Ensuite, l'ouvrage met en relief les differents modeles de citoyennete proposes par l'institution scolaire grecque dans la periode d'apres-guerre a travers l'analyse de la legislation scolaire et des manuels d'education civique. Dans la period...
Bei Johannes Nuhn von Hersfeld handelt es sich um den einzigen Historiographen, der im Spatmittelalter in Niederhessen tatig war. Neben den Chroniken des Wigand Gerstenberg sind seine Chroniken die wesentlichen Uberlieferungstrager fur die Geschichte in Hessen bis zu Landgraf Philipp dem Grossmutigen. Die vorliegende Studie beschaftigt sich mit einer Analyse aller erhaltenen Textzeugen seiner Chroniken. Anhand der erhaltenen Handschriften soll aufgezeigt werden, wer die Uberlieferungsgeschichte...
First Published in 1966. The Establishment of Spanish Rule in America, AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY AND POLITICS OF SPANISH AMERICA has been written to present the main events connected with the establishment of Spanish rule in America, and to describe briefly the more important features of Spain’s colonial organization and policy. It aims, by the use of certain historical facts, to make clear to ordinary readers and to students in high schools and colleges the origin and character of the poli...
Fascist Italy (SHP Advanced History Core Texts) (SHP Advanced level history core text)
by Chris Hinton and John Hite
The Reign of Elizabeth: England 1558-1603 (SHP Advanced History Core Texts)
by Barbara Mervyn
British Cultural Identities
British Cultural Identities assesses the degree to which being British impinges on the identity of the many people who live in Britain, analysing contemporary British identity through the various and changing ways in which people who live in the UK position themselves and are positioned by their culture today. This new edition is updated to include discussion of key events and societal shifts such as the 2016 ‘Brexit’ referendum, the 2015 British General Election, the growing emphasis on devolu...