Mark Donnelly, PhD., is an artist, educator, community activist, Freemason, a proud husband andfather of four exceptional adults, and a fierce dreamer.Many believe that the older Dr. Donnelly gets, the younger his imagination becomes.He is the author of 40 books (and counting), including children's books like: My Name is Rocky, Theresa's Sock, Where the Bathwater Goes, The Worm Doctor, Brittney is a cat today, Twenty-Five Cents, But I don't want to be a butterfly, For short, A Journey for Peace, Where Did My Wonder Go?, Rory, I Forgot, Sitting Still, and The Encyclopedia of Misunderstood Imaginary Monsters.Mark has also written about Western New York's history, waterfront, architecture, weather, and aseries of novelty cookbooks.As one of the region's premier photographers, his work has appeared in numerous exhibitions andgalleries, including the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, The NACC, Burchfield-Penney Art Center, Rodman Hall Arts Centre, and the Art Gallery of Hamilton.