Le Mur de Berlin (L'Allemagne Dans Les Relations Internationales / Deutschland, #10)
Spanien Und Europa Im Zeichen Der Aufklaerung (Europaeische Aufklaerung in Literatur Und Sprache, #2)
Anders als seine Nachbarn in Europa galt Spanien lange als Land ohne Aufklarung. Zu Unrecht, wie die hier versammelten Beitrage dokumentieren. Provisorisch, tastend, skizzenhaft wird Spaniens Aufklarung aus wechselnden Perspektiven und mit unterschiedlichen Methoden im Bezug zu Europa - vornehmlich zu Frankreich und Deutschland - situiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das unter dem Eindruck der Aufklarung entstehende neue Gesicht der Literatur, ohne dabei die enge Verflechtung dieser Reformbewegun...
Men I Want to Punch in the Dick (Feminism Notebooks, #1)
by Sirius Publications
Berliner Schule Zwischen Restauration Und Innovation (Studien Zur Bildungsreform, #9)
by Karl-Heinz Fussl and Christian Kubina
Die Studie beschreibt die Entwicklung der Berliner Schule nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg als Ausdruck eines Spannungsverhaltnisses zwischen restaurativen und innovativen Tendenzen. Dies erfolgt im Rahmen einer regionalspezifischen Analyse unter Berucksichtigung nationaler und internationaler Einflussfaktoren. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern die Gesamtschulentwicklung Ende der sechziger Jahre in der Tradition der reformpadagogisch beeinflussten Einheitsschule stand."
What Shall We Tell the Children?: International Perspectives on School History Textbooks.
Teaching with film is not a new approach in the social studies classroom. Different publications, such as Hollywood or History, have bridged the gap with challenges attached to using historical film and engage students through inquiry, not entertainment. To continue with the Hollywood or History strategy, this text uses television shows (sitcoms) to brings issue-centered curriculum to middle and high school classrooms. By exploring issues in specific episodes, students can learn the history behi...
Das Phanomen "Weimar" zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen wird in der Kulturgeschichte gelegentlich als "ehernes" Zeitalter bezeichnet - nach dem "goldenen" der Weimarer Klassik Goethes und Schillers und dem "silbernen" mit dem Wirken Franz Liszts zwischen 1847 und 1861 am dortigen Hoftheater. Ohne Zweifel ist diese dritte Weimarer Epoche die facettenreichste und eine unter objektiv wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten schwierig zu erfassende und zu deutende Zeitspanne. Im allgemeinen historischen Bew...
Beyond the Textbook is a chronicle of what happened when several interesting ideas about teaching and learning history were put to the test in Providence, Rhode Island, public schools. Here, diverse mainstream students used documents and primary sources to actually construct history, acting as historians and drawing their own conclusions about the past. Instead of offering a single model for teachers to copy, Beyond the Textbook presents nuanced illustrations of what student historian theory lo...
Reinterpreting Southern Histories
A sweeping historiographical collection, Reinterpreting Southern Histories updates and expands upon the iconic volumes Writing Southern History and Interpreting Southern History, both published by Louisiana State University Press. With nineteen original essays co-written by some of the most prominent historians working in southern history today, this volume boldly explores the current state, methods, innovations, and prospects of the richly diverse and transforming field of southern history. T...
National History Standards: The Problem of the Canon and the Future of Teaching History
by Linda Symcox
The book brings together many recent trends in writing history under a common framework: thinking history globally. By thinking history globally, the book explains, applies, and exemplifies the four basic strategies of analysis, the big C's: comparing, connecting, conceptualizing, and contextualizing, using twelve different branches of history.
Landerziehungsheime in Der Weimarer Republik (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #494)
by Ralf Koerrenz
New Directions in Islamic Education explores the relationship between pedagogy and the formation of religious identities within Islamic education settings that are based in minority and majority Muslim contexts. Based on empirical research, the book engages critically with the philosophical, theological and cultural dynamics that inform Muslim educational thought and practice. The book offers an integrated model of Islamic education that identifies the heart of the Islamic educational imaginatio...
This book focuses on the fate of Polish Jews and Polish-Jewish relations during the Holocaust and its aftermath, in the ill-recognized era of Eastern-European pogroms after the WW2. It is based on the author's own ethnographic research in those areas of Poland where the Holocaust machinery operated. The results comprise the anthropological interviews with the members of the generation of Holocaust witnesses and the results of her own extensive archive research in the Polish Institute for Nationa...