Achieving World-Class Education in Brazil: The Next Agenda
by Barbara Bruns, David Evans, and Javier Luque
This book investigates and critically interprets the underrepresentation of the global South in global knowledge production. The author analyses the serious bias towards scholars and institutions from this region: he argues that this phenomenon causes serious disadvantages not only for authors and institutions, but global science as well by impeding the flow of fresh, innovative scholarship. This book uses a combination of field theory and world-systems analysis to explain the motives and dynami...
Structuring Learning Environments in Teacher Education to Elicit Dispositions as Habits of Mind
by Erskine S. Dottin, Lynne D Miller, and George E O'Brien
Educating for Democracy in a Changing World (Counterpoints, #271)
Why 'What Works' Doesn't Work (Educational Research, #1)
In this book distinguished philosophers and historians of education from six countries focus on the problematical nature of the search for 'what works' in educational contexts, in practice as well as in theory. Beginning with specific problems, they move on to more general and theoretical considerations, seeking to go beyond simplistic notions of cause and effect and the rhetoric of performativity that currently grips educational thinking.
Networks and Technologies (Educational Research, #2)
Does IT poison the minds of the young? Must educational institutions change to serve the needs of the twenty-first century? This book addresses these questions and more. It records the intellectual struggles of a group of scholars coming to grips with changes in knowledge production and research communication. Together these authors demonstrate how philosophical and historical approaches are relevant to the practice and theory of education.
Whatever happened to the Dearing Report? (Inaugural Professorial Lectures)
by David Watson
This work is designed to assist new teachers in their first years in urban classrooms. The author provides insider recommendations for coping with school realities ranging from overcrowded classes and a lack of appropriate materials, to cultural diversity, bureaucracy and school violence.
Internationalization of Education Policy (Transformations of the State)
by Kerstin Martens and Philipp Knodel
This book investigates and discusses the phenomenon of internationalization of education policy and its consequences for national policymaking processes. By comparing educational outcomes and actors' reactions in different countries, it provides detailed insights into a highly contested policy field.
Improving Teaching and Learning through Experiential Learning
by Betty McDonald
Who doesn't want to improve teaching and learning? A lot of people continue to ask searching questions like: Will I ever use this in real life? Why waste time learning all this stuff? Such questions are never-ending. This book provides answers to these and many other queries. Repeatedly, we hear sayings like, 'No pain, no gain'; 'You'll know it when you feel it'; 'You have to experience it to know about it'; 'Experience teaches!'; and 'Experience is the best teacher!' Such commonly heard adages...
Soziale Integration Bei Gesamtschuelern in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Studien Zur Bildungsreform, #4)
by Gernot Alterhoff
Die Grundfrage der Arbeit lautet: Haben die integrierten Gesamtschulen Nordrhein-Westfalens einen tragbaren Kompromiss zwischen den beiden bildungspolitischen Zielvorstellungen der individuellen Forderung einerseits und der Sozialen Integration andererseits gefunden? Mit Hilfe einer Langsschnittuntersuchung, die die Veranderungen verschiedener Aspekte der Sozialen Integration an Gesamtschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen feststellt, wird der Versuch einer Beantwortung dieser Frage unternommen."
Implementing the Every Child Matters Strategy is a comprehensive resource for senior leaders, managers of Every Child Matters (ECM) and teachers responsible for leading the government's ECM strategy in primary and secondary schools and other education settings such as Academies, Sixth Form Colleges, short stay schools, Children's Centres and Early Years settings. Featuring step-by-step advice, photocopiable checklists and templates, with suggestions for further activities in relation to implemen...
Regularly, schools and their personnel enact school disciplinary practices without considering how to harness the engagement of students, practitioners, and communities to enact transformative changes that reduce if not eliminate punitive school discipline approaches. Reimagining School Discipline for the 21st Century centralizes the assets and strengths of historically marginalized students and the professional knowledge of school personnel as possible avenues to implement solutions to eliminat...
Policy-making and Policy Learning in 14-19 Education (Bedford Way Papers, #26)
Improving Literacy in America
by Dr Frederick J Morrison, Dr Heather J Bachman, and Dr Carol McDonald Connor
Discussions with Teachers (Foundations of Waldorf Education, #3)
by Rudolf Steiner
Competencies, Higher Education and Career in Japan and the Netherlands (Higher Education Dynamics, #21)
This book investigates how social and cultural factors affect the education, training and career development of graduates of higher education in Japan and the Netherlands. The aim of this book is to explore how Dutch and Japanese graduates choose and develop their careers in reference to the above-mentioned challenges. It is based on a unique data set consisting of surveys held among graduates three and eight years after leaving higher education.
Instructor's Resource Manual and Test Bank (Download only) for Practicing the Art of Leadership
by Reginald Green
The Challenge to Academic Freedom in Hungary (de Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences, #6)
by Andrew Ryder