El Control Estadistico de la Calidad de Los Procesos
by Karine del Valle Gomez Marquina and Angel Adrianis Gomez Degraves
Projections of Education Statistics to 2014 (September 2005) (Projections of Education Statistics)
by William J Hussar
Practicando el R con la estadistica descriptiva
by Jorge Alejandro Obando Bastidas
Journal Your Life's Journey
by Blank Book Billionaire and Journal Your Life's Journey
Empiricist Research on Teaching (Philosophy and Education, v. 4)
by John H. Chambers
This book suggests the novel thesis that there has been a pervasive misunderstanding in research on teaching. In attempting to be scientific, researchers have been empiricist. Moreover, because they have used a very restricted kind of empiricist method, their results have been only moderately useful. Thus, present-day empiricist research needs to be radically modified. Through a consideration of various kinds of theory, and through case studies, the contrast between scientific and empirici...
Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
by Christopher L Aberson
This practical guide on conducting power analyses using IBM SPSS was written for students and researchers with limited quantitative backgrounds. Readers will appreciate the coverage of topics that are not well described in competing books such as estimating effect sizes, power analyses for complex designs, detailed coverage of popular multiple regression and multi-factor ANOVA approaches, and power for multiple comparisons and simple effects. Practical issues such as how to increase power withou...
Konturen Einer Neuen Aktionsforschung (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #250)
by German Merz
In den siebziger Jahren avancierte Aktionsforschung zu einer bedeutenden Forschungsstrategie in der Padagogik - heute beginnt man sich enttauscht von ihr abzuwenden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht davon aus, dass Aktionsforschung ihre grundlagentheoretischen Annahmen prazisieren bzw. durch weniger voraussetzungsvolle substituieren musste, um unabhangig von der Kurzatmigkeit forschungspolitischer Modetrends als praxisrelevante sozialwissenschaftliche Strategie anerkannt zu werden. Angesichts d...
Action Research for Educational Change (Developing Teachers and Teaching)
From Positivism to Interpretivism and Beyond
An explanation of the research methods and types of analysis used in educational research in the USA. It provides step-by-step guidelines to research methodologies, including thesis and dissertation research. This edition includes updated treatment of the use of computers and many new case studies.
Using Statistics in Small-Scale Language Education Research (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional)
by Jean L. Turner
Assuming no familiarity with statistical methods, this text for language education research methods and statistics courses provides detailed guidance and instruction on principles of designing, conducting, interpreting, reading, and evaluating statistical research done in classroom settings or with a small number of participants. While three different types of statistics are addressed (descriptive, parametric, non-parametric) the emphasis is on non-parametric statistics because they are appropri...
The Condition of Education 2010
by Michael Planty, William J Hussar, Thomas D Snyder, and Susan Aud