Becoming an Assessment-Capable Visible Learner, Grades 3-5: Learner′s Notebook (Corwin Literacy)
by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, and Karen T Flories
This new book, constructed from Paulo Freire's writings near the end of his life, is characterized by the eloquence of his dreams-dreams that constituted the utopia underlying Freire's lifelong work. Freire challenges all educators to create Circles of Dialogues, or reflective spaces, for passionate and critical reflection that is coherent and humanizing, favoring the oppressed peoples of the world. The chapters, crafted toward the end of the twentieth century, reflect Freire's deep concern with...
Place-based education is on the rise. Tired of "teaching to the test," educators are looking for authentic ways to connect their curriculum to real life. The place-based approach brings students into their communities to learn necessary content and skills by working to meet the needs of local agencies and organizations. Students are more engaged because they know they are doing real work, teachers are reinvigorated by creating exciting learning opportunities, and the school takes on a more activ...
The topics of evaluation and quality management have, up until now, scarcely been linked to one another. This book contributes to the balancing of this deficit. It shows how the instrument of evaluation can be utilised, with a focus on quality development in non-profit organisations (NPO's). It is assumed that the equality of services rendered by non-profit organisations is measured first and foremost against the achievement of the outcomes that were originally planned. The optimisation of impac...
Principios de electricidad (Electricidad Y Electronica, #1)
by Albeiro Patino Builes
This book will attempt, through an in-depth investigation of eight private schools, representing a wide variety of traditions (including non-sectarian as well as sectarian schools), to show how schools are telling reflections of the changing religious landscape of our country. It will also seek to demonstrate that these schools are important guideposts in the process of understanding that landscape, and how institutions with a clear commitment can embrace a pluralistic constituency. The degree t...
Hijos Brillantes, Alumnos Sobresalientes
by Paz Bourse and Daniel Ricart
Differentiating by Readiness: Strategies and Lesson Plans for Tiered Instruction, Grades K-8
by Joni Turville and Linda Allen
Einfluss Von Lernbiografien Und Subjektiven Theorien Auf Selbst Gesteuertes Einzellernen Mittels E-Learning Am Beispiel Fremdsprachenlernen (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #979) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #979)
by Anja Richert
Diese Arbeit nimmt die bisher eher ernuchternden Erfolge des E-Learning zum Ausgangspunkt fur einen Perspektivenwechsel in der Erforschung des Lernprozesses. Ausgehend von aktuellen, tendenziell objektwissenschaftlich gepragten Befunden zu Ursachen der "E-Learning-Depression" wird das E-Learning aus Sicht der Lernenden erforscht. Die empirische subjektwissenschaftliche Studie dieser Arbeit zeigt auf, dass Lernbiografien sowie die subjektiven Theorien der Lernenden die Akzeptanz des E-Learning be...
The Essential Guide to Taking Care of Behaviour (The Essential Guides)
by Paul Dix
This practical, skills-based book provides a wealth of behaviour management strategies that can be used in any classroom. Taking Care of Behaviour will help you to develop your existing skills, build your confidence and create realistic action plans for effective behaviour management. Paul Dix's unique, positive approach will help you manage even the most challenging behaviour with care and control.
Written for teachers, nursery nurses, students and parents by experienced nursery staff, this is an essential guide to organizing, resourcing and teaching in pre-school settings.
Leistungsfoerderung an Gesamtschulen (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #350)
by Jurgen Abel and Jeurgen Abel
Zwanzig Jahre nach Beginn der Bildungsreform ist es an der Zeit zu fragen, ob sich die Anstrengungen fur eine bessere schulische Forderung gelohnt haben. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob es in der Integrierten Gesamtschule, der Hauptschule, der Realschule und dem Gymnasium unterschiedliche Entwicklungen von Intelligenztestleistungen gibt. Der Einfluss der Schulbildung auf die Testleistungen - gesamter Test und aufgegliedert nach den generellen Faktoren sensu Cattell - wird mit einem Transferko...
Best Practices at Tier 1 [secondary]
by Gayle Gregory, Martha Kaufeldt, and Mike Mattos
Flipped classroom pioneers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams take their revolutionary educational philosophy to the next level in Flipped Learning. Building on the energy of the thousands of educators inspired by the influential book Flip Your Classroom, this installment is all about what happens next -- when a classroom is truly student-centered and teachers are free to engage with students on an individual level. Flipping, combined with practical project-based learning pedagogy, changes everyt...