Programming Models for Massively Parallel Computers
The conference was called to address the difficulty of programming distributed memory machines, which is inhibiting the spread of scalable parallel computers; the goal is high-level, application-oriented programming models that assign to the compiler the burdensome, low-level mechanisms of parallel
This volume contains 27 contributions to the Forth Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing presented in October 2009 in Freiburg, Germany. The workshop was organized jointly by the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), the Institute of Computational Technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICT SB RAS) and the Section of Applied Mathematics of the University of Freiburg (IAM Freiburg) The contri...
Science and Engineering on Supercomputers
This book is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as practicing engineers who are involved in design and analysis of radio frequency (RF) circuits. Fully-solved, tutorial-like examples are used to put into practice all major topics required to understand the principles underlying the main sub-circuits required to design an RF transceiver and the whole communication system. Starting with review of principles in electromagnetic (EM) transmission and signal propagation,...
A large international conference on High Performance Computing and its - plications was held in Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2004. It served as a forum to present current work by researchers and software developers from around the world as well as to highlight activities in the high performance computing area. It aimed to bring together research scientists, application - oneers,andsoftwaredeveloperstodiscussproblemsandsolutionsandtoid- tify new issues in this area. The conference focused on the...
Das Buch behandelt die in modernen Hochleistungsprozessoren zum Einsatz kommenden Techniken. Nach einer einfuhrenden Beschreibung von Programmiermodellen werden zunachst skalare Prozessoren, die Mikroprogrammierung und die Fliessbandverarbeitung diskutiert. Die in operationsparallel arbeitenden Prozessoren angewandten Prinzipien kommen zur Sprache. Dabei werden die Multimedia-Einheiten (SIMD-Einheiten), Feldrechner, Vektorrechner, Signalprozessoren, VLIW-Prozessoren und Prozessoren mit kontroll...
Supercomputing '93
MacBook Pro Touch Bar With macOS Catalina User Guide
by Joe Michael
IBM's Midrange Systems 3X, 9370, AS/400
Low Power and Process Variation Aware SRAM and Cache Design
by Avesta Sasan, Fadi Kurdahi, and Ahmed Eltawil
This book addresses process variability and power management for embedded memories, which are becoming dominant components in today's Systems on Chip (SoCs). It provides thorough background on voltage scaling and the reliability effects on memories, while describing memory behavior at different voltages and frequencies. The authors describe a cross-layer approach, simultaneously targeting the manufacturing of devices, the inner-design of the memory circuits, as well as the way they are architec...
Kinder und Jugendliche bewegen sich heutzutage wie selbstverst?ndlich im Internet - sei es mit dem Computer oder dem Smartphone. Dies ist auch durchaus unterst?tzenswert, da sie von zahlreichen Informations-, Kommunikations- und Unterhaltungsangeboten profitieren k?nnen. Die Vielzahl der M?glichkeiten bringt allerdings auch einige Gefahren mit sich - dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Kind sicher davor sch?tzen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie den Computer oder das Smartphone kindersicher einrichten,...
Publisher’s note: This edition from 2018 is outdated and does not include edge computing. A new second edition, updated for edge computing and the messaging protocols like MQTT 5.0 and CoAP, has now been published.Key FeaturesBuild a complete IoT system that is the best fit for your organizationLearn about different concepts, technologies, and tradeoffs in the IoT architectural stackUnderstand the theory, concepts, and implementation of each element that comprises IoT design―from sensors to the...
Commercial Applications for High-performance Computing (Proceedings of SPIE, v. 4528)
by Howard Jay Siegel
Embedded Systems and Software Validation (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Systems on Silicon (Hardcover))
by Abhik Roychoudhury
Modern embedded systems require high performance, low cost and low power consumption. Such systems typically consist of a heterogeneous collection of processors, specialized memory subsystems, and partially programmable or fixed-function components. This heterogeneity, coupled with issues such as hardware/software partitioning, mapping, scheduling, etc., leads to a large number of design possibilities, making performance debugging and validation of such systems a difficult problem. Embedded syst...
Im wachsenden Portfolio von Entwicklungstechniken zeichnen sich zwei wichtige Trends ab. Zum einen dominiert die UML als Modellierungssprache. Zum anderen werden agile Methoden in mittlerweile sehr vielen Softwareentwicklungen eingesetzt. Dieses Buch stellt Konzepte einer Entwicklungsmethodik vor, die UML mit Elementen agiler Methoden kombiniert. Dabei werden ausgehend von den Klassen-, Objekt-, Sequenzdiagrammen, Statecharts und der OCL die Umsetzung nach Java und dem Testframework JUnit diskut...