Geometric Modelling for Product Engineering
This work presents the highlights of the June 17-21, 1990 Workshop on Geometric Modeling for Product Engineering organized by IFIP Working Group 5.2 and attended by 77 researchers representing 11 countries. The workshop explored state-of-the-art research and development in product modeling and its applications, significant trends, and future directions and research opportunities. Papers contributed to this volume are derived from the 53 conference presentations, as well as from input generated b...
AutoCAD LT 97 is a two-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) package for Windows 95 and Windows NT. The software is fully compatible with AutoCAD Release 14, and provides an upgrade to AutoCAD LT Release 3, with many enhancements bringing it up to date with modern CAD technology. AutoCAD LT 97 includes Internet and intranet facilities which provide links to a user's existing browser, such as Internet Explorer or Navigator. An Introduction to AutoCAD LT 97 is an invaluable 'how to' guide for a...
Autodesk BIM 360 Glue User Fundamentals
by Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge
Design of Automatic Machinery. Mechanical Engineering Series
by Stephen J Derby
Written for the piping engineer and designer in the field, this two-part series fills a void in piping literature, since the Rip Weaver books of the '90s were taken out of print at the advent of the Computer Aid Design (CAD) era. Technology may have changed, however the fundamentals of piping rules still apply in the digital representation of process piping systems. The Fundamentals of Piping Design is an introduction to the design of piping systems, various processes and the layout of pipe work...
Als erster Überblick oder zur schnellen Information zu einzelnen Elementen - dieses Handbuch bietet dem Leser den richtigen Einstieg. Es liefert Informationen über Bauelemente der Automatisierungstechnik und deren Einsatz in der Fahrzeugtechnik. Mit einem detaillierten Abkürzungsverzeichnis der gängigen Fachbegriffe.
How can we increase awareness and understanding of other cultures using interactive digital visualizations of past civilizations? In order to answer the above question, this book first examines the needs and requirements of virtual travelers and virtual tourists. Is there a market for virtual travel? Erik Champion examines the overall success of current virtual environments, especially the phenomenon of computer gaming. Why are computer games and simulations so much more successful than other t...
This text seeks to provide students with a clear picture of how real-world systems operate, covering the fundamentals of linear continuous data and digital control systems analysis and design. The sixth edition has been redesigned to enhance student comprehension and expands its coverage of conventional time-domain and frequency-domain analysis and design methods. Kuo offers a new method to the Nyquist stability criterion that requires only one simple plot for a wide class of transfer functions...
Werkstattinformationssysteme (Cim-Fachmann)
Ver{nderte Anforderungen bedingen eine wachsende Flut von Informationen im Unternehmen, welche schnell und sicher bew{ltigt werden mu~. Um eine ausreichende Transparenz innerhalb eines gesamten Betriebes zu erhalten, istdie Integration des Werkstattbereichs in den rechnerunterst}tzten betrieblichen Informationsflu~ notwendig. Werkstattinformationssysteme erlauben einen schnellen und konsistenten Datenflu~ innerhalb der Werkstatt und bieten die...
Klipsmontage mit Industrierobotern (IWB Forschungsberichte, #15)
by Klaus Riese
Fur die automatische Montage von Schnellbefestigungselementen mit Industrierobotern wird eine systematische Planungsmethode vorgestellt. Die denkbaren Varianten fur eine Montagezelle lassen sich mit Hilfe von Funktionsstrukturen geordnet darstellen und durch eine Nutzwertanalyse auf wenige sinnvolle Losungen reduzieren. Fur die verbleibenden Strukturen werden Konzepte fur die einzelnen Elemente einer Montagezelle am Beispiel von Klipsen erarbeitet. Aus den Kombinationen der Konzepte ergeben sich...
Low Power Networks-on-Chip
In recent years, both Networks-on-Chip, as an architectural solution for high-speed interconnect, and power consumption, as a key design constraint, have continued to gain interest in the design and research communities. This book offers a single-source reference to some of the most important design techniques proposed in the context of low-power design for networks-on-chip architectures.
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits
by Sonia Ben Dhia, Mohamed Ramdani, and Etienne Sicard
Learning and Applying Autodesk Inventor 2008 Step-by-step
by L. Scott Hansen
This unique reference was written with the intention that users can learn Inventor on their own with little or no outside help. Unlike other books of its kind, it begins at a very basic level and ends at a fairly advanced level. It's perfect for anyone enrolled in Engineering and Technology programs, as well as professionals interested in learning Autodesk Inventor. It applies to Inventor releases 2003-2008.This title provides step-by-step instructions along with numerous illustrations. Commands...
Microcontroller-Based Temperature Monitoring and Control
by Dogan Ibrahim
Microcontroller-Based Temperature Monitoring and Control is an essential and practical guide for all engineers involved in the use of microcontrollers in measurement and control systems. The book provides design principles and application case studies backed up with sufficient control theory and electronics to develop your own systems. It will also prove invaluable for students and experimenters seeking real-world project work involving the use of a microcontroller. Techniques for the applicat...
Autodesk Inventor X Essentials Plus
by Daniel T Banach, Travis Jones, and Alan J. Kalameja
Updated for use with latest version of Autodesk(R) Inventor(R) software, AUTODESK(R) INVENTOR(R) 2012 ESSENTIALS PLUS demonstrates critical CAD concepts, from basic sketching and modeling through advanced modeling techniques, and provides the skills to master this commonly-used professional tool. The book walks readers through every component of the software, including the user interface, toolbars, dialogue boxes, sketch tools, drawing views, assembly modeling, and more. A combination 'how-to' a...
Now you can design a learning package that fits your introductory engineering course perfectly-with The Engineer's Toolkit: A First Course in Engineering. The Engineer's Toolkit is Prentice Hall's innovative publishing program for introductory engineering. Consisting of modules that cover engineering skills and concepts, programming languages and software tools, The Engineer's Toolkit is a flexible solution for keeping up with the evolving curriculum of first-year engineering.
1m Februar 1980 diskutierten Wissenschaftler, Manager, Arbeitnehmervertreter und 8e- troffene im Rahmen ei nes Kongresses der Gesell schaft fur Informat ike. V. in Kasse 1 die Frage "Fortschritt der Computer - Computer fUr den Fortschritt?" vor allem unter dem Bl ickwinkel, welche "Erfahrungen mit der Informationstechnologie in der Arbeits- wel til gemacht worden sind, welche Wirkungen beim Einsatz dieser Technologie entste- hen und wie die Betroffenen zu Beteil igten an der Entwickl ung (betrie...
Fachgesprache auf der 14. GI-Jahrestagung (Informatik-Fachberichte / Subreihe Kunstliche Intelligenz, #89)
Dieser Band enthalt die schriftlichen Beitrage zu den Fachgesprachen, die wahrend der 14. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fUr Informatik in Braunschweig veranstaltet wurden. Die Beitrage zum Hauptprogramm werden in einem gleichzeitig in derselben Reihe erscheinenden separaten Ta- gungsband verbffentlicht. Die 14. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fUr Informatik steht unter dem Leitthema "Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften" Daran orientieren sich auch die hier verbffentlichten Fachgesprache. Der Fa...
Functional Verification of Programmable Embedded Architectures (Kliniktaschenbucher)
by Prabhat Mishra and Nikil D. Dutt
It is widely acknowledged that the cost of validation and testing comprises a s- nificant percentage of the overall development costs for electronic systems today, and is expected to escalate sharply in the future. Many studies have shown that up to 70% of the design development time and resources are spent on functional verification. Functional errors manifest themselves very early in the design flow, and unless they are detected up front, they can result in severe consequence- both financially...