The book offers a comprehensive and timely overview of advanced mathematical tools for both uncertainty analysis and modeling of parallel processes, with a special emphasis on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and generalized nets. The different chapters, written by active researchers in their respective areas, are structured to provide a coherent picture of this interdisciplinary yet still evolving field of science. They describe key tools and give practical insights into and research perspectives on t...
Machines will attain human levels of intelligence by the year 2040, predicts robotics expert Hans Moravec. And by 2050, they will have far surpassed us. In this mind-bending new book, Hans Moravec takes the reader on a roller coaster ride packed with such startling predictions. He tells us, for instance, that in the not-too-distant future, an army of robots will displace workers, causing massive, unprecedented unemployment. But then, says Moravec, a period of very comfortable existence w...
User care at home is a matter of great concern since unforeseen circumstances might occur that affect people's well-being. Technologies that assist people in independent living are essential for enhancing care in a cost-effective and reliable manner. Assisted care applications often demand real-time observation of the environment and the resident’s activities using an event-driven system. As an emerging area of research and development, it is necessary to explore the approaches of the user care...
Exploring the Fascinating World of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
by Daniel Huston
Introduction to Applied Mathematics (Texts in Applied Mathematics, #1)
by Lawrence Sirovich
From the Preface: "The material in this book is based on notes for a course which I gave several times at Brown University. The target of the course was juniors and seniors majoring in applied mathematics, engineering and other sciences. My basic goal in the course was to teach standard methods, or what I regard as a basic "bag of tricks". In my opinion the material contained here, for the most part, does not depart widely from traditional subject matter. One such departure is the discussion of...
iPhone 13 User Guide and Manual, Tips and Tricks for Beginners
by Ben O Adrian
Bayesian Optimization with Application to Computer Experiments (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
by Tony Pourmohamad and Herbert Lee
This book introduces readers to Bayesian optimization, highlighting advances in the field and showcasing its successful applications to computer experiments. R code is available as online supplementary material for most included examples, so that readers can better comprehend and reproduce methods. Compact and accessible, the volume is broken down into four chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the topic of computer experiments; it includes a variety of examples across many industries....
Graph Theory, Computational Intelligence and Thought (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Theoretical Computer Sci)
Visual Computing (Augmented Vision and Reality, #4)
This volume aims to stimulate discussions on research involving the use of data and digital images as an understanding approach for analysis and visualization of phenomena and experiments. The emphasis is put not only on graphically representing data as a way of increasing its visual analysis, but also on the imaging systems which contribute greatly to the comprehension of real cases. Scientific Visualization and Imaging Systems encompass multidisciplinary areas, with applications in many knowl...
Mendel 2015 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, #378)
This book is a collection of selected accepted papers of Mendel conference that has been held in Brno, Czech Republic in June 2015. The book contents three chapters which represent recent advances in soft computing including intelligent image processing and bio-inspired robotics.: Chapter 1: Evolutionary Computing, and Swarm intelligence, Chapter 2: Neural Networks, Self-organization, and Machine Learning, and Chapter3: Intelligent Image Processing, and Bio-inspired Robotics. The Mendel conferen...
Linked Open Data (LOD) is a pragmatic approach for realizing the Semantic Web vision of making the Web a global, distributed, semantics-based information system. This book presents an overview on the results of the research project "LOD2 -- Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data". LOD2 is a large-scale integrating project co-funded by the European Commission within the FP7 Information and Communication Technologies Work Program. Commencing in September 2010, this 4-year project comprised lea...
New Trends in Database and Information Systems II (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, #312)
This volume contains the papers of 3 workshops and the doctoral consortium, which are organized in the framework of the 18th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'2014). The 3rd International Workshop on GPUs in Databases (GID'2014) is devoted to subjects related to utilization of Graphics Processing Units in database environments. The use of GPUs in databases has not yet received enough attention from the database community. The intention of the GID wo...
Fundamentals of Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
by Ulisses Braga-Neto
Fundamentals of Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning is designed for a one or two-semester introductory course in Pattern Recognition or Machine Learning at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level. The book combines theory and practice and is suitable to the classroom and self-study. It has grown out of lecture notes and assignments that the author has developed while teaching classes on this topic for the past 13 years at Texas A&M University. The book is intended to be concise but tho...
This book is a study of the phenomena of shadows, meant in a broader sense as "symbolic forms". The shadow is a less real, "surface" replica of some more real form. From the Platonic point of view, empirical objects are "shadows of ideas", while from the modern "natural" point of view, shadows are seen and conceived primarily as "weaker" replicas of bodies, which give evidence of their material reality. In the first three essays here, several topics from the Ancient Egypt and Greece to modern ar...
This volume features the contributions to the 15th Symposium of the STAB (German Aerospace Aerodynamics Association). Papers provide a broad overview of ongoing work in Germany, including high aspect ratio wings, low aspect ratio wings, bluff bodies, laminar flow control and transition, active flow control, hypersonic flows, aeroelasticity, aeroacoustics, mathematical fundamentals, numerical simulations, physical fundamentals, and facilities.
Readings in Fuzzy Sets for Intelligent Systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Representation & Reasoning)
In recent years, fuzzy sets have become an important field, the development of which has been accelerated by the emergence of fuzzy control as a commercially successful methodology. This book makes available significant articles on fuzzy sets related to intelligent systems. The papers in this volume cover fundamental notions in fuzzy sets, fuzzy control, fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning, information processing, decision sciences, connections with operations research, and knowledge acquisit...
Intelligent Mobile Robot Navigation (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, #16)
by Federico Cuesta and An Bal Ollero
Intelligent Mobile Robot Navigation builds upon the application of fuzzy logic to the area of intelligent control of mobile robots. Reactive, planned, and teleoperated techniques are considered, leading to the development of novel fuzzy control systems for perception and navigation of nonholonomic autonomous vehicles. The unique feature of this monograph lies in its comprehensive treatment of the problem, from the theoretical development of the various schemes down to the real-time implementatio...
Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics)
by V I Feodosiev
The problems and exercises in Strength and Stability that exceed the bounds of the ordinary university course in complexity and their statement are considered. The advanced problems liberalizing the readers and all- ing to see the connection of the Strength of Materials with some adjacent courses are collected in this book. All the problems and exercises are - compained with the detailed solutions. The set of new problems connected with the development of computer methods and with the applicatio...
Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum Geosciences
This book presents several intelligent approaches for tackling and solving challenging practical problems facing those in the petroleum geosciences and petroleum industry. Written by experienced academics, this book offers state-of-the-art working examples and provides the reader with exposure to the latest developments in the field of intelligent methods applied to oil and gas research, exploration and production. It also analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each method presented using benc...
With hundreds of thousands of mobile apps available today, your app needs to capture a user's interest within minutes - and sometimes even sooner. This practical guide teaches you the core principles for designing effective mobile user interfaces, and helps you get started by providing more than 40 proven UI patterns for mobile websites and applications. You'll find patterns for using gesture and sound, patterns that apply to touch and scroll-and-select devices, and some patterns that have diffe...
Written by a non-computer scientist, this is intended as a practical guide taking the reader from basic concepts to up-to-date research topics in digital image processing. The presentation builds on principles and mathematical tools widely used in the natural sciences. The book discusses the following topics: image acquisition and digitization; linear and non-linear filter operation for the detection of edges, local orientation and texture; fast algorithms on pyramidal and multigrid data structu...