Steven Hoober has been documenting design process for all of his 15 year design career, and entered mobile full time in 2007 when he joined Little Springs Design. His work includes Designing by Drawing and he is a frequent contributor to the Little Springs Design blog. Steven has led projects on security, account management, content distribution, and communications services for numerous products, from construction supplies to hospital recordkeeping. Before coming to Little Springs, Steven spent eight years at U.S. mobile operator Sprint. Eric Berkman is a Designer at Little Springs Design, a leading mobile UX design agency. Eric received his Master's degree in Interaction Design as well as his bachelor's from the University of Kansas. From Coca-Cola to the City of Lawrence Transit System, Eric's career has encompassed such diverse companies such as Miller Brewing Company and Bristol-Merys Squibb. His expertise and interests focus on a user-centric, participatory design approach to create meaningful individual, social, and cultural interactions.