Workplace Bullying and Harassment: New Developments in International Law provides a comprehensive tour around the globe, summarizing relevant legislation and key developments in workplace bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, violence, and stress in over 50 countries in Europe, the Asia Pacific region, the Americas region, and the Middle East and Africa. Workplace bullying, harassment, and other psychological workplace hazards are becoming increasingly acknowledged and legisla...
Today I'm Wearing a Lovely Shade of I Slept Like Crap So Don't Piss Me Off
by Snarky Books Publishing
Outsourcing for Facilities Managers
Todo sobre la imagen del exito / Projecting an Image of Success
by Gaby Vargas
Consejos prácticos para impactar, convencer, destacar y alcanzar el éxito. Por más de dos décadas, Gaby Vargas se ha dedicado al estudio de la imagen personal, lenguaje, comportamiento, gestos y modales. Gracias a su experiencia, ha plasmado en este libro las claves más importantes para proyectar lo mejor de nosotros y lograr una presentación impecable. La nueva edición de Todo sobre la imagen del éxito aporta las herramientas necesarias para comunicarnos con los demás y destacar nuestras virtud...
You know you can do more with your career. And the future is going to demand more of you. The problem is you are so busy keeping up with the day-to-day that you can't prepare for tomorrow. Stretch: How to Future Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace gives you the confidence and knowledge you need to achieve your goals in an ever-changing world. Karie Willyerd and Barbara Mistick—established experts and the collective winners of dozens of awards in the field of personal development and learning...
You All Realize I'm Going to Snap One Day, Right?
by Turtlebird Journal Publishing
A Group of Kids Is Called a Migraine
by Snarky Coworker Notebook Publishing
Sometimes The Best Part Of My Job Is That The Chair Swivels
by Office Humour Press
For the Dishwasher Who Can Fix Almost Anything - Duct Tape Award
by We Appreciate Employees Press
Women and Entrepreneurship in India (Women and Sustainable Business)
The Indian Constitution is the largest written constitution that guarantees equality to women and empowers the State to take affirmative actions in favour of women. India has adopted International conventions for protection of rights of women and granting them equality and ratified the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in the year 1993. The National Policy for Women Empowerment was presented in 2001, the goal of that policy to bring about the advancem...
I Never Asked to Be the World's Best Hospice Nurse, But Here I Am Absolutely Crushing It
by Snarky Books Publishing
From Hierarchy to High Performance
by Bill Sanders, Dawna Jones, and Ozlem Brooke Erol
Don't Ever Underestimate My Ability to Find Shit Out
by Snarky Books Publishing
Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction
by Phil Hughes and Ed Ferrett
Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction has been specially written for the thousands of students who complete the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety each year. Fully revised in alignment with the April 2015 syllabus, the fifth edition provides students with all they need to tackle the course with confidence. The book covers all the essential elements of health and safety management in construction including the legal framework, risk assessment and control st...