Unternehmerische Ernährungskommunikation und -verantwortung
by Tina Bartelmess
Tina Bartelmeß untersucht Ernährungskommunikation von Unternehmen der Lebensmittelwirtschaft aus einer sozialkonstruktivistischen Perspektive. Anhand einer empirischen Studie zeigt sie neue Rollen und Funktionen der Ernährungskommunikation vor dem Hintergrund der Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung des Ernährungssystems auf. Dabei beleuchtet die Autorin insbesondere das Verhältnis zwischen unternehmerischer Verantwortungswahrnehmung und Kommunikation in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit. Sie untermauert...
Humanistic Management in Practice (Humanism in Business)
This book demonstrates how principles of a Humanistic Management paradigm are practiced in a variety of industries and regions by businesses of different ownership structures and sizes. What unites these businesses is their commitment to the three stepped approach of Humanistic Management, which is grounded in unconditional respect for the dignity of life, the integration of ethics in management decisions, and active engagement with stakeholders. These businesses are not labeled social enter...
This hugely successful book has been thoroughly revised to ensure its reputation as a foremost treatment of this lively subject and its compliance with the latest LCCI, CAM and CIM syllabuses. The overall structure has been retained and the main feature of the revision is an extensive updating across all chapters.
Practice Test Solutions Manual with Tutor Center Access Card (no charge)
by Dennis L Wilcox and Vincent Benigni
Spinning the Web is a unique and exciting new guide to public relations strategies and solutions that utilize the Internet. Exploring the connections between public relations and communication technology, this practical book answers technical and strategic questions any practicing or future public relations professional has about using the Internet to achieve public relations goals.
MyLab Search with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for THINK Public Relations
by Dennis L Wilcox, Glen T Cameron, Bryan H Reber, and Jae-Hwa Shin
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may...
Impulse für das Marketing im New Normal (essentials)
by Florian Pfänder and Veit Etzold
Dieses essential gibt einen kompakten Überblick darüber, was Marketingorganisationen im New Normal beachten müssen. Denn unzählige neue Anforderungen innerhalb der VUCA-Welt haben die Gesetzmäßigkeiten des wirtschaftlichen Miteinanders zwischen Unternehmen und ihren Kunden maßgeblich verändert und die Coronakrise ist hier als beispiellose Entwicklung zu sehen.Dies lässt Unternehmen mit vielen Aufgaben zurück, vor allem müssen die Komponenten Markt- und Kundenorientierung im Rahmen der Marketings...
Public Relations for Leisure and (Longman/Ilam Leisure Management)
by Ylva French
Equips the reader with the skills necessary to communicate effectively with customers and to promote a positive image of their facilities. The book provides general guidance on the public relations function and relates the principles of PR to specific opportunities and constraints which face leisure organizatios. It covers areas such as public relations strategy, dealing with the media, relationships with other organizations, sponsorship, crisis communication and evaluation and research.
Although PR scholarship has significantly extended its methodological, reflective and theoretical range, the accompanying resurgence in PR history scholarship still lags behind. This book aims to take apart existing PR history and reconstruct ways of doing it better - to widen the scope of PR by freeing its pasts, presents and futures from the effects of narrow, ideologically driven histories and methods of historiography. An explicitly revisionist project, this book sets out to use discourse...
Public Relations Campaigns
by MS Regina M Luttrell and MR Luke W Capizzo
Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications
by Christine Daymon and Immy Holloway
Qualitative research holds great potential for the study of public relations and marketing communications due to its ability to enable researchers to be closely involved with research participants. This practical guide for those interested in conducting qualitative research takes readers through each stage of the research process. This book:* outlines research techniques* considers methods of data collection* includes sampling and strategies for data analysis, including computer analysis* apprai...