In Fire Your Stock Analyst!, San Francisco Chronicle investment columnist Harry Domash presents a start-to-finish approach to stock selection that draws on winning techniques from the world's top money managers, uses readily available information, and is easy to implement. Learn how to select stocks based on value, growth, and momentum strategies; assess valuation, profitability, risk, business plans, management, and upside/downside potential; decide when to sell; and much more. You'll find ever...
Financial Accounting. Wileyplus Lms Student Package
by Jerry J Weygandt, Paul D Kimmel, and Donald E Kieso
Financial Accounting. Wileyplus Lms Card
by Paul D Kimmel, Jerry J Weygandt, and Donald E Kieso
Principles of Pricing
by Professor Rakesh Vohra and Lakshman Krishnamurthi
Pricing drives three of the most important elements of firm success: revenue and profits, customer behavior and firm image. This book provides an introduction to the basic principles for thinking clearly about pricing. Unlike other marketing books on pricing, the authors use a more analytic approach and relate ideas to the basic principles of microeconomics. Rakesh Vohra and Lakshman Krishnamurthi also cover three areas in greater depth and provide more insight than may be gleaned from existing...
International Financial Reporting Standards
by Darrel Scott and Simonet Terblanche
Now in its sixth edition, and with previous editions translated into 15 languages, this publication gives readers a broad and basic understanding of the key issues for each International Financial Reporting Standard. It summarizes each standard, providing a quick reference for managers and executives in the private and public sectors who may not have a strong background in accounting. This edition includes material of potential interest to the financial analyst. Most chapters also contain exerci...
Bilanzierung von Humankapital - Stand der Forschung und kritische Analyse
by Lutz Volker
Don't panic! The Essential a Hurry series provides you with outlines of the key topics you'll need to know to successfully pass your exams. Introductory Financial Accounting and Reporting covers key topics in concise and clear chapters with illustrative examples. Geared towards exam topics, it will help you to master the fundamentals of topics such as: The statement of financial position The income statement Capital and revenue expenditure Depreciation, disposals and revaluation Ac...
Connect 1-Semester Access Card for Payroll Accounting 2015
by Jeanette Landin and Paulette Schirmer
God Found Some of the Strongest Men and Made Them Real Estate Agents
by Journals Factory
Innovation Performance Measurement. Identifizierung geeigneter Kennzahlen für die Innovationssteuerung
by Sebastian Eisele
Einflussgrößen bei Make-or-buy-Entscheidungen im industriellen Bereich
by Philmon Beiene