Online Course Pack:Managemetnt and Cost Accounting/Management and Cost Accounting Professional Questions/Management and Cost Accounting 4e Student Access Card/How to Write Essays & Assignments
by Alnoor Bhimani, Charles T Horngren, George Foster, Srikant M Datar, Kathleen McMillan, and Jonathan Weyers
Management and Cost Accounting, 4/e Management and Cost Accounting continues to offer a wide-ranging suite of resources to serve the needs of students, instructors and professionals. With a strong international focus, this text provides definitive coverage of established and contemporary issues within management and cost accounting. Drawing on the latest research and surveys, the authors bring technical and theoretical concepts to life through extensive use of real world examples and case stud...
Industrial Engineer What I See At Work
by Industrial Engineer Publishing
Spon's Civil Engineering and Highway Works Price Book 2021 (Spon's Price Books)
Captures real material, plant and labour costs from the UK's major live rail, civils and highways projects. SPON'S CIVIL ENGINEERING AND HIGHWAY WORKS PRICE BOOK 2021 from AECOM gives a full breakdown of labour, plant and material elements, with labour rates updated. Cost guidance is given at a number of levels, varying from the more general functional costs to detailed resource costing; and in conformity with CESMM4 and the Highways Method of Measurement, and updated to the CIJC wage agreement...
Chymische Versuche, Einen Wahren Zucker aus Verschiedenen Pflanzen, die in Unseren Ländern Wachsen, zu Ziehen, Und, Anleitung zum Anbau der zur Zuckerfabrication Anwendbaren Runkelrüben und zur Vortheilhaften Gewinnung des Zuckers aus Denselben: Die Beide
by Andreas Sigismund Marggraf
Statistische Methoden (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, #39)
How to Become an Ultimate Networker (5 Easy Steps)
by George Edward Dubec
Multi Pack: Foundation Marketing with Marketing in Practice DVD Case Studies Volume 1
by Liz Hill and Charles A. Beard
The conflict between Russia and America shaped the world for over four decades. It began in Europe but expanded to cover all continents. Both were universalist powers - they wanted every country in the world to copy their model of government and economy. They could not rest until the other side had been vanquished, and until the mid-1980's this included the prospect of nuclear war. In a new edition of one of the best-selling books in the Seminar Studies in History Series, Martin McCauley looks a...
This exciting introductory book covers both a theoretical and practical approach to the wide-ranging discipline of marketing. It takes the reader through a step-by-step logical process beginning with the basic origins and concepts of marketing, knowing the customer, segmentation and the importance of marketing research through every element of the marketing mix finishing with a simple but detailed approach to the marketing planning process. Models are used throughout to aid understanding.
Using Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace (TD at Work (formerly Infoline))
by Meloney Sallie-Dosunmu
Success in the workplace requires more than strong job skills and business savvy. It also requires emotional intelligence. Sometimes called EQ, emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and respond appropriately to your own and others’ emotions. Using Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace provides an overview of emotional intelligence and explains how to build important EQ skills. In this issue of TD at Work, you will find:descriptions of emotional intelligence competenciesa persona...
Smith (Routledge Philosophers) (Arguments of the Philosophers)
by Professor of Political Science Eric Schliesser
Adam Smith is rediscovered every few generations by philosophers surprised by his subtlety, originality, and relevance. Smith's status as mythical father of economic science and his role as canonical defender of free trade is secure within economics, but few philosophers have been more often misrepresented and underestimated. Because he is well known as an advocate of commercial society, many scholars, public intellectuals, commentators, and journalists are happy to implicate him automatically i...
Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth; Volume 1
by Ridgway James Bookseller