Suspense and Sensibility by Carrie Bebris

Suspense and Sensibility (Mr & Mrs Darcy Mystery, #2)

by Carrie Bebris

Fresh from the curious and unsettling matter of Caroline Bingley (as related in Pride and Prescience), Mr. and Mrs. Darcy have every intention of enjoying their still newlywed status at Pemberly until they are confronted with another mysterious situation, one of...

Suspense and Sensibility

Elizabeth Darcy and her beloved husband Fitzwilliam are taking on the responsibility of finding a suitable suitor for Elizabeth's younger sister Kitty, thereby assuring her a proper place in society.

The angels smile on the young and a perfect match is found, and wedding plans are soon under way. Suddenly a change in personality occurs in Kitty's soon to be model husband--a change so striking as to jeopardize not just the Darcys' social standing, but their lives as well.

A mysterious mirror, an insidious reprobate from the past, and matters far beyond the social circles around Pemberly all come into play in a dangerous puzzle, where the consequences may be the exchange of a soul for a soul.

Once again the Darcys take center stage as the Regency era's answer to The Thin Man's Nick and Nora, searching for truth between tea times, amid the social whirl of Jane Austen's England.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

It took me awhile to get through this book as I never enjoy watching a hero fall. But the story is a very good one, with a terrific ending. Well written and in keeping with Austen's tone, the author does a great job respecting Austen's creations and while not perfect by any means, I didn't find myself irritated or annoyed by any liberties taken with any of the characters. Lucy Ferrars is still very much Lucy Ferrars. As is Fanny, bless her tiny little heart.

This series is sold as a mystery series, but this book in particular contained very little in the way of mystery as one would normally expect it. There is a murder, but it's committed and solved all within a chapter. The greater "mystery" is the abnormal behaviour of Mr. Dashwood and fans of the supernatural will find something to like here, perhaps.

I look forward to continuing with the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2012: Reviewed